中文名称 | 英文名称 |
心室纤颤 | ventricular fibrillation |
生物死亡 | biological death |
脑死亡 | brain death |
偏流 | bias flow |
高阻抗管道 | high impedance tube |
急救员 | emergency medical service-techni- cian |
基础创伤生命支持 | basic trauma life support |
心脏电机械分离 | cardiac electromechanical dissociation |
口对鼻呼气 | mouth to nose respiration |
肺吹气法 | insufflation of lungs |
间歇正压通气 | intermittent positive pressure ven- tilation |
下斜曲线 | recline pressure curve |
增压曲线 | increasing pressure curve |
减压曲线 | decreasing pressure curve |
无气流期 | period of zero flow |
外观容量分布 | apparent volume distribution |
纤维蛋白套 | fibrin sleeve |
经静脉起搏器 | transvenous pacemaker |
前囟测压计 | anterial fontanel monometer |
有创压力监测 | invasive pressure monitoring |
气管内径路 | intratracheal route |
静脉切开 | venotomy |
血气分析 | blood gas analysis |
自由基 | free radical |
血栓素 | thromboxane |
置放急救识别卡 | tagging |
道路交通事故 | road traffic accident |
地震 | earthquake |
旱灾 | drought |
饥荒 | famine |
急诊医学 | emergency medicine |
急救中心 | emergency center |
救护站 | first aid station |
急救网络 | emergency network |
冠心病监护治疗病房 | coronary care unit |
急诊心脏病监护治疗病房 | emergency cardiac care unit |
儿科重症监护治疗病房 | pediatric intensive care unit |
新生儿重症监护治疗病房 | neonatal intensive care unit |
急救医士 | paramedic |
第一急救者 | first responder |
基础生命支持 | basic life support |
加强生命支持 | advanced life support |
加强心脏生命支持 | advanced cardiac life support |
加强创伤生命支持 | advanced trauma life support |
急诊处理 | emergency treatment |
解毒 | detoxication |
哮喘持续状态 | status asthmaticus |
抗休克裤 | military anti-shock trousers |
直流电同步心律转复 | direct current synchronous cardio- version |
直流电非同步除颤 | direct current non-synchronous de- fibrillation |
持续正压呼吸 | continuous positive pressure breathing |
S型口咽通气管 | S-shaped oropharyngeal airway |
单向型口咽通气管 | one way oropharyngeal airway |
鼻咽通气管 | nasopharyngeal airway |
血浆交换 | plasma exchange |
换血疗法 | exchange transfusion |
自身输血 | autotransfusion |
格拉斯哥昏迷评分 | Glasgow coma score |
休克 | shock |
空气栓塞 | air embolism |
空中急救队 | flying squad |
重症监护急救车 | mobile intensive care unit |
重症监护治疗病房 | intensive care unit |
过渡监护治疗病房 | intermediate care unit |
延续生命支持 | prolonged life support |
紧急救援 | emergency relief |
急性中毒 | acute poisoning |
酒精中毒昏迷 | alcoholic coma |
弥漫性肺泡损伤综合征 | diffuse alveolar damage syndrome |
闭胸心脏按压 | close chest cardiac massage |
呼气延缓 | expiratory flow retard |
濒死心律 | agony rhythm |
环甲膜切开气管插管 | cricothyrotomy endotracheal intu- bation |
毁灭效应 | shatter effect |
灾害救援 | disaster assistance |
高血压危象 | hypertensive crisis |
脑血管意外 | cerebrovascular accident |
口对口呼气 | mouth to mouth respiration |
控制式通气 | control mode ventilation |
间歇强制通气 | intermittent mandatory ventilation |
连续气道正压通气 | continuous positive airway pressure |
方波气流型态 | square wave flow pattern |
容量分布 | volume distribution |
吸入氧比例 | fraction of inspiratory oxygen |
临床死亡 | clinical death |
牙关紧闭 | lockjaw |
维持气道通畅 | airway maintenance |
猝死 | sudden death |
