中文名称 | 英文名称 |
年龄中位数 | median age |
老年斑 | senile plaque |
同龄人 | age cohorts |
核碎裂 | karyorrhexis |
老年糖尿病 | senile diabetes mellitus |
跨文化护理 | transcultural nursing |
成骨细胞 | osteoblast |
血管性痴呆 | vascular dementia |
IgA肾病 | IgA nephropathy |
环境性肺部疾病 | environmental pulmonary disease |
单发性脑梗死痴呆 | solitary cerebral infraction dementia |
继发性醛固酮症 | secondary aldoste-ronism |
组蛋白脱乙酰酶 | histone deacetylase |
急性视网膜坏死综合征 | acute retinal necrosis syndrome |
丝裂原激活蛋白激酶 | mitogen activation protein kinase |
法于阴阳 | abiding by law of yin and yang |
端粒 | telomere |
DNA去甲基化酶 | DNA demethylase |
结构式照护 | structural care |
错配修复基因 | mismatch repair gene |
蜕变形成基因 | abnormal dauer formation gene |
临终关怀 | hospice care |
奥瑞姆自护理论 | Orem self-care theory |
个案管理 | case management |
恬淡虚无 | tranquilized mind and empty thinking |
导引 | daoyin |
凋亡抑制蛋白 | inhibitor of apoptosis protein |
家庭护理 | home care |
老人之家 | nursing home |
蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶 | protein-tyro-sine phosphatase |
闭藏 | hiding and storing |
康复护理 | rehabilitation nursing |
淋巴组织特异解旋酶基因 | lymphoid tissue-specific helicase gene |
端锚聚合酶 | tankyrase |
天年 | natural span of life |
形与神具 | harmony of body and spirit |
孤独 | loneliness |
七养 | seven nourishments |
退化 | degeneration |
痉挛状态 | spasticity |
社会康复 | social rehabilitation |
核固缩 | pyknosis |
生物反馈疗法 | biofeedback therapy |
康复工程 | rehabilitation engineering |
负氮平衡 | negative nitrogen balance |
转录偶联修复 | transcription-coupled repair |
蛋白激酶A | protein kinase A |
物理疗法 | physical therapy |
脂纹 | fatty streak |
失写症 | agraphia |
职业康复 | vocational rehabilitation |
等速运动 | isokinetic exercise |
组蛋白修饰 | histone modification |
坏死性死亡 | necrotic death |
闭链运动 | closed kinetic chain |
拮抗肌 | antagonist |
超声疗法 | ultrasound therapy |
康复 | rehabilitation |
失用性萎缩 | disuse atrophy |
光疗法 | phototherapy |
平衡 | balance |
网球肘 | tennis elbow |
脓胸 | empyema |
老年康复 | geriatric rehabilitation |
DNA拓扑异构酶 | DNA topoisomerase |
人类免疫缺陷病毒 | human immunodeficiency virus |
Ras-Raf-MAPK级联反应 | Ras-Raf-MAPK cascade reaction |
淀粉样蛋白 | amyloid protein |
神经原纤维缠结 | neurofibrillary tangles |
氧化磷酸化疾病 | oxidative phosphorylation disease |
基因表达调控 | gene expression regulation |
早老蛋白 | presenilin |
抑癌基因 | tumor suppressor gene |
快速老化小鼠 | senescence accelerated mouse |
基因印记 | genetic imprinting |
载脂蛋白E | apolipoprotein E |
海弗利克极限 | Hayflick limit |
高脂蛋白血症 | hyperlipoproteinemia |
生物标志 | biomarker |
晚期糖基化终末产物受体 | advanced glycation end product receptor |
癌基因 | oncogene |
β-半乳糖苷酶 | β-galactosidase |
基因重组 | gene recombination |
生物钟 | bioclock |
形态发生素 | morphogen |
低钾性周期性麻痹 | hypokalemic periodic paralysis |
肌力 | muscle strength |
剩余尿 | residual urine |
听诊无音间隙 | auscultatory gap |
肺减容术 | lung volume reduction surgery |
限制型心肌病 | restrictive cardiomy-opathy |
未破卵泡黄素化综合征 | luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome |
子宫内膜癌 | endometrial carcinoma |
维生素D | vitamin D |
耳鸣 | tinnitus |
子宫腺肌病 | adenomyosis |
骨钙蛋白 | osteocalcin |
肩关节撞击综合征 | shoulder impingement syndrome |
肩关节周围炎 | scapulohumeral periarthritis |
骨形成 | bone formation |
肌少症 | sarcopenia |
纵隔气肿 | mediastinal emphysema |
关节软骨粗糙 | rough articular cartilage |
关节游离体 | loose body |
气胸 | pneumothorax |
骨性关节炎 | osteoarthritis |
肺结核 | pulmonary tuberculosis |
老年性聋 | presbycusis |
肾性骨营养不良[症] | renal osteodystrophy |
哮鸣音 | wheezing rale |
间歇指令通气 | intermittent mandatory ventilation |
普通感冒 | common cold |
雾化疗法 | nebulization therapy |
谵妄综合征 | delirium syndrome |
冒充者综合征 | imposter syndrome |
呼吸性细支气管炎相关间质性肺疾病 | respiratory bronchiolitis-associat-ed interstitial lung disease |
病理性赘述 | circumstantiality |
摩擦音 | friction rub |
日落综合征 | sundowner syndrome |
控制通气 | controlled ventilation |
妄想性知觉 | delusional perception |
嗜酸细胞性肺疾病 | eosinophilic lung disease |
变应性支气管肺曲菌病 | allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis |
胸腔穿刺术 | thoracentesis |
养老院获得性肺炎 | nursing home-acquired pneumonia |
Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭 | type Ⅱ respiratory failure |
妄想心境 | delusional mood |
咯血 | hemoptysis |
胸腔镜检查 | thoracoscopy |
索莫吉反应 | Somogyi effect |
福维尔综合征 | Foville syndrome |
膀胱过度活动症 | overactive bladder |
弗洛因综合征 | Froin syndrome |
结核性脊髓炎 | tuberculous myelitis |
肠道血管发育不良 | intestinal angiodysplasia |
假膜性小肠结肠炎 | pseudomembranous enterocolitis |
幽门梗阻 | pyloric obstruction |
腰硬联合麻醉 | combined spinal and epidural anesthesia |
慢性胃炎 | chronic gastritis |
药物源性食管炎 | drug-oriented esophagitis |
中毒性巨结肠 | toxic megacolon |
术后谵妄 | postoperative delirium |
幽门螺杆菌 | Helicobacter pylori |
结核性腹膜炎 | tuberculous peritonitis |
控制性降压 | controlled hypotension |
连续蛛网膜下腔麻醉 | continuous subarachnoid block |
残胃 | remnant stomach |
冷冻止痛 | cryoanalgesia |
食管-胃底静脉曲张 | esophago-gas-tric fundal varices |
麻醉维持 | maintenance of anesthesia |
白细胞减少 | leukopenia |
老年人高血压 | senile hypertension |
小肠腺癌 | adenocarcinoma of small intestine |
经皮冠脉介入术 | percutaneous coronary intervention |
便秘 | constipation |
小肠血管瘤 | angioma of small intestine |
逆向型房室折返性心动过速 | anti-dromic atrioventricular reentrant tach-ycardia |
弥散性血管性凝血 | disseminated intravascular coagulation |
慢性淋巴细胞白血病 | chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
预激综合征 | preexcitation syndrome |
脂肪肝 | fatty liver |
造血干细胞移植 | hematopoietic stem cell transplantation |
肺梗死 | pulmonary infarction |
甲亢性心脏病 | hyperthyroid cardiopathy |
酒精性肝硬化 | alcoholic cirrhosis |
心室僵硬度 | ventricular stiffness |
心脏再同步化治疗 | cadiac resyn-chronization |
延迟经皮冠状动脉介入 | delayed percutaneous coronary intervention |
盐敏感性高血压 | salt-sensitive hypertension |
挽救性经皮冠状动脉介入 | rescue percutaneous coronary intervention |
主动脉夹层 | dissection of aorta |
老年性心脏瓣膜病 | senile valvular heart disease |
人工晶状体植入术 | intraocular lens implantation |
上睑下垂 | ptosis |
阵发性房颤 | paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
人工晶状体 | intraocular lens |
牵拉性视网膜脱离 | tractional detachment of retina |
流行性出血性结膜炎 | epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis |
近视 | myopia |
角膜老年环 | cornea arcus senilis |
晶状体超声乳化术 | ultrasonic phaco-emulsification |
原发性视网膜脱离 | primary detachment of retina |
缺血性视神经病变 | ischemic optic neuropathy |
格雷夫斯眼病 | Graves' ophthalmopathy |
充血性心力衰竭 | congestive heart failure |
白内障 | cataract |
老年性黄斑变性 | senile macular degeneration |
脑心综合征 | cerebrocardiac syndrome |
室间隔缺损 | ventricular septal defect |
玻璃体积血 | vitreous hemorrhage |
离心性肥大 | eccentric hypertrophy |
角膜软化症 | keratomalacia |
室性期前收缩 | premature ventricular beat |
