中文名称 | 英文名称 |
膨体聚四氟乙烯人造血管 | expanded polytetrafluoroethylene graft |
动静脉血氧合 | arteriovenous oxygenation |
单心室性房室连接 | univentricular atrioventricular con- nections |
胸心血管外科学 | thoracic and cardiovascular sur- gery |
先天性肺囊肿 | congenital pulmonary cyst |
叶外型肺隔离症 | extralobar pulmonary sequestration |
肺错构瘤 | pulmonary hamartoma |
经皮针刺肺活检 | percutaneous needle lung biopsy |
电视胸腔镜手术 | video assisted thoracic operation |
先天性短食管 | congenital short esophagus |
腐蚀性食管狭窄 | caustic stricture of esophagus |
食管扩张探条 | bougie for esophageal dilatation |
膈膨升折叠术 | plication of eventration of diaphragm |
主动脉冠状动脉动脉管道旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary arterial conduit bypass grafting |
主动脉冠状动脉腹壁下动脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary inferior epigastric artery bypass grafting |
中心降温 | core cooling |
可控涡流离心泵 | controlled vortex centrifugal pump |
动静脉血体外膜式氧合 | arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
白细胞隔离 | leukocyte sequestration |
凝血级联系统 | coagulation cascade system |
颗粒性微栓子 | particulate microemboli |
电解质平衡液 | balanced electrolyte solution |
血液再组成 | blood reconstitution |
冠状动脉侧枝血流 | coronary collateral flow |
胸骨切开术 | sternotomy |
主动脉横断 | transection of aorta |
布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉置换术 | Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement |
杂种生物瓣 | hybrid bioprosthetic cardiac valve |
主动脉冠状动脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary bypass grafting |
闭式二尖瓣交界扩张器 | dilator for closed mitral commis- surotomy |
支气管鳞癌 | bronchial squamous [cell[ carcinoma |
支气管灌洗 | bronchial lavage |
支气管刷检 | bronchial brushing |
经支气管肺活检 | transbronchial lung biopsy |
囊性腺瘤样畸形 | cystic adenomatoid malformation |
强直性肌营养不良 | myotonic dystrophy |
膈良性肿瘤 | benign tumor of diaphragm |
膈恶性肿瘤 | malignant tumor of diaphragm |
科利斯手术 | Collis technique |
食管裂孔疝修补术 | hiatal hernia repair |
胸腺切除术 | thymectomy |
气胸 | pneumothorax |
自发性气胸 | spontaneous pneumothorax |
闭合性气胸 | closed pneumothorax |
胸廓出口综合征 | thoracic outlet syndrome |
主动脉[瓣]狭窄 | aortic stenosis |
主动脉缩窄 | coarctation of aorta |
主动脉弓延长 | elongation of aortic arch |
肺动脉狭窄 | stenosis of pulmonary artery |
心腔内异物 | foreign body in cardiac chamber |
直视二尖瓣交界切开术 | open mitral commissurotomy |
心[脏]瓣膜置换术 | cardiac valve replacement |
二尖瓣置换术 | mitral valve replacement |
瓣中瓣人工瓣植入术 | valve in valve prosthetic valve implantation |
瓣膜切开术 | valvotomy |
瓣膜成形术 | valvoplasty |
冠状动脉旁路移植术 | coronary artery bypass grafting |
主动脉冠状动脉大隐静脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary arterial saphenous vein bypass grafting |
主动脉冠状动脉胸廓内动脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary internal mammary artery bypass grafting |
胸廓内动脉冠状动脉旁路移植术 | internal mammary artery-coronary artery bypass grafting |
主动脉冠状动脉桡动脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary radial artery bypass grafting |
主动脉冠状动脉胃网膜动脉旁路移植术 | aorto-coronary gastroepiploic artery bypass grafting |
灌注充分 | adequacy of perfusion |
主动脉插管[术] | aortic cannulation |
交叉灌注 | cross perfusion |
血液心脏停搏[法] | blood cardioplegia |
冠状动脉“无再灌注”现象 | coronary “no reperfusion” phenomenon |
交叉循环 | cross circulation |
心表面降温 | epicardial cooling |
心室热绝缘 | ventricular heat insulation |
动静脉分流术 | arteriovenous shunt operation |
动脉泵 | arterial pump |
液面监测器 | level sensor |
微孔滤器 | micropore filter |
微孔膜 | microporous membrane |
塑料管微粒 | plastic tubing particles |
转流前滤器 | pre-bypass filter |
搏动血流泵 | pulsatile flow pump |
混合静脉血氧张力 | mixed venous blood oxygen tension |
胶体渗透压 | colloid osmotic pressure |
最佳流量 | optimal flow |
结间通道 | internodal pathway |
心脏旋转不良 | malrotation of heart |
下腔静脉瓣 | Eustachian valve |
界嵴 | crista terminalis |
心房异构 | atrial isomerism |
右袢 | right loop |
左袢 | left loop |
钝缘支动脉 | obtuse marginal artery |
旋支 | circumflex branch |
托达罗腱 | Todaro tendon |
心纤维三角 | fibrous trigone of heart |
肋骨切迹 | rib notching |
左胸廓内动脉 | left internal mammary artery |
壁束 | parietal band |
支气管憩室 | bronchial diverticulum |
支气管胸膜瘘 | bronchopleural fistula |
支气管结石症 | broncholithiasis |
卡塔格纳三联征 | Kartagener triad |
支气管腺癌 | bronchial adenocarcinoma |
先天性肺叶性肺气肿 | congenital lobar emphysema |
气管袖状全肺切除术 | tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy |
肺叶切除术 | pulmonary lobectomy |
肺段切除术 | segmental resection of lung |
肺楔形切除术 | wedge resection of lung |