心室自主心律 | idioventricular rhythm |
输液泵 | infusion pump |
昏迷 | coma |
袖珍面罩 | pocket mask |
潮气末二氧化碳分压 | end tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure |
急救半径 | rescuing radius |
食管曲张静脉破裂 | rupture of esophageal varices |
肝性昏迷 | hepatic coma |
自杀 | suicide |
心肺脑复苏 | cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation |
开胸心脏按压 | open chest cardiac massage |
海姆利希手法 | Heimlich maneuver |
双手托颌法 | jaw-thrust |
抬头举颏法 | head-lift |
石样心 | stony heart |
除颤器 | defibrillator |
面罩活瓣呼吸装置 | bag-valve-mask respiration unit |
静息心排出量 | resting cardiac output |
氧分压 | partial pressure of oxygen |
二氧化碳分压 | partial pressure of carbon dioxide |
呼吸机 | respirator |
简易呼吸机 | simple respirator |
手动式紧急吸引器 | vitalograph emergency aspirator |
心脏停搏 | asystole |
心搏骤停 | sudden cardiac arrest |
经皮氧监测 | percutaneous oxygen monitoring |
紧急心脏起搏 | emergency cardiac pacing |
经皮起搏器 | percutaneous pacemaker |
遥测心电图 | telecardiogram |
吸气末暂停 | end-inspiratory pause |
水灾 | flood |
蝗灾 | plague of locust |
灾害预报 | damage forecasting |
压力支持 | pressure support |
交通事故医学 | traffic medicine |
再灌注损伤 | reperfusion injury |
气道阻塞 | airway obstruction |
呼气末正压 | end-expiratory positive pressure |
加强通气 | augmented ventilation |
辅助通气 | assisted ventilation |
每分钟手控通气 | manual minute ventilation |
高频通气 | high frequency ventilation |
吸气驱动压 | inspiratory driving pressure |
气流型态 | flow pattern |
静脉高营养 | intravenous hyperalimentation |
呼吸停止 | respiratory arrest |
到院死亡 | dead on arrival |
吸气末正压 | end-inspiratory positive pressure |
危重症医学 | critical care medicine |
复苏学 | resuscitology |
灾害医学 | disaster medicine |
汽车事故医学 | automotive medicine |
急诊医疗体系 | emergency medical service system |
救护车 | ambulance |
急救 | first aid |
院前急救 | pre-hospital care |
窒息 | asphyxia |
肺气压伤 | pulmonary barotrauma |
溺水 | drowning |
食物中毒 | food poisoning |
酒精中毒 | alcoholism |
一氧化碳中毒 | carbon monoxide poisoning |
肺水肿 | pulmonary edema |
多器官功能衰竭 | multiple organ failure |
复苏后综合征 | post-resuscitation syndrome |
复苏 | resuscitation |
心肺复苏 | cardio-pulmonary resuscitation |
同步间歇强制通气 | synchronous intermittent manda- tory ventilation |
持续正压通气 | continuous positive pressure venti- lation |
自然灾害 | natural disaster |
减灾 | disaster mitigation |
灾情监测 | disaster surveillance |
灾前期 | pre-disaster phase |
灾害期 | disaster phase |
灾后期 | post-disaster phase |
震力效应 | brisance effect |
创伤严重度评分 | injury severity score |
洗胃 | gastric lavage |
胸壁高频振荡 | high frequency oscillation of chest wall |
体表高频振荡 | high frequency oscillation of body surface |
经皮二氧化碳监测 | percutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring |
急诊空运中心 | airborne emergency medical center |
血管阻塞危象 | vaso-occlusive crisis |
急性左心室衰竭 | acute left ventricular failure |
静脉插管输液 | intravenous cannula infusion |
压缩性肺容积丧失 | compressed lung volume loss |
震级 | magnitude of earthquake |
人为灾害 | man-power disaster |
灾害防备 | disaster preparedness |