剥脱综合征 | exofoliation syndrome |
复视 | diplopia |
长期持续性房颤 | long persistent atrial fibrillation |
成本-效用分析 | cost-utility analysis |
棘阿米巴角膜炎 | Acanthamoeba keratitis |
多重用药 | polypharmacy |
药物滥用 | drug abuse |
现患率 | prevalence rate |
追踪调查 | tracking investigation |
糖尿病[性]视网膜病变 | diabetic retinopathy |
健康促进 | health promotion |
时辰药动学 | chronopharmacokinetics |
视网膜色素变性 | retinitis pigmentosa |
老年医学综合考察 | comprehensive survey of geriatrics |
标化死亡率 | standardized mortality rate |
生活满意度指数 | life satisfaction index |
生物利用度 | bioavailability |
老年人 | the aged |
受体增敏 | receptor hypersensitization |
成本-效果分析 | cost-effectiveness analysis |
药物遗传学 | pharmacogenetics |
口干燥症 | xerostomia |
系膜增殖性肾小球肾炎 | mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis |
少尿 | oliguria |
夜尿 | nocturia |
肝炎病毒相关性肾炎 | hepatitis virus related glomerolonephritis |
经皮肾脏活组织检查术 | percutaneous renal biopsy |
腹膜透析 | peritoneal dialysis |
新月体肾小球肾炎 | crescentic glomerulonephritis |
缺血性肾病 | ischemic renal disease |
老年口腔医学 | geriatric stomatology |
全口义齿 | full denture |
高尿酸血症肾病 | hyperuricemic nephropathy |
本周蛋白尿 | Bence Jones proteinuria |
变应性紫癜 | allergic purpura |
肾病综合征 | nephrotic syndrome |
多发性骨髓瘤 | multiple myeloma |
慢性肾衰竭 | chronic renal failure |
对比剂肾病 | contrast nephropathy |
高血糖高渗状态 | hyperglycemic hyperosmolar status HHS |
动脉粥样硬化斑块 | atherosclerotic plaque |
代谢综合征 | metabolic syndrome |
口服葡萄糖耐量试验 | oral glucose tolerance test |
高尿酸血症 | hyperuricemia |
慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症 | chronic adrenocortical hypofunction |
糖调节受损 | impaired glucose regulation |
混合型酸碱紊乱 | mixed acid-base disturbance |
精神性多饮 | psychogenic polydipsia |
自身免疫性多内分泌腺综合征 | autoimmune polyglandular syndrome |
慢性隐匿性感觉神经病变 | chronic insidious sensory neuropathy |
糖尿病 | diabetes mellitus |
肾上腺皮质癌 | adrenocortical carcinoma |
极低密度脂蛋白 | very low density lipoprotein |
空腹低血糖症 | fasting hypoglycemia |
老年色素沉着 | senile pigmentation |
运动神经元病 | motor neuron disease |
舌咽神经痛 | glossopharyngeal neuralgia |
老年皮肤病 | senile dermatosis |
B细胞 | B cell |
龙贝格征 | Romberg sign |
脑分水岭梗死 | cerebral watershed infarction |
眶上裂综合征 | superior orbital fissure syndrome |
丛集性头痛 | cluster headache |
躯体化障碍 | somatization disorder |
手足徐动症 | athetosis |
神经皮肤综合征 | neurocutaneous syndrome |
低血糖脑病 | hypoglycemic encephalopathy |
眼肌麻痹性偏头痛 | ophthalmoplegic migraine |
良性颅内高压症 | benign intracranial hypertension |
多发脑梗死性痴呆 | multi-infarct dementia |
睾丸鞘膜积液 | testicular hydrocele |
膀胱肿瘤 | bladder tumor |
前列腺癌 | carcinoma of prostate |
重症肌无力 | myasthenia gravis |
原发性醛固酮增多症 | primary hyperaldosteronism |
多神经病 | polyneuropathy |
肾细胞癌 | renal cell carcinoma |
癫 持续状态 | status epilepticus |
阴茎癌 | penile cancer |
静止性震颤 | static tremor |
附睾头囊肿 | cyst of caput epididymis |
横贯性脊髓炎 | transverse myelitis |
副作用 | side reaction |
双室模型 | two-compartment model |
衰弱 | frailty |
心理的个体发展 | ontogenetic development of mind |
离退休综合征 | retirement syndrome |
老年基础医学 | geriatric basic medicine |
特异质反应 | idiosyncrasy reaction |
老年心理学 | psychology of aging |
衰老相关变化 | age-related changes |
心理学 | psychology |
老年期的记忆变化 | memory changes in old age |
睡眠障碍 | sleep disorders |
药物作用机制 | mechanism of drug action |
药源性死亡 | drug-induced death |
老年社会学 | sociology of aging |
记忆 | memory |
药物警戒 | pharmacovigilance |
老年社会心理学 | social psychology of aging |
衰退期 | period of decline |
拮抗剂 | antagonist |
负荷剂量 | loading dose |
心理老化 | psychological aging |
衰老普遍性 | generalization of aging |
拮抗作用 | antagonism |
变态反应 | allergic reaction |
半数中毒量 | median toxic dose |
肠内营养 | enteral nutrition |
营养评价 | nutritional assessment |
老年营养不良 | malnutrition in elderly |
营养调查 | nutrition survey |
膳食调查 | dietary survey |
肠外营养 | parenteral nutrition |
老年医学 | geriatrics |
老年学 | gerontology |
老龄化 | aging |
七旬[代]老人 | septuagenarian |
八旬[代]老人 | octogenarian |
老年人口比例 | proportion of aged population |
总抚养率 | total dependency ratio |
老龄化指数 | index of aging |
日托医院 | day hospital |
长期照料 | long term care |
转录学说 | transcription theory |
健康预期寿命 | active life expectancy |
交联学说 | cross linkage theory |
长寿水平 | longevity level |
支持-教育护理系统 | supportive-educative nursing system |
致癌作用 | carcinogenesis |
载脂蛋白E基因 | apolipoprotein E gene |
心境 | mood |
胰性脑病 | pancreatic ncephalopathy |
滑膜炎 | synovitis |
矫形器 | orthosis |
合理用药 | rational use of drug |
动脉粥样硬化 | atherosclerosis |
果糖胺 | fructosamine |
心肾综合征 | cardiorenal syndrome |
肾脏储备功能 | renal functional reserve |
放射性同位素肾图 | radioisotope re-nography |
巨球蛋白血症 | macroglobulinemia |
胰岛素泵 | insulin pump |
记忆障碍 | dysmnesia |
低渗尿 | hyposthenuria |
多尿 | polyuria |
葡萄糖毒性 | glucose toxicity |
肾小管间质性肾炎 | tubulointerstitial nephritis |
慢性肾盂肾炎 | chronic pyelonephritis |
透析相关性肾囊肿 | dialysis-associated renal cystic disease |
肾小球滤过率 | glomerular filtration rate |
血浆置换 | plasmapheresis |
糖尿病性肾小球病 | diabetic glomerulopathy |
牙龈退缩 | gingival recession |
抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体 | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
覆盖义齿 | overdenture |
氮质血症 | azotemia |
牙根面龋 | root surface caries |
楔状缺损 | wedge-shaped defect |
胰岛细胞抗体 | islet cell antibody |
肾小管性酸中毒 | renal tubular acidosis |
肾血管性高血压 | renovascular hypertension |
持续皮下胰岛素输注 | continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion |
神经病变性糖尿病足溃疡 | neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers |
肾上腺髓质增生症 | adrenal medulla hyperplasia |
烦渴 | polydipsia |
噻唑烷二酮类 | thiazolidinedione |
餐后低血糖症 | postprandial hypoglycemia |
胰岛素释放试验 | insulin releasing test |
急性肾上腺皮质功能减退症 | acute adrenocortical hypofunction |
高磷血症 | hyperphosphatemia |
糖尿病酮症酸中毒 | diabetic ketoac-idosis |
垂体瘤 | pituitary tumor |
继发性营养不良 | secondary malnutrition |
异位促肾上腺皮质激素综合征 | ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone syndrome |
胰岛B细胞瘤 | islet B cell adenoma |
脂质 | lipid |
烟酸 | nicotinic acid |
糖耐量减低 | impaired glucose tolerance |
局灶性血管神经病变 | focal angioneuropathy |
脂蛋白 | lipoprotein |
卵巢功能早衰 | premature ovarian failure |
内翻性乳头状瘤 | inverting papilloma |
骨基质 | bone matrix |
吸入性肺炎 | aspirated pneumonitis |
髌股关节高压症 | excessive pressure of patellofemoral joint |
男性骨质疏松 | male osteoporosis |
骨代谢 | bone metabolism |
骨转换 | bone turnover |
支气管扩张 | bronchiectasia |
子宫肌瘤 | uterine myoma |
绝经 | menopause |
骨组织结构 | structure of bone tissue |
肺脓肿 | pulmonary abscess |
绝经妇女骨质疏松症 | postmenopausal osteoporosis |
骨重建 | bone remodeling |
特发性间质性肺炎 | idiopathic interstitial pneumonia |
宫颈微小型浸润癌 | microinvasive carcinoma of cervix uteri |
颈椎病 | cervical spondylosis |