支气管成形术 | bronchoplasty |
气管黏液表皮样癌 | mucoepidermoid carcinoma of trachea |
气管重建术 | reconstruction of trachea |
人工气管置换术 | replacement of tracheal prosthesis |
气管成形术 | tracheoplasty |
食管切除术 | esophagectomy |
食管胃切除术 | esophagogastrectomy |
食管环 | esophageal ring |
巴雷特食管 | Barrett esophagus |
食管胃切除术与结肠间置术 | esophagogastrectomy with colon interposition |
食管平滑肌瘤摘出术 | enucleation of esophageal leiomy- oma |
希尔食管裂孔疝修补术 | Hill hiatal hernia repair |
纵隔蜂窝[组]织炎 | mediastinal cellulitis |
纵隔疝 | mediastinal hernia |
纵隔脓肿 | mediastinal abscess |
纵隔皮样囊肿 | dermoid cyst of mediastinum |
纵隔肠囊肿 | enteric cyst of mediastinum |
胸腺囊肿 | thymic cyst |
胸骨后甲状腺 | retrosternal thyroid |
填充式胸廓成形术 | plombage thoracoplasty |
漏斗胸矫正术 | corrective operation of pectus exca- vatum |
胸骨翻转术 | sterno-turnover operation |
肋骨骨膜剥脱术 | periosteal stripping of rib |
双腔右心室 | double chamber of right ventricle |
双入口心室 | double inlet ventricle |
脊柱旁胸廓成形术 | paravertebral thoracoplasty |
主动脉弓中断 | interruption of aortic arch |
膈下异常肺静脉连接 | infradiaphragmatic anomalous pul- monary venous connection |
弯刀综合征 | scimitar syndrome |
马斯塔德手术 | Mustard operation |
森宁手术 | Senning operation |
丰唐手术 | Fontan operation |
介挺手术 | Jatene operation |
左房升主动脉联合切口 | combined left atrio-aortic incision |
巴伯-马西娅主动脉干修复术 | Barbero-Marcial method of truncus arteriosus |
分隔术 | septation operation |
心室减压术 | ventricular decompression |
动力性心肌成形术 | dynamic cardiomyoplasty |
陶-宾心脏修复术 | repair of Taussing-Bing heart |
动脉转位术 | arterial switch procedure |
拉斯泰利手术 | Rastelli operation |
心[脏]瓣膜破裂 | cardiac valve rupture |
主动脉破裂 | aortic rupture |
主动脉夹层 | dissection of aorta |
三尖瓣关闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术 | Carpentier repair of tricuspid in competence |
瓣周漏 | perivalvular leakage |
换瓣术后血栓形成 | post-valve-replacement thrombosis |
主动脉缩窄切除术 | resection of coarctation of aorta |
主动脉瘤间置修复术 | interposition repair of aortic aneurysm |
倾斜式碟瓣 | tilting-disk prosthetic valve |
重力引流 | gravity drainage |
诱导性心脏停搏 | induced cardiac arrest |
体表降温 | surface cooling |
布朗-哈里森热交换器 | Brown-Harrison heat exchanger |
静脉回流管路 | venous return line |
乙酰胆碱心脏停搏 | acetylcholine cardiac arrest |
心脏停搏液 | cardioplegic solution |
心脏停搏[法] | cardioplegia |
波茨-史密斯分流术 | Potts-Smith shunt operation |
胶原浸充移植物 | collagen impregnated graft |
汉科克生物心脏瓣膜 | Hancock heart valve bioprosthesis |
吉本-梅奥人工心肺机 | Gibbon-Mayo heart-lung machine |
心室辅助装置 | ventricular assist device |
动脉热交换器 | arterial heat exchanger |
动脉管路 | arterial line |
动脉管路滤器 | arterial line filter |
碟片式氧合器 | disc oxygenator |
驱动压 | driving pressure |
电磁流量计 | electromagnetic flowmeter |
滤过分数 | filtration fraction |
异种肺氧合 | heterologous lung oxygenation |
褶曲状碟片 | convoluted discs |
涤纶毛滤器 | dacron wool filter |
血液滤过 | hemofiltration |
溶血指数 | hemolytic index |
预充步骤 | priming procedure |
低温下氧耗定律 | Van't Hoff law |
气体微栓 | gaseous microemboli |
微栓子 | microemboli |
灌注肺 | perfusion lung |
心房心室连接不协调 | atrioventricular discordant connection |
右室异常肌束 | anomalous muscle band of right ventricle |
食管穿孔 | perforation of esophagus |
食管黏膜撕裂症 | Mallory-Weiss syndrome |
反流性食管炎 | reflux esophagitis |
胸腹膜裂孔疝 | pleuro-peritoneal hiatal henia |
膈破裂 | rupture of diaphragm |
食管内压力测定 | intraesophageal manometry |
胸壁缺损重建术 | reconstruction of defect of chest wall |
完全性房室通道 | complete atrioventricular canal |
左房血栓清除术 | left atrial thrombectomy |
室间隔缺损修补术 | repair of ventricular septal defect |
直视二尖瓣成形术 | open mitral valvoplasty |
双瓣膜置换术 | double-valve replacement |
人工瓣膜心内膜炎 | prosthetic valve endocarditis |
球笼型机械瓣 | ball-cage mechanical prosthetic valve |
牛心包瓣 | bovine pericardium valve |
人工血管置换术 | prosthetic vessel replacement |
心包切开术后综合征 | postpericardiotomy syndrome |
体外膜式氧合 | extracorporeal membrane oxygena- tion |
间歇性主动脉血流阻断 | intermittent aortic occlusion |
动脉-动脉反搏 | arterio-arterial counterpulsation |
心内血回收 | cardiotomy blood return |
冠状动脉-肺血流 | coronary-pulmonary blood flow |
低温心脏停搏液 | cryocardioplegic solution |
逆行性心脏停搏液灌注 | retrograde perfusion of cardioplegic solution |
冠状窦逆行灌注 | coronary sinus retrograde perfusion |
戈尔-特克斯插入式分流术 | Gore-Tex interposition shunt operation |
斯塔尔-爱德华兹心脏瓣膜 | Starr-Edwards heart valve pros- thesis |
酸碱内环境稳定 | acid-base homeostasis |
液体转移 | fluid shift |
冠状窦瓣 | valve of coronary sinus |
食管自发性破裂 | spontaneous rupture of esophagus |
右室房化 | atrialization of right ventricle |
气体滤器 | gas filter |
预充液 | priming fluid |
肺外氧合 | extrapulmonary oxygenation |
食管蹼 | esophageal web |
血液有形成分 | blood formed element |
血液微聚集体 | blood microaggregate |
细胞聚集 | cell aggregation |
主动脉松开钳闭综合征 | aortic declamping syndrome |
同步搏动 | synchronous pulsation |
机械瓣 | mechanical prosthetic valve |
氧弥散系数 | oxygen diffusion coefficient |
肺泡性肺不张 | alveolar atelectasis |
胸膜下肺小泡 | subpleural blebs |
肺隔离症 | pulmonary sequestration |
叶内型肺隔离症 | intralobar pulmonary sequestration |
胸部切口 | thoracic incision |
后外侧开胸术 | posterolateral thoracotomy |
前外侧开胸术 | anterolateral thoracotomy |
正中胸骨切开术 | median sternotomy |
全肺切除术 | pneumonectomy |
心包外全肺切除术 | extrapericardial pneumonectomy |
肺门血管结扎 | ligation of hilar vessels |
气管造口术 | tracheostomy |
气管切开术 | tracheotomy |
喉气管切除术 | laryngotracheal resection |
同种气管置换术 | tracheal homograft replacement |
异种气管置换术 | tracheal heterograft replacement |
食管闭锁 | esophageal atresia |
食管腐蚀性灼伤 | corrosive burn of esophagus |
气管狭窄 | tracheal stenosis |
食管旁疝 | paraesophageal hernia |
胸膜切除术 | pleurectomy |
胸壁反常运动 | paradoxical movement of chest wall |
胸骨裂 | sternal cleft |
胸大肌缺如 | absence of pectoralis major |
胸小肌缺如 | absence of pectoralis minor |
肋软骨切断术 | costal chondrotomy |
左心室双出口 | double outlet of left ventricle |
双主动脉弓 | double aortic arches |
双侧动脉导管 | bilateral ductus arteriosus |
迷走左肺动脉 | aberrant left pulmonary artery |
主动脉瓣环扩大成形术 | aortic annulus plastic enlargement |
里德二尖瓣瓣环成形术 | Reed mitral annuloplasty |
山口隧道手术 | Takeuchi tunnel operation |
心肌撕裂 | myocardial laceration |
心脏肿瘤 | cardiac tumor |
心脏黏液瘤 | myxoma of heart |
心脏乳头状弹力纤维瘤 | papillary fibroelastoma of heart |
主动脉瘤 | aortic aneurysm |
巴德-吉亚利综合征 | Budd-Chiari syndrome |
左心耳结扎术 | ligation of left atrial appendage |
心肌挫伤 | myocardial contusion |
闭式二尖瓣交界分离术 | closed mitral commissurotomy |
主动脉瓣与二尖瓣置换术 | aortic and mitral valve replacement |
三尖瓣成形术 | tricuspid valvoplasty |
三尖瓣瓣环成形术 | tricuspid annuloplasty |
肺动脉环束术 | pulmonary artery banding |
二尖瓣关闭不全卡尔庞捷修复术 | Carpentier repair of mitral incompetence |
心脏切开术后综合征 | postcardiotomy syndrome |
手术后心肌梗死 | postoperative myocardial infarc-tion |
异种心脏瓣膜 | heterologous cardiac valve |
猪主动脉瓣 | porcine aortic valve |
冠状动脉完全性动脉化旁路移植术 | coronary total arterialized bypass grafting |
激光心肌血运重建术 | transmyocardial laser revascularization |
常温心脏手术 | normothermic heart surgery |
体外循环 | extracorporeal circulation |
辅助循环 | assist circulation |
松开主动脉钳夹 | aortic declamping |
主动脉血流 | aortic flow |
主动脉血流阻断 | aortic occlusion |
动脉压监测 | arterial blood pressure monitoring |
奇静脉原理 | azygos principle |
血液预充 | blood priming |
血液复温 | blood rewarming |
动脉内膜切除术 | endarterectomy |
心包切除术 | pericardiectomy |
心包造口术 | pericardiostomy |
冷心脏停搏液 | cold cardioplegic solution |
冷心脏停搏[法] | cold cardioplegia |
晶体心脏停搏液 | crystalloid cardioplegic solution |
脑灌注 | cerebral perfusion |
平流 | continuous nonpulsatile flow |
涤纶编织人造血管 | dacron woven graft |
外壁绒型假体 | external velour prosthesis |
双层绒型假体 | double velour prosthesis |
阿瓦德微管型膜式氧合器 | Awad tubular membrane oxygenator |
毛细管型膜式氧合器 | capillary membrane oxygenator |
顺行性心脏停搏液灌注 | antegrade perfusion of cardioplegic solution |
消泡室 | defoaming compartment |
气泡监测器 | bubble monitor |
泵校准 | calibration of pump |
心内血回收滤器 | cardiotomy filter |
球囊泵 | balloon pump |
左室辅助搏动 | left ventricular assist pulsation |
超声监测 | ultrasonic monitoring |
离心泵 | centrifugal pump |
压缩室效应 | compression chamber effect |
凝血病 | coagulopathy |
外因性凝血 | extrinsic coagulation |
高凝性 | hypercoagulability |
内因性凝血 | intrinsic coagulation |
血浆扩容剂 | plasma expander |
隐性酸中毒 | camouflaged acidosis |
血液变性 | blood denaturation |
冠状动脉流入血流 | coronary arterial inflow |
晶体血液稀释 | crystalloid hemodilution |
晶体渗透压 | crystalloid osmotic pressure |
内生性氧合 | endogenous oxygenation |
血液稀释 | hemodilution |
搏动灌注 | pulsatile perfusion |
局部血流 | regional flow |
体中心温度 | body core temperature |
再循环 | recirculation |
缺血性停搏 | ischemic arrest |
再氧合 | re-oxygenation |
结间束 | internodal tract |
房室结动脉 | artery of atrioventricular node |
锐缘支动脉 | acute marginal artery |
心室流出道 | ventricular outflow tract |
隔束 | septal band |
乳头肌 | papillary muscles |
支气管狭窄 | bronchial stenosis |
支气管腺瘤 | bronchial adenoma |
胸膜腔引流术 | drainage of pleural cavity |
根治性全肺切除术 | radical pneumonectomy |