张力性气胸 | tension pneumothorax |
肺癌 | lung cancer |
错构 | falsification |
支气管激发试验 | bronchial provocation test |
velcro啰音 | velcro rale |
虚构 | confabulation |
易激惹 | irritability |
气道肿瘤 | airway tumor |
痴呆 | dementia |
视空间障碍 | visuospatial disorder |
氧疗 | oxygen therapy |
流行性感冒 | influenza |
库斯莫尔呼吸 | Kussmaul's breathing |
身份识别错误 | identification error |
潮式呼吸 | Cheyne-Stokes respiration |
嗜酸细胞肉芽肿 | eosinophilic granuloma |
间停呼吸 | Biot's breathing |
同步间歇指令通气 | synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation |
灾难反应 | catastrophic reaction |
胸膜活检 | pleura biopsy |
辅助-控制通气 | assist-control ventilation |
简易精神状况检查 | mini-mental state examination |
湿啰音 | moist rale |
心肌成形术 | cardiomyoplasty |
心动过缓—心动过速综合征 | brady-tachyarrhythmia syndrome |
急性动脉栓塞 | acute arterial embolism |
心源性休克 | cardiogenic shock |
不定型心肌病 | unclassified cardio-myopathy |
肝脓肿 | hepatic abscess |
肥厚型心肌病 | hypertrophic cardio-myopathy |
老年性白内障 | senile cataract |
经胸超声心动图 | transthoracic echocardiography |
心室扑动 | ventricular flutter |
闭角型青光眼 | angle-closure glaucoma |
视神经视网膜炎 | neuroretinitis |
结膜炎 | conjunctivitis |
黄斑视网膜前膜 | macular epiretinal membrane |
角膜鳞状细胞癌 | corneal squamous cell carcinoma |
低视力 | low vision |
带状角膜病变 | band-shaped ker-atopathy |
梗死后心绞痛 | postinfarction angina pectoris |
角膜原位癌 | corneal carcinoma in situ |
巩膜炎 | scleritis |
稳定型心绞痛 | stable angina pectoris |
心绞痛 | angina pectoris |
冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 | coro-nary atherosclerotic heart disease |
药物分布 | drug distribution |
处方事件监测 | prescription-event monitoring |
健康生存质量表 | quality of well-being scale |
药物经济学 | pharmacoeconomics |
黄斑裂孔 | macular hole |
健康促进评价 | health promotion evaluation |
抚养系数 | dependency coefficient |
药物代谢 | drug metabolism |
干预研究 | intervention study |
细菌性角膜炎 | bacterial keratitis |
药代动力学缺陷 | pharmacokinetics defect |
药物依赖性 | drug dependence |
药物成瘾性 | drug addiction |
亚健康 | subhealth |
病例-对照研究 | case-control study |
人口老龄化 | population aging |
视神经炎 | optic neuritis |
基本药物 | essential drug |
随机对照试验 | randomized controlled trial |
内斜视 | esotropia |
生存率 | survival rate |
高钠血症 | hypernatremia |
1型糖尿病 | type 1 diabetes |
糖尿病心肌病 | diabetic cardiomyopathy |
诺特纳格尔征 | Nothnagel sign |
帕金森叠加综合征 | Parkinson plus syndrome |
颈内动脉海绵窦瘘 | carotid-cavernous fistula |
翼管神经痛 | vidian neuralgia |
难治性癫痫 | intractable epilepsy |
老年性白发 | canities senile |
帕里诺综合征 | Parinaud's syndrome |
希尔德病 | Schilder disease |
皮克病 | Pick's disease |
强直性肌病 | myotonic myopathy |
糖尿病神经病变 | diabetic neuropathy |
帕金森病 | Parkinson disease |
巴宾斯基征 | Babinski sign |
老年性血管瘤 | senile angioma |
马-比二氏病 | Marchiafava-Bignami disease |
老年性角化症 | senile keratosis |
莱姆病 | Lyme disease |
酒精性脑萎缩 | cerebral atrophy in alcoholic |
胰高血糖素 | glucagon |
脂溢性角化病 | seborrheic keratosis |
体像障碍 | body-image disturbance |
神经安定麻醉 | neuroleptanesthesia |
痉挛性偏瘫 | spastic hemiplegia |
尿急 | urgent micturition |
韦尼克-科尔萨科夫综合征 | Wer-nicke-Korsakoff syndrome |
老年自发性气胸 | senile spontaneous pneumothorax |
强直阵挛发作 | tonic clonic seizure |
病毒性脑膜炎 | viral meningitis |
延髓麻痹 | bulbar paralysis |
老年慢性粥样硬化性主动脉瘤 | senile chronic atherosclerotic aortic aneurysm |
脊髓休克 | spinal shock |
肌张力障碍 | dysmyotonia |
急性自主神经病 | acute autonomous neuropathy |
脊髓痨 | tabes dorsalis |
男性泌尿生殖系统结核 | male geni-tourinary tuberculosis |
化脓性脑膜炎 | purulent meningitis |
针刺麻醉 | acupuncture anesthesia |
连续硬膜外麻醉 | continuous epidural anesthesia |
溃疡性结肠炎 | ulcerative colitis |
肝细胞癌 | liver cell carcinoma |
食管癌 | esophageal carcinoma |
急性胆管炎 | acute cholangitis |
静脉麻醉 | intravenous anesthesia |
萎缩性胃炎 | atrophic gastritis |
股神经阻滞 | femoral nerve block |
胆石症 | cholelithiasis |
病毒性肝炎 | viral hepatitis |
静脉-吸入复合麻醉 | combined intravenous and inhalation anesthesia |
椎管内麻醉 | intrathecal anesthesia |
椎旁神经节阻滞 | paravertebral nerve block |
静脉局部麻醉 | Bier Block |
坐骨神经阻滞 | sciatic nerve block |
骶管阻滞 | caudal block |
小肠神经纤维瘤 | fibroneuroma of small intestine |
老年退行性主动脉瓣关闭不全 | senile degenerative aortic incompetence |
骨髓纤维化 | myelofibrosis |
端坐呼吸 | orthopnea |
动态心电图 | ambulatory electrocar-diogram |
药物性肝损害 | drug-induced hepatic injury |
缺血再灌注损伤 | ischemia-reperfusion injury |
抗心动过速起搏器 | anti-tachycardia pacemaker |
冠状动脉旁路移植术 | coronary artery bypass grafting |
小肠平滑肌肉瘤 | leiomyosarcoma of small intestine |
心室顺应性 | ventricular compliance |
心肌重构 | myocardial remodeling |
肺栓塞 | pulmonary embolism |
心源性哮喘 | cardiac asthma |
良性位置性眩晕 | benign positional vertigo |
急性胃炎 | acute gastritis |
玻璃体后脱离 | posterior vitreous detachment |
房室交界性期前收缩 | junctional premature contraction |
核纤层蛋白A | lamin A |
药物基因组学 | pharmacogenomics |
结直肠癌 | colorectal cancer |
核纤层 | nuclear lamina |
水过多 | water excess |
氧化应激 | oxidative stress |
脑桥中央髓鞘溶解 | central pontine myelinolysis |
快速耐受[性] | tachyphylaxis |
孤立性肺结节 | solitary pulmonary nodule |
代谢率 | metabolic rate |
长寿基因 | longevity genes |
精气神 | essence |
磷脂 | phospholiplid |
DNA梯状条带 | DNA ladder |
泛素 | ubiquitin |
凋亡诱导因子 | apoptosis-inducing factor |
自我照顾 | self-care |
老年护理学 | geriatric nursing |
五禽戏 | five mimic-animal exercise |
反式作用因子 | trans-acting factor |
缓和照顾 | palliative care |
自护总需要 | self-care requisite |
单核苷酸多态性 | single nucleotide polymorphism |
护理程序 | nursing process |
养生 | health maintenance |
毒性反应 | toxic reaction |
药物依赖性失眠 | drug-dependent insomnia |
生物半衰期 | biological half-life |
失眠 | insomnia |
冰山现象 | iceberg phenomenon |
配伍禁忌 | incompatibility |
一级速率过程 | first order processes |
药源性疾病 | drug-induced disease |
首剂效应 | first-dose response |
生物等效性 | bioequivalence |
时代性遗忘 | epochal amnesia |
收藏癖 | collectomania |
非竞争性拮抗剂 | noncompetitive antagonist |
受体 | receptor |
量效关系 | doseeffect relationship |
非预期不良反应 | unanticipated adverse reaction |
心理健康 | mental health |
营养支持 | nutritional support |
试验膳食 | pilot diet |
临床营养 | clinical nutrition |
静息能量消耗 | rest energy expenditure |
营养风险筛查 | nutritional risk screening |
PTEN基因 | phosphates and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten gene |
磷脂酶A | phospholipase A |
高速泳动族模体 | high mobility group motif |
甲基化CpG结合区 | methyl-CpG binding domain |
基因差异表达 | gene differential expression |
磷脂酰肌醇 | phosphatidyl inositol |
p53基因 | p53 gene |
p27KIP1基因 | p27KIP1 gene |
瘦蛋白 | leptin |
共济失调-毛细血管扩张症 | ataxia-telangiectasia |
氧自由基 | oxygen derived free radicals |
血小板衍生生长因子 | platele derived growth factor |
过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体 | peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-tor |