纵隔神经源性肿瘤 | mediastinal neurogenic tumor |
胸内甲状腺 | intrathoracic thyroid |
纵隔切开术 | mediastinotomy |
张力性气胸 | tension pneumothorax |
自溃性脓胸 | empyema necessitatis |
胸壁畸形 | chest wall deformity |
胸小肌发育不良 | dysplasia of pectoralis minor |
诺伍德手术 | Norwood procedure |
沃特斯顿手术 | Waterston operation |
达穆斯-凯-斯坦塞尔动脉转位术 | Damus-Kaye-Stansel arterial switch procedure |
缺血后乳头肌断裂 | postischemic papillary muscle rup- ture |
鼓泡氧合柱 | bubble oxygenating column |
腔静脉插管[术] | cannulation of venae cava |
细胞回收器 | cell saver |
离心式细胞清洗器 | centrifugal cell washer |
冠状动脉血吸引装置 | coronary suction device |
气体吸收压力阶差 | gas absorption pressure gradient |
pH稳态调节 | pH-stat regulation |
非搏动灌注 | non-pulsatile perfusion |
组织间隙液压 | interstitial fluid pressure |
循环停止 | circulatory arrest |
灌注不足 | hypoperfusion |
迷走右锁骨下动脉 | aberrant right subclavian artery |
小叶性肺不张 | lobular atelectasis |
气管腺样囊性癌 | adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea |
食管胃吻合术 | esophagogastrostomy |
颈部食管胃吻合术 | cervical esophagogastrostomy |
流量 | flow rate |
胸膜全肺切除术 | pleuropneumonectomy |
支气管楔形切除术 | wedge resection of bronchus |
食管运动功能失调 | esophageal motility dysfunction |
弥漫性食管痉挛 | diffuse spasm of esophagus |
滑动性食管裂孔疝 | sliding hiatal hernia |
先天性胸骨后膈疝 | Morgagni hernia |
创伤性膈疝 | traumatic diaphragmatic hernia |
先天性膈疝 | congenital diaphragmatic hernia |
单侧膈肌麻痹 | unilateral paralysis of diaphragm |
膈上憩室 | epiphrenic diverticulum |
单侧膈膨升 | hemidiaphragmatic eventration |
膈神经麻痹 | phrenic nerve paralysis |
食管酸灌注试验 | esophageal acid perfusion test |
贝尔西食管裂孔疝修补术 | Belsey hiatal hernia repair |
纵隔嗜铬细胞瘤 | mediastinal pheochromocytoma |
胸导管结扎术 | ligation of thoracic duct |
肋骨纤维性发育不良 | fibrous dysplasia of rib |
胸壁嗜酸[性]细胞肉芽肿 | eosinophilic granuloma of chest wall |
纵隔移位 | mediastinal displacement |
纵隔扑动 | mediastinal flutter |
全纵隔清扫术 | en bloc mediastinal dissection |
右心室双出口 | double outlet of right ventricle |
部分性房室通道 | partial atrioventricular canal |
左心发育不全综合征 | hypoplastic left-heart syndrome |
交叉心脏 | criss-cross heart |
冠状静脉窦型房间隔缺损 | coronary sinus atrial septal defect |
假通道 | false channel |
主动脉-左室通道 | aorto-left ventricular tunnel |
无顶冠状静脉窦综合征 | unroofed coronary sinus syndrome |
胸廓成形术 | thoracoplasty |
脊柱旁骨膜外胸廓成形术 | paravertebral extraperiosteal thoracoplasty |
漏斗部闭锁 | infundibular atresia |
血管悬吊 | vascular sling |
顽童面容 | elfin face |
静脉窦综合征 | sinus venosus syndrome |
肺动脉高压危象 | pulmonary hypertensive crisis |
血管环 | vascular ring |
巴蒂斯塔缩容心脏成形术 | Batista volume reducing cardioplasty |
左室-主动脉通道 | left ventriculo-aortic conduit |
体-肺动脉分流术 | systemic pulmonary arterial shunt |
流出道补片术 | outflow tract patching |
缺血后乳头肌功能不良 | postischemic papillary muscle dys- function |
左心室破裂 | left ventricle rupture |
迷宫术 | maze operation |
心包穿刺术 | pericardiocentesis |
胸膜心包剥除术 | pleuro-pericardial decortication |
动脉贮血室 | arterial reservoir |
动脉贮血室截流活瓣 | arterial reservoir check valve |
人工心 | artificial heart |
人工肺 | artificial lung |
血流量计 | blood flowmeter |
消泡剂 | defoaming agent |
白细胞黏着反应 | leukocyte adherence reaction |
白细胞聚集体 | leukocyte aggregate |
凝血功能试验 | coagulation function test |
气体掺和 | gas admixture |
气-血流量比率 | gas/blood flow ratio |
灌注液 | perfusate |
灌注压 | perfusion pressure |
搏动血流 | pulsatile flow |
补体激活 | complement activation |
肝素辅因子 | heparin co-factor |
肝素化逆转 | heparinization reversal |
肝素化 | heparinization |
[心]肉柱 | trabeculae carneae cordis |
窦状隙 | sinusoid |
静脉回流 | venous return |
心室充盈 | ventricular filling |
支气管血流 | bronchial blood flow |
心脏纤维支架 | fibrous skeleton of heart |
窦房结动脉 | artery of sinoatrial node |
双肺叶切除术 | pulmonary bilobectomy |
支气管袖状切除术 | sleeve resection of bronchus |
支气管袖状肺叶切除术 | bronchial sleeve lobectomy |
气管食管瘘 | tracheo-esophageal fistula |
改良的黑勒贲门肌切开术 | modified Heller operation |
纵隔气肿 | mediastinal emphysema |
心室壁瘤 | ventricular aneurysm |
筛孔样室间隔缺损 | Swiss cheese ventricular septal defect |
冠状动脉盗血综合征 | coronary steal syndrome |
全肺静脉异位引流 | total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage |
肺动脉不发育 | agenesis of pulmonary artery |
主动脉固定术 | aortopexy |
主动脉夹层[动脉]瘤 | dissecting aneurysm of aorta |
真菌性主动脉瘤 | mycotic aortic aneurysm |
静脉-静脉转流术 | venous to venous bypass |
静脉贮血器 | venous reservoir |
动脉灌注管路 | arterial perfusion line |
肺动脉指数 | pulmonary artery index |
肝素测定系统 | heparin assay system |
微孔过滤 | microfiltration |
聚脂屏网式滤器 | polyester screen filter |
节制索 | moderator band |
心室流入道 | ventricular inflowing tract |
动脉圆锥 | arterial cone |
科赫三角 | Koch triangle |
右胸廓内动脉 | right internal mammary artery |
食管胃切除术与鲁氏Y形食管空肠吻合术 | esophagogastrectomy with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy |
气管切除及重建术 | tracheal resection and reconstruction |
气管腔内T形管置入术 | intratracheal T-tube insertion |
前胸壁浅表血栓性静脉炎 | superficial thrombophlebitis of anterior chest wall |
肋软骨发育不全 | achondroplasia of rib |
谢德胸廓成形术 | Schede thoracoplasty |
全腔静脉-肺动脉连接术 | total cavopulmonary connection |
主动脉横断钳闭术 | aortic cross-clamping |
布莱洛克-陶西格分流术 | Blalock-Taussig shunt |
肥厚阻塞型心肌病心肌切除术 | myectomy in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
锁骨下动脉片主动脉成形术 | subclavian arterial flap aortoplasty |
戴维森分流术 | Davidson shunt |
心房转位术 | atrial switch procedure |
房间隔切除术 | atrial septectomy |
左房壁折叠术 | left atrial wall plication |
血液心脏停搏液 | blood cardioplegic solution |
卷筒式硅胶膜式氧合器 | coiled silicone membrane oxygena- tor |
中空纤维膜式氧合器 | hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator |
涡流型微孔氧合器 | vortex microporous oxygenator |
粒细胞沉积 | granulocyte deposition |
卡尔庞捷环 | Carpentier ring |
生物瓣 | bioprosthetic valve |
血比热 | specific heat of blood |
阿米巴肺脓肿 | amebic abscess of lung |
肺包虫囊肿 | hydatid cyst of lung |
大泡性肺气肿 | bullous emphysema |
叶性肺气肿 | lobar emphysema |
肺栓塞 | pulmonary embolism |
肺腺瘤病 | pulmonary adenomatosis |
肺泡细胞癌 | alveolar cell carcinoma |
肺上沟瘤 | pulmonary sulcus tumor |
开胸探查术 | exploratory thoracotomy |
胸膜腔造口术 | thoracostomy |
肋间引流术 | intercostal drainage |
肺切除术 | pulmonary resection |
开胸肺活检 | open lung biopsy |
胸腔镜肺活检 | thoracoscopic lung biopsy |
纤维[光导]支气管镜检查[术] | fiberoptic bronchoscopy |
开胸术 | thoracotomy |
气管无名动脉瘘 | tracheo-innominate artery fistula |
隆凸成形术 | carinoplasty |
隆凸切除术 | carina resection |
气管开窗术 | fenestration of trachea |
食管黏膜息肉 | polypus of esophageal mucosa |
术后脓胸 | postoperative empyema |
创伤后气管狭窄 | post-traumatic tracheal stenosis |
气管憩室 | tracheal diverticulum |
食管神经性功能紊乱 | neurogenic dysfunction of esopha- gus |
食管癌 | esophageal carcinoma |
食管囊肿 | esophageal cyst |
食管恶性黑[色]素瘤 | malignant melanoma of esophagus |
食管裂孔疝 | hiatal hernia |
贲门成形术 | cardioplasty |
膈疝修补 | repair of diaphragmatic hernia |
膈神经切除术 | phrenicectomy |
膈神经电刺激呼吸 | electrophrenic respiration |
纵隔炎 | mediastinitis |
食管胃底吻合术 | esophagofundostomy |
博尔德莫尔食管吻合术 | Beordmore anastomosis of esophagus |
贲门肌切开术 | cardiomyotomy |
黑勒贲门肌切开术 | Heller operation |
开放性气胸 | open pneumothorax |
胸膜残腔 | pleural residual space |
胸膜间皮瘤 | mesothelioma of pleura |
胸膜剥除术 | pleural decortication |
肋软骨炎 | costal chondritis |
痛性非化脓性肋软骨肿胀 | painful nonsuppurative swelling of costal cartilage |
纵隔镜检查术 | mediastinoscopy |
巴洛综合征 | Barlow syndrome |
贝克三体征 | Beck triad |
顶部胸廓成形术 | apical thoracoplasty |
主-肺动脉窗 | aorto-pulmonary window |
细小主动脉根 | small aortic root |
胸-腹主动脉瘤 | thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm |
本托尔手术 | Bentall operation |
象鼻术 | elephant trunk technique |
带窗的丰唐手术 | fenestrated Fontan operation |
心内膜切除术 | endocardiectomy |
多尔心室成形术 | Dor remodeling ventriculoplasty |
V-Y心房扩大成形术 | V-Y atrioplasty enlargement technique |
主动脉窦瘤 | aortic sinus aneurysm |
圣祖德双叶瓣 | St.Jude bileaflet valve |
腱索缩短术 | shortening of chordae tendineae |
乳头肌劈开术 | splitting of papillary muscle |
腱索移位术 | transposition of chordae tendineae |
尼凯多赫-贝克斯手术 | Nikaidoh-Bex procedure |
布罗姆修复术 | Brom repair |
创伤性心包压塞 | traumatic pericardial tamponade |
人工瓣膜机械性失效 | mechanical failure of prosthetic valve |
人工瓣膜机械性故障 | mechanical dysfunction of pros- thetic valve |
序贯式主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术 | sequential aorto-coronary bypass grafting |
主动脉心室成形术 | aortoventriculoplasty |
双叶型机械瓣 | bileaflet prosthetic valve |
同种心脏瓣膜 | homologous cardiac valve |
心包粘连术 | pericardiosymphysis |
动脉管路气泡捕集器 | arterial bubble trap |
动脉插管[术] | arterial cannulation |
动脉输液 | arterial infusion |
动脉血返回 | arterial blood re-entry |
心房引流 | atrial drainage |
自身肺氧合 | autogenous lung oxygenation |
心肺转流术 | cardiopulmonary bypass |
静脉-动脉转流术 | veno-arterial bypass |
右心转流术 | right heart bypass |
同步心室辅助 | synchronized ventricular assistance |
静脉插管[术] | venous cannulation |
左心引流 | left heart venting |
左心转流系统 | left heart bypass system |
左心转流 | left heart bypass |