p33ING1基因 | p33ING1 gene |
细胞因子 | cytokine |
磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶 | phosphatidylin-ositol-3-kinase |
染色质重塑 | chromatin remodeling |
神经生长因子 | nerve growth factor |
G蛋白-磷脂酶C途径 | G protein-phospholipase C pathway |
线粒体肿胀 | mitochondrial swelling |
水疗法 | hydrotherapy |
作业治疗师 | occupational therapist |
关节活动度 | range of motion |
残障 | handicap |
自然死亡 | natural death |
失读症 | alexia |
神经生理学疗法 | neurophysiological therapy |
康复工程师 | rehabilitation engineer |
假肢技师 | prosthetist |
代龄 | population doubles |
日常生活活动 | activities of daily living |
康复评估 | rehabilitation assessment |
假体 | prosthesis |
高速泳动族蛋白 | highy mobility group protein |
治疗性运动 | therapeutic exercise |
运动再学习法 | motor relearning program |
离心收缩 | eccentric contraction |
细胞衰老 | cell aging |
妇科炎症 | gynecological inflammation |
老年化 | senescence |
生命质量 | quality of life |
新生血管性青光眼 | neovascular glaucoma |
眼睑恶性黑色素瘤 | malignant melanoma of eyelid |
暗适应 | dark adaptation |
二尖瓣狭窄 | mitral stenosis |
暴露性角膜炎 | exposure keratitis |
老年性睑外翻 | senile ectropion |
脉络膜炎 | choroiditis |
视力 | visual acuity |
卧位型心绞痛 | angina decubitus |
真菌性角膜炎 | fungal keratitis |
角膜溃疡 | corneal ulcer |
虹膜睫状体炎 | iridocyclitis |
正常眼压性青光眼 | normal tension glaucoma |
劳力性心绞痛 | exertional angina pectoris |
蚕蚀性角膜溃疡 | Mooren's ulcer |
眼睑皮脂腺癌 | sebaceous carcinoma of eyelid |
眼睑基底细胞癌 | basal cell carcinoma of eyelid |
恶化型心绞痛 | crescendo angina pectoris |
斜视 | strabismus |
经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术 | percuta-neous transluminal coronary angio-plasty |
睑裂斑 | pinguecula |
终点指标 | endpoint criteria |
非处方药物 | over-the-counter drug |
健康老龄化 | healthy aging |
药物流行病学 | pharmacoepidemiology |
药物排泄 | drug excretion |
视网膜静脉阻塞 | retinal vein obstruction |
表观分布容积 | apparent volume of distribution |
视网膜脱离 | retinal detachment |
病死率 | fatality rate |
老年人口系数 | coefficient of aged population |
老年前期 | presenium |
视网膜动脉阻塞 | retinal artery obstruction |
开角型青光眼 | open angle glaucoma |
期望寿命 | life expectancy |
健康 | health |
增龄 | age increase |
药物治疗矛盾 | contradiction of the drugs treatment |
前药 | prodrug |
高龄老人 | the oldest old |
健康状态 | state of health |
药学监护 | pharmaceutical care |
布丰寿命系数 | Buffon life coefficient |
零级速率过程 | zero order processes |
药物不良反应 | adverse drug reaction |
过度作用 | over effect |
老年期感觉[能力]变化 | sensory changes in old age |
协同作用 | synergism |
老年期心理卫生 | mental health in old age |
老年流行病学 | geriatric epidemiology |
抗生素后效应 | post antibiotic effect |
对症治疗 | symptomatic treatment |
药理效应 | pharmacological effect |
构效关系 | structure-activity relationship |
衰老 | senescence |
衰退 | decline |
致畸作用 | teratogenesis |
单室模型 | single compartment model |
心理年龄 | mental age |
血浆蛋白结合率 | plasma protein binding rate |
治疗指数 | therapeutic index |
阈浓度 | threshold concentration |
老年人共病 | older adults with comorbidity |
老年人膳食指南 | dietary guideline of the elderly |
食物特殊动力作用 | specific dynamic action |
血糖指数 | glycemic index |
营养 | nutrition |
硒缺乏综合征 | selenium deficiency syndrome |
老年人适宜摄入量 | adequate dietary intake of the elderly |
普通膳食 | general diet |
老年人推荐摄入量 | recommended dietary intake of the elderly |
蛋白质-能量营养不良 | protein-en-ergy malnutrition |
交通性脑积水 | communicating hydrocephalus |
橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩 | olivoponto-cerebellar atrophy |
小脑性共济失调 | cerebellar ataxia |
颈动脉盗血综合征 | carotid steal syndrome |
韦尼克脑病 | Wernicke encephalopathy |
椎基底动脉供血不足 | vertebro-basi-lar artery insufficiency |
发作性睡病 | narcolepsy |
老年急性主动脉夹层 | senile acute aortic dissection |
胃肠道间质瘤 | gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
反流性食管炎 | reflux esophagitis |
肝炎后肝硬化 | posthepatitic cirrhosis |
局部浸润麻醉 | local infiltration anesthesia |
胆管癌 | cholangiocarcinoma |
胃肠道脂肪瘤 | lipoma of gastrointes-tinal tract |
肠化生 | intestinal metaplasia |
食管旁食管裂孔疝 | paraesophageal hiatus hernia |
炎性肠病 | inflammatory bowel disease |
腹膜炎 | peritonitis |
全身麻醉 | general anesthesia |
肠套叠 | intussusception |
肠憩室 | intestinal diverticulum |
原发性肝癌 | primary hepatic carcinoma |
自发性腹膜炎 | spontaneous peritonitis |
慢性病毒性肝炎 | chronic viral hepatitis |
食管异物 | esophageal foreign body |
克罗恩病 | Crohn's disease |
结肠息肉 | colonic polyp |
局部麻醉 | local anesthesia |
硬[脊]膜外阻滞 | epidural block |
肝硬化 | liver cirrhosis |
控制性降温 | controlled hypothermia |
平衡麻醉 | balanced anesthesia |
老年麻醉 | geriatric anesthesia |
经皮球囊主动脉瓣成形术 | percuta-neous balloon aortic valvuloplasty |
急性冠脉综合征 | acute coronary syndrome |
巨幼细胞贫血 | megaloblastic anemia |
心脏性猝死 | sudden cardiac death |
顺向型房室折返性心动过速 | ortho-dromic atrioventricular reentrant tach-ycardia |
混合性高脂血症 | mixed hyperlipidemia |
特发性血小板减少性紫癜 | idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura |
心脏破裂 | cardiac rupture |
心脑综合征 | cardio-cerebral syndrome |
胃肠道淋巴瘤 | lymphoma of gastro-intestinal tract |
假性高血压 | pseudo hypertension |
老年高血压性肥厚型心肌病 | hyper-tensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the elderly |
致心律失常型右心室心肌病 | arrhy-thmogenic right ventricular cardio-myopathy |
原发性血小板增多症 | essential thrombocythemia |
动脉僵硬度 | arterial stiffness |
恶性淋巴瘤 | malignant lymphoma |
血脂紊乱 | dyslipidemia |
老年收缩期高血压 | senile systolic hypertension |
再生障碍性贫血 | aplastic anemia |
铸造冠 | cast crown |
黎明现象 | dawn phenomenon |
唾液腺良性肥大 | benign hypertrophy of salivary gland |
2型糖尿病 | type 2 diabetes |
痴呆的行为和精神症状 | behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia |
蜜月期 | honeymoon period |
马兜铃酸肾病 | aristolochic acid nephropathy |
牙髓炎 | pulpitis |
血红蛋白尿 | hemoglobinuria |
肾动脉粥样硬化性狭窄 | atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis |
微量白蛋白尿 | microalbuminuria |
血尿 | hematuria |
轻微病变性肾小球肾炎 | minimal change glomerulonephritis |
连续性肾脏替代治疗 | continuous renal replacement therapy |
谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体 | glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody |
异常蛋白血症 | dysproteinemia |
急性肾衰竭 | acute renal failure |
血液透析 | hemodialysis |
尿崩症 | diabetes insipidus |
多食 | polyphagia |
惠普尔三联症 | Whipple trilogy |
动脉粥样化形成 | atherogenesis |
胃大部切除术后低血糖症 | hypoglycemia after subtotal gastrectomy |
脂蛋白a | lipoproteina |
血β脂蛋白异常 | dysbetalipopro-teinemia |
沙尔科关节 | Charcot joint |
泡沫细胞 | foam cell |
肾上腺皮质腺瘤 | enocortical adenoma |
催乳素瘤 | prolactinoma |
高密度脂蛋白 | high density lipoprotein |
抗利尿激素分泌失调综合征 | syn-drome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone |
酮体 | ketone body |
代谢性碱中毒 | metabolic alkalosis |
皮质醇增多症 | hypercortisolism |
结节性黄色瘤 | xanthoma tuberosum |
失水 | water loss |