滚子泵 | roller pump |
pH反流试验 | pH reflux test |
降落伞式二尖瓣 | parachute mitral valve |
异种材料心脏瓣膜 | xenograft heart valve |
冠状动脉灌注 | coronary perfusion |
心肌冬眠 | myocardial hibernation |
心肌保护 | myocardial preservation |
本特利调温氧合器 | Bentley temptrol oxygenator |
微泡式氧合器 | micro-bubble oxygenator |
心内血回收贮血器 | cardiotomy reservoir |
心内血回收管路 | cardiotomy return line |
德瓦尔鼓泡式氧合器 | De Wall bubble oxygenator |
血膜式氧合器 | film oxygenator |
垂屏式氧合器 | screen oxygenator |
血管内氧合 | intravascular oxygenation |
心肺机 | heart-lung machine |
血液浓缩器 | hemoconcentrator |
肝素涂覆管道 | heparin coated tubing |
纤维蛋白裂解产物 | fibrin split product |
纤维蛋白溶解抑制剂 | fibrinolysis inhibitor |
剪切率 | shear rate |
血膜 | blood film |
血泵 | hemopump |
静脉内氧合 | intravenous oxygenation |
全血激活凝血时间 | activated blood clotting time |
抗凝剂拮抗剂 | anticoagulant antagonist |
喷射血流空洞化 | cavitation of jet blood flow |
心小静脉血流 | Thebesian flow |
跨膜压 | transmembrane pressure |
血液湍流 | turbulent blood flow |
静脉血动脉化 | arterialization of venous blood |
动静脉血氧差 | arteriovenous oxygen difference |
血气界面 | blood gas interface |
缺氧性停搏 | anoxic arrest |
分流分数 | shunt fraction |
血容量不足 | hypovolemia |
低氧性酸中毒 | hypoxic acidosis |
双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术 | bidirection superior cavopulmonary anastomosis |
心肌梗死块切除术 | myocardial infarctectomy |
肺膨出 | pneumatocele |
腱索延长术 | lengthening of chordae tendineae |
栓子清除术 | embolectomy |
万能人工瓣膜 | omniscience device |
同种肺氧合 | homologous lung oxygenation |
电解质转移 | electrolyte shift |
灌注后综合征 | postperfusion syndrome |
回波搏动 | echo beat |
主动脉瓣上狭窄 | supravalvular aortic stenosis |
纤维膜型主动脉瓣下狭窄 | fibromembranous subvalvular aortic stenosis |
主动脉瓣关闭不全 | aortic incompetence |
心内膜垫缺损 | endocardial cushion defect |
法洛四联症 | tetralogy of Fallot |
三腔心 | cor triloculare |
埃布斯坦综合征 | Ebstein syndrome |
风湿性心脏病 | rheumatic heart disease |
急性冠状动脉供血不足 | acute coronary insufficiency |
变异型心绞痛 | variant angina pectoris |
陈旧性心肌梗死 | old myocardial infarction |
粘连性心包炎 | adhesive pericarditis |
心包憩室 | pericardial diverticulum |
梅毒性主动脉炎 | syphilitic aortitis |
动脉粥样硬化 | atherosclerosis |
罗马诺-沃德综合征 | Romano-Ward syndrome |
收缩压 | systolic pressure |
心脏增大 | cardiac enlargement |
肺动脉高压 | pulmonary hypertension |
心脏除颤 | defibrillation |
室壁激动时间 | ventricular activation time |
心室自主心律 | idioventricular rhythm |
窦性静止 | sinus standstill |
窦性停搏 | sinus arrest |
低动力 | hypokinesis |
房室传导 | atrioventricular conduction |
逸搏心律 | escape rhythm |
成串期前收缩 | salvo premature beat |
成串 | train |
亚速起搏 | underdrive pacing |
程控扫描 | programmed scanning |
起搏器相关性心动过速 | pacemaker related tachycardia |
B型二维超声诊断 | two-dimentional (B-mode ) ultrasonic diagnosis |
超声束 | ultrasonic beam |
超声电子计算机切面显像[术] | ultrasonic computer tomography |
选择性心血管造影[术] | selective angiocardiography |
贾金斯冠状动脉导管 | Judkins coronary catheter |
血流导向气囊导管 | balloon tipped flow-directed catheter |
射血时间指数 | ejection time index |
变时性 | chronotropic |
室壁运动 | ventricular wall motion |
左室充盈压 | left ventricular filling pressure |
舒张期末压 | end-diastolic pressure |
心房压 | atrial pressure |
中心静脉压 | central venous pressure |
收缩期末容积 | end-systolic volume |
阻尼 | damping |
全肺阻力 | total pulmonary resistance |
外周血管阻力 | peripheral vascular resistance |
血容量过多 | hypervolemia |
肺血管阻力 | pulmonary vascular resistance |
冠状血管阻力 | coronary vascular resistance |
侧支循环 | collateral circulation |
经皮腔内球囊肺动脉瓣成形术 | percutaneous transluminal balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty |
经皮腔内球囊二尖瓣成形术 | percutaneous transluminal balloon mitral valvuloplasty |
经皮腔内球囊三尖瓣成形术 | percutaneous transluminal balloon tricuspid valvuloplasty |
收缩中期杂音 | mid-systolic murmur |
[右室]漏斗部狭窄 | infundibular stenosis |
肺动脉瓣闭锁 | pulmonary atresia |
肺动脉瓣发育不全 | agenesis of pulmonary valve |
肺动脉瓣关闭不全 | pulmonary incompetence |
肺动脉瓣反流 | pulmonary regurgitation |
三尖瓣闭锁 | tricuspid atresia |
右位心 | dextrocardia |
右旋心 | dextroversion of heart |
左旋心 | levoversion of heart |
完全型大动脉转位 | complete transposition of great arteries |
大动脉错位 | malposition of great arteries |
主动脉瓣下狭窄 | subvalvular aortic stenosis |
纤维肌型主动脉瓣下狭窄 | fibromuscular subvalvular aortic stenosis |
特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下狭窄 | idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis |
继发孔型房间隔缺损 | ostium secundum defect |
房间隔缺损合并二尖瓣裂 | atrial septal defect with cleft mitral valve |
室间隔缺损 | ventricular septal defect |
嵴下型室间隔缺损 | infracristal ventricular septal defect |
膜部室间隔缺损 | membranous ventricular septal defect |
肌部室间隔缺损 | muscular ventricular septal defect |
导管后型主动脉缩窄 | coarctation of aorta |
永存动脉干 | persistent truncus arteriosus |
主动脉肺动脉间隔缺损 | aortopulmonary septal defect |
法洛三联症 | trilogy of Fallot |
法洛五联症 | pentalogy of Fallot |
非透壁性心肌梗死 | nontransmural myocardial infarction |
心内膜下心肌梗死 | subendocardial myocardial infarction |
高血压危象 | hypertensive crisis |
非细菌性血栓性心内膜炎 | nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis |
感染性心内膜炎 | infective endocarditis |
高原性心脏病 | high altitude heart disease |
围生期心脏病 | perinatal heart disease |
克山病 | Keshan disease |
泵衰竭 | pump failure |
真菌性心肌炎 | fungal myocarditis |
非梗阻性肥厚型心肌病 | nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
缩窄性心包炎 | constrictive pericarditis |
病毒性心包炎 | viral pericarditis |
细菌性心包炎 | bacterial pericarditis |
长Q-T间期综合征 | long Q-T syndrome |
心房肥大 | atrial hypertrophy |
心室肥大 | ventricular hypertrophy |
主动脉内球囊反搏 | intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation |
夜间阵发性呼吸困难 | nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea |
劳力性呼吸困难 | exertional dyspnea |
血栓性静脉炎 | thrombophlebitis |
列夫病 | Lev disease |
勒内格尔病 | Lenegre disease |
交接区心律 | junctional rhythm |
加速性交接区心律 | accelerated junctional rhythm |
窦房结功能衰竭 | sinus node failure |
心室扑动 | ventricular flutter |
心房颤动 | atrial fibrillation |
尖端扭转型室性心动过速 | torsade de pointes |
加速性房室结传导 | enhanced A-V nodal conduction |
心率-血压乘积 | rate-pressure product |
预测最高心率 | predicted maximal heart rate |
部分阻滞 | partial block |
周边阻滞 | parietal block |
3相阻滞 | phase 3 block |
4相阻滞 | phase 4 block |
踏板运动试验 | treadmill exercise test |
踏车运动试验 | bicycle exercise test |
横面 | transverse plane |
电生理学 | electrophysiology |
心动周期 | cardiac cycle |
额外刺激 | extrastimulation |
程控刺激 | programmed electrical stimulation |
希氏束电位分裂 | split of His potential |
室房传导 | ventriculo-atrial conduction |
心室重复反应 | repetitive ventricular response |
递减传导 | decremental conduction |
电机械分离 | electrical mechanical dissociation |
附加径路 | accessory pathway |
隐匿性附加径路 | concealed accessory pathway |
肯特束 | bundle of Kent |
心室触发型起搏 | ventricular triggered pacing |
抑制型起搏 | inhibited pacing |
心房抑制型起搏 | atrial inhibited pacing |
心室抑制型起搏 | ventricular inhibited pacing |
成对刺激 | couple stimulation |
起搏器综合征 | pacemaker syndrome |
脱缰 | run-away |
起搏器功能障碍 | pacemaker malfunction |
二腔观 | two-chamber view |
心尖四腔观 | apical four-chamber view |
取样容积 | sampling volume |
E-F斜率 | E-F slope |
纵向分辨率 | longitudinal resolution |
扇形扫描 | sector scanning |
超声波 | ultrasonic wave |
超声全息 | ultrasonic holography |
逆行主动脉造影[术] | retrograde aortography |
经房间隔左心导管检查 | transseptal left heart catheterization |
心内膜心肌活检[术] | endomyocardial biopsy |
松斯冠状动脉导管 | Sones coronary catheter |
血管造影导管 | angiographic catheter |
福格蒂取栓导管 | Fogarty embolectomy catheter |
心排血量 | cardiac output |
心排血指数 | cardiac index |
心肌效率 | myocardial efficiency |
第一心音 | first heart sound |
舒张早期奔马律 | protodiastolic gallop |
主动脉瓣闭锁 | aortic atresia |
主动脉瓣反流 | aortic regurgitation |
肺动脉瓣上狭窄 | supravalvular pulmonary stenosis |
肺动脉瓣下狭窄 | subvalvular pulmonary stenosis |
二叶主动脉瓣 | bicuspid aortic valve |
主动脉窦瘤 | aneurysm of aortic sinus |
冠状动静脉瘘 | coronary arteriovenous fistula |
三房心 | cor triatriatum |
陶-宾综合征 | Taussig-Bing syndrome |
艾森门格综合征 | Eisenmenger syndrome |
卢滕巴赫综合征 | Lutembacher syndrome |
布兰德-怀特-加兰德综合征 | Bland-White-Garland syndrome |
二尖瓣脱垂 | mitral valve prolapse |
心室发育不良 | ventricle dysplasia |
心绞痛 | angina pectoris |
稳定型心绞痛 | stable angina pectoris |
不稳定型心绞痛 | unstable angina pectoris |
动脉导管未闭 | patent ductus arteriosus |
高血压心脏病 | hypertensive heart disease |
继发性高血压 | secondary hypertension |
心肌病 | cardiomyopathy |
特发性心肌病 | idiopathic cardiomyopathy |
乳头肌功能不良 | dysfunction of papillary muscle |
心肌梗死 | myocardial infarction |
心内膜弹力纤维增生症 | endocardial fibroelastosis |
扩张型心肌病 | dilated cardiomyopathy |
限制型心肌病 | restrictive cardiomyopathy |
心包积液 | pericardial effusion |
梅毒性冠状动脉口狭窄 | syphilitic coronary ostial stenosis |
梅毒性心肌树胶样肿 | syphilitic gumma of myocardium |
动脉硬化 | arteriosclerosis |
主动脉瘤 | aortic aneurysm |
耶韦尔和朗格-尼尔森综合征 | Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome |
中心电端 | central electric terminal |
肢体导联 | limb lead |