原发性骨质疏松症 | primary osteoporosis |
急性呼吸窘迫综合征 | acute respira-tory distress syndrome |
骨质疏松[症] | osteoporosis |
过敏性肺炎 | allergic pneumonia |
功能失调性子宫出血 | dysfunctional uterine bleeding |
梅尼埃病 | Ménière's disease |
多囊卵巢综合征 | polycystic ovarian syndrome |
耵聍栓塞 | ceruminal impaction |
破骨细胞 | osteoclast |
老年性骨质疏松症 | senile osteoporosis |
骨矿物质含量 | bone mineral content |
肺孢子虫病 | pneumocystosis |
肩袖损伤 | rotator cuff injury |
康复医学 | rehabilitation medicine |
围绝经期 | perimenopausal period |
代谢性骨病 | metabolic bone disease |
骨密质 | compact bone |
慢性阻塞性肺疾病 | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
支气管咩音 | broncho-egophony |
肺康复治疗 | lung rehabilitation care |
老年人医院获得性肺炎 | senile hos-pital-acquired pneumonia |
免疫受损宿主肺炎 | immunocom-promised host pneumonia |
支气管语音 | bronchiloquy |
呼气末正压通气 | positive end-expir-atory pressure ventilation |
发绀 | cyanosis |
强制性哭笑 | forced weeping and laughing |
肺-氧化碳弥散量 | diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide of lung |
湿化疗法 | humidity therapy |
指令分钟通气 | mandatory minute ventilation |
双相气道压力调节通气 | pressure regulated biphasic airway pressure |
假性幻觉 | pseudo hallucination |
神经精神量表 | neuropsychiatric inventory |
肺炎 | pneumonia |
老年哮喘 | senile asthma |
老年人良性遗忘 | benign senescent forgetfulness |
老年期抑郁症 | geriatric depression |
低蛋白饮食 | low protein diet |
老年皮肤病学 | geriatric dermatology |
梅毒性脊髓炎 | syphilitic myelitis |
霍纳综合征 | Horner syndrome |
脑动脉硬化症 | cerebral arteriosclerosis |
C-肽 | C-peptide |
急性-氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病 | delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning |
神经系统副肿瘤综合征 | parane-oplastic neurological syndrome |
米亚尔-居布勒综合征 | Millard-Gubler syndrome |
脑疝 | brain hernia |
糖尿病眼肌麻痹 | diabetic ophthal-moplegia |
胰岛素 | insulin |
新型隐球菌性脑膜炎 | cryptococcus neoformans meningitis |
布罗卡失语症 | Broca's aphasia |
脑积水 | hydrocephalus |
皮肤老化 | skin aging |
老年性皮脂腺增生 | senile sebaceous hyperplasia |
大疱性类天疱疮 | bullous pemphigoid |
输尿管结石 | ureteral calculus |
睾丸肿瘤 | tumor of testis |
进行性核上性麻痹 | progressive supranuclear palsy |
经皮质运动性失语 | transcortical motor aphasia |
核间性眼肌瘫痪 | internuclear ophthalmoplegia |
急性脊髓炎 | acute myelitis |
高血压脑病 | hypertensive encepha-lopathy |
急迫性尿失禁 | urgency incontinence |
下尿路症状 | lower urinary tract symptoms |
基底动脉尖综合征 | top of the basilar syndrome |
急性尿潴留 | acute urinary retention |
脊髓亚急性联合变性 | subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord |
克罗-深濑综合征 | Crow-Fukase syndrome |
尿频 | frequent micturition |
老年自发性肋骨骨折 | senile sponta-neous rib fracture |
氧脉冲 | oxygen pulse |
活性氧 | reactive oxygen |
沃纳综合征 | Werner's syndrome |
膝骨关节炎 | knee osteoarthritis |
自发性心绞痛 | spontaneous angina pectoris |
局限性遗忘 | localized amnesia |
基础能量消耗 | basal energy expenditure |
记忆恢复 | reminiscence |
贝尔征 | Bell sign |
打坐 | sitting in meditation |
等长收缩 | isometric contraction |
程序性细胞死亡 | programmed cell death |
凋亡小体 | apoptotic body |
文化冲击 | culture shock |
临终照料 | terminal care |
日间护理 | day care |
肾不纳气 | failure of shen-qi to control inspiration |
自我整合 | ego integrity |
五养 | five nourishments |
非酶糖基化 | non-enzymatic gluco-sylation |
健康教育 | health education |
蛋白激酶B | protein kinase B |
全补偿护理系统 | wholly compensatory nursing system |
蛋白酶体 | proteasome |
社区式照护 | community care |
成纤维细胞生长因子 | fibroblast growth factor |
转介 | referral |
炼精补脑 | refining essence to nourish brain |
C反应蛋白 | C-reactive proten |
液化智力 | fluid intelligence |
神经可塑性 | neuroplasticity |
高级日常生活能力 | advanced activityies of daily living |
淀粉样变 | amyloidosis |
渐进性抗阻训练法 | progressive resistance exercise |
组蛋白密码 | histone code |
萎缩 | atrophy |
膜通透性 | membrane permeability |
自噬 | autophagy |
物理治疗师 | physiotherapist |
无氧运动 | anaerobic exercise |
细胞衰老标志 | sign of cell aging |
脂质过氧化物 | lipid hydroperoxide |
职业咨询顾问 | vocational counselor |
矫形技师 | orthotist |
钙化 | calcification |
向心收缩 | concentric contraction |
姐妹染色单体交换 | sister chromatid exchange |
卵巢性索间质肿瘤 | ovarian sex cord stromal tumor |
子宫内膜异位症 | endometriosis |
骨细胞 | osteocyte |
骨松质 | cancellous bone |
Raf蛋白激酶 | Raf protein kinase |
基因沉默 | gene silencing |
有丝分裂细胞死亡 | mitotic cell death |
线粒体DNA | mitochondrial DNA |
沉默信息调节因子1 | silence infor-mation regulator 1 |
血管内皮生长因子 | vascular endo-thelial growth factor |
自由基 | free radical |
永生化细胞 | immortalized cell |
细胞早衰 | cellular premature senescence |
线粒体肌病 | mitochondrial myopathy |
免疫衰老 | immunosenescence |
胱天蛋白酶 | caspase |
p38基因 | p38 gene |
染色体畸变 | chromosome aberration |
p21WAF-1/CIP-1基因 | p21WAF-1/ CIP-1 gene |
异倍体 | heteroploid |
间隙性遗忘 | lacunar amnesia |
葡萄膜炎 | uveitis |
脊髓前动脉综合征 | spinal anterior artery syndrome |
压力指数 | pressure index |
白血病 | leukemia |
表皮生长因子 | epidermal growth factor |
初级记忆 | primary memory |
晶化智力 | crystallized intelligence |
程序衰老 | programmed aging |
亨廷顿病 | Huntington disease |
半数致死量 | median lethal dose |
额颞痴呆 | frontotemporal dementia |
抗原呈递细胞 | antigen presenting cell |
器质性抑郁症 | organic depression |
肺气肿 | emphysema |
单纯疱疹脑炎 | herpes simplex encephalitis |
胃肠道外全面营养 | total parenteral nutrition |
溢泪 | epiphora |
太极拳 | taijiquan |
抗凋亡蛋白 | antiapoptosis protein |
蛋白激酶C | protein kinase C |
DNA甲基化酶 | DNA methyltransferase |
跌倒 | fall |
压疮 | pressure sore |
表皮生长因子受体 | epidermal growth factor receptor |
脂连蛋白 | adiponectin |
常染色质 | euchromatin |
临床护理路径 | clinical pathway for nursing |
舒适护理 | comfort care |
脂褐素 | lipofuscin |
蛋白质差错成灾学说 | protein error catastrophe theory |
端粒结合蛋白 | telomere binding protein |
自护力量 | self-care agency |
养生之道 | principle of health preservation |
喘息服务 | respite care |
端粒酶 | telomerase |
四季摄生法 | health preservation conforming with the four seasons |
罗伊适应模式 | Roy adaptation model |
吐纳 | exhalation and inhalation |
命门之火 | ming men fire |
DNA甲基化 | DNA methylation |
秋冬养阴 | nourishing yin in autumn and winter |
克老素基因 | Klotho gene |
过氧化氢酶 | catalase |
p16基因 | p16INK4 gene |
细胞群体倍增 | cell population doubling |
过氧化物酶 | peroxidase |
内质网应激 | endoplasmic reticulum stress |
细胞黏附分子 | cell adhesion molecule |
异染色质 | heterochromatin |
转化生长因子-β 超家族 transform-ing growth factor-β superfamily | transforming growth factor-β superfamily |
Ras基因 | Ras gene |
磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶-蛋白激酶B途径 | phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-protein kinase B pathway |
衰老基因 | senescence gene |
毛细血管扩张性共济失调突变基因 | ataxia telangiectasia-mutated gene |
淀粉样前体蛋白 | amyloid precursor protein |
内皮肽 | endothelin |
错义突变 | missense mutation |
核因子B | nuclear factor-B |
席夫碱键 | Schiff base bond |
晚期糖基化终末产物 | advanced glycation end product |
SOS修复 | SOS repair |
生物钟基因 | bioclock gene |
τ蛋白 | τprotein |
β-淀粉样蛋白 | amyloid β-protein |
寡免疫 | pauci-immune |
过氧化物 | peroxide |
干扰小RNA | small interfering RNA |
金属硫蛋白 | metallothionein |
缺硫性毛发营养不良病 | tri chothi-odystrophy |
Jak-STAT信号转导途径 | Janus kinase-signal transducer and activators of transcription pathway |
衰老相关异染色质灶 | senescence-associated heterochromatin foci |
胰岛素基础率 | insulin basal rate |
家庭访视 | home visit |
杰克逊综合征 | Jackson syndrome |
无牙颌 | edentulous jaw |
颞叶癫 | temporal lobe epilepsy |
脊髓梅毒 | myelosyphilis |
RNA干扰 | RNA interference |
胸腔积液 | pleural effusion |
四气调神 | spiritual cultivation conforming with the four seasons |
低磷血症 | hypophosphatemia |
药物吸收 | drug absorption |
杰克逊癫 | Jackson epilepsy |
颈动脉窦性晕厥 | carotid sinus syncope |
压力性尿失禁 | stress incontinence |
兰伯特-伊顿肌无力综合征 | Lam-bert-Eaton Myasthenic syndrome |
梅格斯综合征 | Meige syndrome |
脑卒中 | stroke |
紧张性头痛 | tension headache |
短暂性全面性遗忘 | transient global amnesia |
急性胰腺炎 | acute pancreatitis |
肠粘连 | ankylenteron |
十二指肠炎 | duodenitis |
胆管细胞癌 | cholangio cellular carcinoma |
臂神经丛阻滞 | brachial plexus block |
胃溃疡 | gastric ulcer |
胆囊癌 | carcinoma of gallbladder |
不典型增生 | atypical hyperplasia |
肠绞窄 | strangulation of bowel |
老年退行性二尖瓣关闭不全 | senile degenerative mitral incompetence |
急性胆囊炎 | acute cholecystitis |
重症急性胰腺炎 | severe acute pancreatitis |
颈神经丛阻滞 | cervical plexus block |
肠扭转 | volvulus |
慢性肝炎 | chronic hepatitis |
肠结核 | intestinal tuberculosis |
慢性胆囊炎 | chronic cholecystitis |
肝血管瘤 | hemangiomas of liver |
胃食管反流 | gastroesophageal reflux |
全静脉麻醉 | total intravenous anesthesia |
神经丛阻滞 | nerve plexus block |
转移性肝癌 | metastatic liver cancer |
慢性髓细胞性白血病 | chronic myelogenous leukemia |
主动脉瘤 | aortic aneurysm |
真性红细胞增多症 | polycythemia vera |
肺血栓栓塞症 | pulmonary throm-boembolism |
肝肾综合征 | hepatorenal syndrome |
肥厚型主动脉瓣下狭窄 | idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis |
骨髓增殖性肿瘤 | myeloproliferative neoplasm |
慢性肺源性心脏病 | chronic cor pulmonale |
劳力性呼吸困难 | exertional dyspnea |
扩张型心肌病 | dilated cardiomyopathy |
急性左心衰竭 | acute left heart failure |
慢性病贫血 | anemia of chronic disease |
缺血性结肠炎 | ischemic colitis |
心电图运动试验 | electrocardiogram exercise test |
肠系膜上动脉栓塞 | superior mesen-teric artery embolus |
贫血 | anemia |
功能性便秘 | functional constipation |
心室壁瘤 | ventricular aneurysm |
间歇性跛行 | intermittent claudication |
非对称性室间隔肥厚型心脏病 | asymmetric septal hypertrophy cardi-omyopthy |
膝关节滑膜皱襞综合征 | plica syndrome of knee joint |
半月板损伤 | injury of meniscus |
宫颈上皮内瘤变 | cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
甲状旁腺激素 | parathyroid hormone |
萎缩性喉炎 | atrophic laryngitis |
继发性自发性气胸 | secondary spon-taneous pneumothorax |
老年性阴道炎 | senile vaginitis |
肺出血肾炎综合征 | pulmonary-renal syndrome |
肩胛部上盂唇前后位损伤 | scapular superior labrum anterior and posterior lesion |
肱二头肌长头肌腱炎 | tenosynovitis of long head of biceps brachii |
慢性咽炎 | chronic pharyngitis |
骨矿物质密度 | bone mineral density |
骨形态生成蛋白 | bone morphogenetic protein |
骨矿物质 | mineral of bone |
特发性肺纤维化 | idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
急性间质性肺炎 | acute interstitial pneumonia |
继发性骨质疏松 | secondary osteoporosis |
错觉 | illusion |
肺源性心脏病 | cor pulmonale |
Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭 | type Ⅰ respiratory failure |
意识障碍 | conscious disturbance |
意识错乱 | confusion |
欣快 | euphoria |
肺泡蛋白沉着症 | pulmonary alveolar proteinosis |
辅助通气 | assisted ventilation |
幻觉 | hallucination |
意识混浊 | clouding of consciousness |
连续气道正压通气 | continuous positive airway pressure |
人格改变 | personality change |
动脉血气分析 | arterial blood gas analysis |
妄想 | delusion |
通气过度综合征 | hyperventilation syndrome |
支气管扩张试验 | bronchodilatation test |
支气管哮喘 | asthma |
真性幻觉 | genuine hallucination |
耳语音 | whispered pectoriloquy |
原发性妄想 | primary delusion |
啰音 | rale |
支气管类癌 | carcinoid of bronchus |
急性肾损伤 | acute kidney injury |
牙菌斑 | dental plaque |
肾动脉造影术 | renal arteriography |
去大脑皮质状态 | decorticate state |
带状疱疹 | herpes zoster |
失神发作 | absence seizure |
阿尔茨海默病 | Alzheimer's disease |
颞动脉炎 | temporal arteritis |
淀粉样变性周围神经病 | amyloid peripheral neuropathy |
斯德奇-韦伯综合征 | Sturge-Weber syndrome |
皮质下动脉硬化性脑病 | subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy |
双侧颞叶切除综合征 | Kluver-Bucy syndrome |
老年瘙痒症 | pruritus senilis |
一个半综合征 | one and a half syn-drome |
三叉神经痛 | trigeminal neuralgia |
纹状体黑质变性 | striatonigral degeneration |
面肌痉挛 | facial spasm |
胰腺 | pancreas |
异染性脑白质营养不良 | metachro-matic leukodystrophy |
烟雾病 | moyamoya disease |
布朗-塞卡综合征 | Brown-Sequard syndrome |
原发性侧索硬化 | primary lateral sclerosis |
脑栓塞 | cerebral embolism |
搓丸样震颤 | pill-rolling tremor |
肾积水 | hydronephrosis |
海绵窦综合征 | cavernous sinus syndrome |
简单部分发作 | simple partial seizure |
结核性脑膜炎 | tuberculous meningitis |
老年退行性主动脉瓣狭窄 | senile degenerative aortic valve stenosis |
脊髓蛛网膜炎 | spinal arachnoiditis |
慢性尿潴留 | chronic urinary retention |
丘脑综合征 | thalamic syndrome |
书写痉挛 | graphospasm |
进行性延髓性麻痹 | progressive bulbar palsy |
勃起功能障碍 | erectile dysfunction |
蛛网膜下腔出血 | subarachnoid hem-orrhage |
锁骨下动脉盗血综合征 | subclavian steal syndrome |
遗忘综合征 | amnestic syndrome |
假性延髓性麻痹 | pseudobulbar palsy |
瓦伦贝格综合征 | Wallenberg syndrome |
痉挛性共济失调步态 | spastic ataxic gait |
良性前列腺增生 | benign prostatic hyperplasia |
亚急性硬化性全脑炎 | subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
膜性肾病 | membranous nephropathy |
脂毒性 | lipotoxicity |
磨耗 | attrition |
单纯性肾囊肿 | simple cyst of kidney |
轻度认知损害 | mild cognitive impairment |
胰岛细胞移植 | islet cell transplantation |
透析相关性淀粉样变性 | dialysis associated amyloidosis |
局灶性节段性肾小球硬化症 | focal segmental glomerulosclerosis |
义齿性口炎 | denture stomatitis |
成人晚发自身免疫性糖尿病 | latent autoimmune diabetes in adults |
肌酐 | creatinine |
细胞外液容量 | extracellular fluid volume |
口腔白斑 | oral leukoplakia |
尿路感染 | urinary tract infection |
低血糖性神经病变 | hypoglycemic neuropathy |
继发性糖尿病 | secondary diabetes mellitus |
呼吸性酸中毒 | respiratory acidosis |
中密度脂蛋白 | intermediate density lipoprotein |
急性痛性神经病变 | acute painful neuropathy |
Ⅲ型高脂蛋白血症 | type Ⅲ hyper-lipoproteinemia |
自身免疫性多内分泌腺综合征Ⅰ型 | typeⅠautoimmune polyglandular syndrome |
低钠血症 | hyponatremia |
糖尿病前期 | prediabetes |
糖化血红蛋白 | glycosylated hemoglobin |
高钾血症 | hyperpotassaemia |
胰岛素释放指数 | insulin release index |
自身免疫性多内分泌腺综合征Ⅱ型 | typeⅡautoimmune polyglandular syndrome |
低钾血症 | hypopotassaemia |
空腹血糖受损 | impaired fasting glucose |
视网膜脂血症 | lipemia retinalis |
痛风 | gout |
载脂蛋白 | apolipoprotein |
代谢性酸中毒 | metabolic acidosis |
羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶抑制剂 | hydroxy-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor |
双胍类 | biguanide |
初发型心绞痛 | initial onset angina pectoris |
对比敏感度 | contrast sensitivity |
翼状胬肉 | pterygium |
结膜下出血 | subconjunctival hemorrhage |
葡萄膜恶性黑色素瘤 | uveal malignant melanoma |
永久性房颤 | permanent atrial fibrillation |
玻璃体液化 | liquefaction of vitreous |
心室颤动 | ventricular fibrillation |
睑板腺囊肿 | chalazion |
急性心肌梗死 | acute myocardial infarction |
细菌性结膜炎 | bacterial conjunctivitis |
眼干燥症 | ophthalmoxerosis |
眦部睑缘炎 | angular blepharitis |
前部缺血性视神经病变 | anterior ischemic optic neuropathy |
鳞屑性睑缘炎 | blepharitis squamousa |
青光眼睫状体炎综合征 | glaucoma-tocyclitic syndrome |
屈光参差 | anisometropia |
队列研究 | cohort study |
伏格特-小柳综合征 | Vogt-Koyan-agi-Harada syndrome |
耐药性 | drug resistance |
发病率 | incidence |
百岁老人 | centenarian |
上市后监测 | post-marketing surveillance |
最小成本分析 | cost-minimization analysis |
死亡专率 | specific death rate |
时辰药理学 | chronopharmacology |
序贯疗法 | sequential therapy |
长寿调查 | longevity research |
老年药理学 | gerontopharmacology |
治疗药物监测 | therapeutic drug monitoring |
筛查 | screening |
老龄化社会 | aging society |
临床药物基因组学 | clinical phar-macogenomics |
粗死亡率 | crude death rate |
寿命 | life span |
疾病监测 | disease surveillance |
时序年龄 | chronological age |
替代指标 | surrogate marker |
言语治疗师 | speech therapist |
G蛋白-腺苷酸环化酶途径 | G protein-adenylate cyclase pathway |
细胞死亡 | cell death |
作业疗法 | occupational therapy |
有氧训练 | aerobic exercise |
运动处方 | exercise prescription |
肿瘤坏死因子 | tumor necrosis factor |
DNA损伤 | DNA damage |
职业咨询 | vocational counseling |
非组蛋白质 | non-histone protein |
病损 | impairment |
肝细胞生长因子 | hepatocyte growth factor |
医学康复 | medical rehabilitation |
自助具 | self help device |
磁疗法 | magnetotherapy |
关节松动术 | joint mobilization |
开链运动 | open kinetic chain |
教育康复 | educational rehabilitation |
牵引 | traction |
肌肉衰老 | muscle aging |
协同肌 | synergist |
基础性日常生活活动 | basic activities of daily living |
组蛋白脱乙酰酶抑制剂 | histone deacetylase inhibitor |
失用症 | apraxia |
围绝经期综合征 | perimenopausal syndrome |
碱性磷酸酶 | alkaline phosphatase |
骨吸收 | bone resorption |
真菌球 | fungus ball |
弥漫性肺泡出血综合征 | diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome |
原发性自发性气胸 | primary sponta-neous pneumothorax |
半数有效量 | median effective dose |
注意中断 | blocking of attention |
酒精依赖 | alcohol dependence |
配体 | ligand |
老年临床医学 | clinical geriatrics |
受体脱敏 | receptor desensitization |
衰老征象 | aging signs |
早老症 | progeria |
药物作用 | drug action |
衰老渐进性 | progression of aging |
最低抑菌浓度 | minimum inhibitory concentration |
居丧反应 | bereavement reaction |
最小有效剂量 | minimal effective dose |
激动剂 | agonist |
最小杀菌浓度 | minimal bacteriocidal concentration |
限食 | dietary restriction |
微型营养评价 | mini-nutritional assessment |
益生元 | prebiotics |
治疗膳食 | therapeutic diet |
营养不良 | malnutrition |
代谢膳食 | metabolic diet |
活动代谢消耗 | active metabolic expenditure |
益生菌 | probiotics |
要素膳 | elemental diet |
老年抚养率 | aged dependency ratio |
次级记忆 | secondary memory |
梅德维杰夫-奥格尔学说 | Medvedev-Orgel hypothesis |
自由基学说 | free radical theory |
九旬[代]老人 | nonagenarian |
长寿 | longevity |
长寿商 | longevity quotient |
错误学说 | error theory |
过剩信息学说 | redundant information theory |
程序学说 | programmed theory |
结缔组织学说 | connective tissue theory |
体细胞突变学说 | somatic mutation theory |
细胞骨架学说 | cytoskeleton theory |
健康老龄化 | successful aging |
低钙血症 | hypocalcemia |
呼吸性碱中毒 | respiratory alkalosis |
高胰岛素血症 | hyperinsulinism |
空泡蝶鞍综合征 | empty-sella syndrome |
特发性震颤 | essential tremor |
偏头痛 | migraine |
颅内静脉血栓形成 | intracranial venous thrombosis |
迟发性运动障碍 | tardive dyskinesia |
急性硬脑膜下血肿 | acute subdural hematoma |
老年性舞蹈症 | senile chorea |
眶尖综合征 | orbital apex syndrome |
短暂性脑缺血发作 | transient ischemic attack |
脑出血 | cerebral hemorrhage |
颅内低压综合征 | intracranial hypotension syndrome |
夏伊-德雷格尔综合征 | Shy-Dräger syndrome |
同侧偏盲 | homonymous hemianopsia |
脑淀粉样血管病 | cerebral amyloid angiopathy |
脑死亡 | brain death |
克-雅脑病 | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
糖原 | glycogen |
颅内动脉瘤 | intracranial aneurysm |
路易体痴呆 | dementia with Lewy body |
托洛萨-亨特综合征 | Tolosa-Hunt syndrome |
无症状性脑梗死 | asymptomatic cerebral infarction |
老年性白点病 | senile guttate leukoderma |
特发性面神经麻痹 | idiopathic facial palsy |
颈静脉孔综合征 | jugular foramen syndrome |
下肢不宁综合征 | restless leg syndrome |
肌萎缩侧索硬化 | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
核上性眼肌瘫痪 | supranuclear oph-thalmoplegia |
肾结石 | renal calculus |
进行性多灶性白质脑病 | progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
经皮质感觉性失语 | transcortical sensory aphasia |
韦伯综合征 | Weber syndrome |
膀胱结石 | vesical calculus |
嗜铬细胞瘤 | pheochromocytoma |
僵人综合征 | stiff man syndrome |
吉兰-巴雷综合征 | Guillain Barré syndrome |
亨特综合征 | Hunt syndrome |
格斯特曼综合征 | Gerstmann syndrome |
磺酰脲类 | sulfonylurea |
抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体相关性肾炎 | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis |
细菌尿 | bacteruria |
胆固醇结晶栓塞性肾病 | renal cholesterol crystal embolization |
口腔念珠菌病 | oral candidiasis |
常染色体显性遗传多囊肾病 | autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease |
肌酐清除率 | creatinine clearance |
血尿素氮 | blood urea nitrogen |
胰腺移植 | pancreas transplantation |
水肿 | edema |
膜增生性肾小球肾炎 | membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis |
慢性肾脏病 | chronic kidney disease |
胰岛素抵抗 | insulin resistance |
根尖周围炎 | apical periodontitis |
涎石病 | sialolithiasis |
牙石 | dental calculus |
躯体疾病所致精神障碍 | mental disorder due to medical condition |
半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C | cystatin C |
镇痛剂肾病 | analgesic nephropathy |
无痛性心肌梗死 | painless myocardial infarction |
高钙血症 | hypercalcemia |
异位抗利尿激素综合征 | ectopic antidiuretic hormone syndrome |
结节疹性黄色瘤 | tuberoeruptive xanthoma |
低密度脂蛋白 | low density lipoprotein |
低血糖症 | hypoglycemia |
葡萄糖苷酶抑制药 | glucosidase inhibitor |
乳糜微粒 | chylomicron |
脂质聚集 | lipid accumulation |
餐后血糖 | postprandial blood glucose |
发疹性皮肤黄色瘤 | eruptive cutaneous xanthomatosis |
ATP结合盒转运体 | ATP-binding cassette transporters |
糖尿病心脏病 | diabetic cardiopathy |
肥胖症 | obesity |
线粒体基因突变糖尿病 | mitochon-drial gene mutation diabetes mellitus |
特殊类型糖尿病 | specific types of diabetes |
无β脂蛋白血症 | abetalipopro-teinemia |
烟酸缺乏症 | niacin deficiency |
肝源性低血糖症 | hepatogenous hypoglycemia |
肾性尿崩症 | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
苯氧酸类 | fibrates |
眩晕 | vertigo |
护骨因子 | osteoprotegeri |
肝肺综合征 | hepatopulmonary syndrome |
高尔夫球肘 | golfer's elbow |
慢性嗜酸细胞性肺炎 | chronic eosin-ophilic pneumonia |
跟周滑囊炎 | calcaneal bursitis |
退行性骨关节病 | degenerative osteoarthropathy |
雌激素替代治疗 | estrogen replacement therapy |
髋关节盂唇损伤 | labral tear of the hip joint |
卵巢交界性肿瘤 | borderline ovarian tumor |
坏死性外耳道炎 | necrotizing external otitis |
软骨 | cartilage |
肺动脉高压 | pulmonary hypertension |
骨调节因子 | modulation factors of bone |
朦胧状态 | twilight state |
压力支持通气 | pressure support ventilation |
嗜睡状态 | somnolence |
咳嗽 | cough |
支气管镜检查 | bronchoscopy |
言语障碍 | lalopathy |
干啰音 | dry rale |
抑郁性假性痴呆 | depressive pseudodementia |
急性支气管炎 | acute bronchitis |
肺功能检查 | pulmonary function test |
肺不张 | atelectasis |
虚无妄想 | nihilistic delusion |
定向障碍 | disorientation |
肺容量 | capacity of lung |
肺性脑病 | pulmonary encephalopathy |
结节病 | sarcoidosis |
老年人社区获得性肺炎 | senile community-acquired pneumonia |
无尿 | anuria |
尿潴留 | urinary retention |
腰椎间盘突出症 | prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc |
憩室周围炎 | peridiverticulitis |
6分钟步行试验 | six-minute walking test |
喘鸣 | stridor |
腔隙脑梗死 | lacunar infarction |
服药依从性 | drug compliance |
急性憩室炎 | acute diverticulitis |
老年精神病 | geriopsychosis |
屈光不正 | ametropia |
药品 | drug |
包皮过长 | redundant prepuce |
血胸 | hemothorax |
桩冠 | post crown |
麻醉诱导 | induction of anesthesia |
DNA损伤修复 | repair of DNA damage |
Fas基因 | Fas gene |
肾亏虚 | kidney deficiency |
健康档案 | health record |
治未病 | preventive treatment of dis-ease |
泛素化 | ubiquitination |
表观遗传学 | epigenetics |
舒适 | comfort |
循证护理 | evidence-based nursing |
期外DNA合成 | unscheduled DNA synthesis |
春夏养阳 | cultivating yang in spring and summer |
超氧化物 | superoxide |
酪氨酸蛋白激酶 | tyrosine protein kinase |
整体护理 | holistic nursing |
DNA裂解 | DNA lysis |
管饲饮食 | tube feeding |
部分补偿护理系统 | partly compensatory nursing system |
DNA复制检验点 | DNA replication checkpoint |
超氧化物歧化酶 | superoxide dismutase |
八段锦 | eight-section exercise |
电疗法 | electrotherapy |
言语治疗 | speech therapy |
原动肌 | agonist |
郎格罕细胞 | Langerhans' cells |
线粒体嵴断裂 | disruption of cristae mitochondriales |
单胺氧化酶 | monoamine oxidase |
等张收缩 | isotonic contraction |
失能 | disability |
核溶解 | karyolysis |
失语症 | aphasia |
细胞全能性 | cell totipotency |
工具性日常生活活动 | instrumental activities of daily living |
复制性衰老 | replicative senescence |
肿瘤标志物 | tumor marker |
女性生殖器官瘘 | fistula of female genital organs |
活性氧代谢物 | reactive oxygen metabolite |
p14ARF基因 | p14ARF gene |
视网膜母细胞瘤基因 | retinoblastoma gene |
甲基化CpG | methyl-CpG |
生长因子受体 | growth factor recep-tor |
衰老假说 | aging hypothesis |
死亡结构域 | death domain |
表观遗传修饰 | epigenetic modification |
褪黑[激]素 | melatonin |
细胞癌基因 | cellular oncogene |
基因敲除 | gene knock-out |
克老素鼠 | Klotho mice |
甲基-CpG结合蛋白 | methyl-CpG binding proteins |
生长因子 | growth factor |
白细胞介素 | interleukin |
生态营养 | ecology nutrition |
腰椎管狭窄症 | lumbar spinal stenosis |
诱发突变 | mutagenesis |
血糖 | blood glucose |
子宫脱垂 | uterine prolapse |
周期性瘫痪 | periodic paralysis |
包茎 | phimosis |
尿道狭窄 | urethral stricture |
尿失禁 | urinary incontinence |
排尿梗阻症状 | obstructive urinary symptoms |
海绵窦血栓形成 | cavernous sinus thrombosis |
痉挛性斜颈 | spasmodic torticollis |
术后认知功能障碍 | postoperative cognitive dysfunction |
食管-贲门黏膜撕裂综合征 | esoph-ageal/cardiac mucosa laceration syndrome |
表面麻醉 | topical anesthesia |
胃癌 | gastric cancer |
十二指肠溃疡 | duodenal ulcer |
胃移行带 | gastric transformation zone |
患者自控镇痛 | patient-controlled analgesia |
胆囊息肉样变 | polypoid lesion of gallbladder |
腹膜后肿瘤 | retroperitoneal tumor |
肋间神经阻滞 | intercostal nerve block |
蛛网膜下腔阻滞 | subarachnoid block |
肠梗阻 | intestinal obstruction |
肠易激综合征 | irritable bowel syndrome |
区域阻滞 | regional block |
腰神经丛阻滞 | lumbar plexus block |
急性胃黏膜病变 | acute gastric mucosal lesion |
吸入麻醉 | inhalation anesthesia |
胰腺癌 | pancreatic cancer |
溶血性贫血 | hemolytic anemia |
心肌顿抑 | myocardial stunning |
乳头肌功能失调 | disfunction of papillary muscle |
餐后低血压 | postprandial hypotension |
缺血性二尖瓣关闭不全 | ischemic mitral incompetence |
心动过速性心肌病 | tachycardia-in-duced cardiomyopathy |
阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症 | parox-ysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria |
高血压危象 | hypertensive crisis |
高胆固醇血症 | hypercholesterolemia |
房室传导阻滞 | atrioventricular block |
肝性脑病 | hepatic encephalopathy |
中性粒细胞减少 | neutropenia |
缺铁性贫血 | iron deficiency anemia |
病态窦房结综合征 | sick sinus syn-drome |
心尖肥厚型心肌病 | apical hyper-trophic cardiomyopthy |
骨髓增生异常综合征 | myelodysplastic syndrome |
肝囊肿 | hepatic cyst |
高甘油三酯血症 | hypertriglyceridemia |
室性心动过速 | ventricular tachycardia |
老年性心肌病 | senile cardiomyopathy |
室性并行心律 | ventricular parasystole |
变异型心绞痛 | variant angina pectoris |
青光眼 | glaucoma |
视神经萎缩 | optic atrophy |
虹膜角膜内皮综合征 | iridocorneal endothelial syndrome |
粘连性角膜白斑 | adherent leukoma of cornea |
高血压性视网膜病变 | hypertensive retinopathy |
流行性角膜结膜炎 | epidemic keratoconjunctivitis |
睑内翻 | entropion |
二尖瓣脱垂综合征 | mitral valve prolapse syndrome |
增生性玻璃体视网膜病变 | proliferative vitreoretinopathy |
后发性白内障 | after-cataract |
持续性房颤 | persistent atrial fibrillation |
老视 | presbyopia |
阵发性室上性心动过速 | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
原发性高血压 | essential hypertension |
神经麻痹性角膜炎 | neuroparalytic keratitis |
睑外翻 | ectropion |
眼眶特发性炎性假瘤 | idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor |
变应性结膜炎 | allergic conjunctivitis |
心肌梗死后综合征 | ostmyocardial infarction syndrome |
散光 | astigmatism |
健康相关生活质量 | health related quality of life |
健康老年人 | health elderly |
老年药物代谢动力学 | pharmacoki-netic in the elderly |
外睑腺炎 | external hordeolum |
老年药物效应动力学 | pharmacody-namic in the elderly |
寿限 | lifespan |
转换疗法 | switch therapy |
首过消除 | first pass elimination |
清除率 | clearance |
长寿老人 | the longeveous |
视网膜出血 | retinal hemorrhage |
激素替代疗法 | hormone replacement therapy |
积极老龄化 | active aging |
老年综合评估 | comprehensive geriatric assessment |
现况研究 | cross-sectional study |
记忆术 | mnemonics |
最小致死量 | minimum lethal dose |
稳态血药浓度 | steady plasma drug concentration |
老年生物学 | biology of aging |
老年康复医学 | geriatric rehabilitation medicine |
对因治疗 | etiological treatment |
老年预防医学 | geriatric preventive medicine |
竞争性拮抗剂 | competitive antagonist |
老年语言学 | gerontolinguistics |
药物不良事件 | adverse drug event |
个体差异 | individual variation |
亲属应激量表 | relative stress scale |
后遗效应 | residual effect |
治疗窗 | therapeutic window |
药害 | drug misadventure |
药物相互作用 | drug interaction |
遗忘曲线 | forgetting curve |
遗忘 | forgetting |
停药反应 | withdrawal reaction |
早衰 | senilism |
生物学年龄 | biological age |
最大效应 | maximal efficacy |
血糖负荷 | glycemic load |