心前区导联 | precordial lead |
隐匿性传导 | concealed conduction |
逸搏 | escape beat |
窦房传导阻滞 | sinoatrial block |
心向量图 | vectorcardiogram |
心向量描记术 | vectorcardiography |
起始向量 | initial vector |
程控额外刺激 | programmed extrastimulation |
起搏刺激 | pacing stimulation |
超常传导 | supernormal conduction |
超常激动 | supernormal excitation |
伪超常传导 | pseudosupernormal conduction |
超速 | overdrive |
亚速 | underdrive |
探查电极 | exploring electrode |
延迟后除极 | delayed after-depolarization |
触发激动 | triggered activity |
核心运动概念 | leading circle concept |
纵向分离 | longitudinal dissociation |
房室结双径路 | dual A-V nodal pathways |
共同径路 | common pathway |
窦房折返性心动过速 | sinoatrial reentry tachycardia |
触发型起搏 | triggered pacing |
心房触发型起搏 | atrial triggered pacing |
切面超声心动描记术 | cross-section echocardiography |
脉冲多普勒超声心动描记术 | pulsed Doppler echocardiography |
双心腔起搏器 | dual chamber pacemaker |
长轴观 | long-axis view |
短轴观 | short-axis view |
D-E斜率 | D-E slope |
D-E振幅 | D-E amplitude |
左心室质量指数 | left ventricular mass index |
吊床样 | hammock form |
无创性方法 | non-invasive method |
有创性方法 | invasive method |
每搏作功指数 | stroke work index |
心脏作功指数 | cardiac work index |
射血时间 | ejection time |
全收缩期杂音 | holosystolic murmur |
舒张早期杂音 | early diastolic murmur |
舒张中期杂音 | mid-diastolic murmur |
连续性杂音 | continuous murmur |
功能性杂音 | functional murmur |
收缩晚期杂音 | late systolic murmur |
二尖瓣上环 | supramitral ring |
多源性心律 | multifocal rhythm |
心室颤动 | ventricular fibrillation |
沃-帕-怀综合征 | Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome |
最大运动心率 | maximal exercise heart rate |
心电图运动试验 | ECG exercise test |
等长运动 | isometric exercise |
非同步型房室顺序起搏 | asynchronous atrioventricular sequential pacing |
埋藏式自动复律除颤器 | implantable automatic cardiovertor-defibrillator |
血氧差 | blood O2 difference |
高动力 | hyperkinesis |
高动力循环状态 | hyperkinetic circulatory state |
动力障碍 | dyskinesis |
肺充血 | pulmonary congestion |
射频导管消融[术] | radiofrequency catheter ablation |
射频手术消融[术] | radiofrequency surgical ablation |
冷冻消融[术] | cryoablation |
微波消融[术] | microwave ablation |
羊皮纸样右心室 | parchment right ventricle |
心肌梗死后综合征 | postmyocardial infarction syndrome |
心房黏液瘤 | atrial myxoma |
瓦尔萨尔瓦动作 | Valsalva maneuver |
屈折 | deflection |
心房同步心室起搏 | atrial synchronous ventricular pacing |
心导管 | cardiac catheter |
高度阻滞 | advanced block |
奇脉 | paradoxical pulse |
偶联间期 | coupling interval |
房束旁道 | atriofascicular tract |
间期 | interval |
起搏周长 | paced cycle length |
空间脉冲长度 | spatial pulse length |
混叠效应 | aliasing effect |
变力性 | inotropic |
心导管检查 | cardiac catheterization |
循环时[间] | circulation time |
动脉血氧饱和度 | arterial oxygen saturation |
机器样杂音 | machinery murmur |
海鸥鸣样杂音 | seagull murmur |
往返性杂音 | to and fro murmur |
肿瘤扑落音 | tumor plop |
开瓣音 | opening snap |
尤尔特征 | Ewart sign |
心包叩击音 | pericardial knock |
心包摩擦音 | pericardial friction rub |
升线一波脉 | anacrotic pulse |
肝颈静脉反流[征] | hepatojugular reflux |
低血压 | hypotension |
间歇性跛行 | intermittent claudication |
肢端发绀 | acrocyanosis |
心血管疾病 | cardiovascular diseases |
二尖瓣关闭不全 | mitral incompetence |
二尖瓣反流 | mitral regurgitation |
主动脉瓣狭窄 | aortic stenosis |
肺动脉瓣狭窄 | pulmonary stenosis |
三尖瓣关闭不全 | tricuspid incompetence |
三尖瓣反流 | tricuspid regurgitation |
右位主动脉弓 | right aortic arch |
先天性肺静脉狭窄 | congenital pulmonary vein stenosis |
永存左上腔静脉 | persistent left superior vena cava |
双上腔静脉 | double superior vena cava |
肺静脉畸形引流 | anomalous pulmonary venous drainage |
卵圆孔未闭 | patent foramen ovale |
原发孔型房间隔缺损 | ostium primum defect |
右心室双出口 | double outlet of right ventricle |
共同房室通道 | common atrioventricular canal |
共同房室瓣 | common atrioventricular valve |
缺血性心脏病 | ischemic heart disease |
心室壁瘤 | ventricular aneurysm |
乳头肌断裂 | rupture of papillary muscle of heart |
腱索断裂 | rupture of chordae tendineae |
心脏破裂 | cardiac rupture |
闭塞性心肌病 | obliterative cardiomyopathy |
导联 | lead |
心力衰竭 | heart failure |
充血性心力衰竭 | congestive heart failure |
非特异性心包炎 | nonspecific pericarditis |
渗出性心包炎 | effusive pericarditis |
出血性心包炎 | hemorrhagic pericarditis |
心包炎 | pericarditis |
心室劳损 | ventricular strain |
高原性低血压 | high altitude hypotension |
心脏按压 | cardiac compression |
心肺复苏 | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
心脏复律 | cardioversion |
QX与QT之比 | QX/QT ratio |
心律 | cardiac rhythm |
窦性心律 | sinus rhythm |
加速性心室自主心律 | accelerated idioventricular rhythm |
心律失常 | arrhythmia |
致心律失常性 | arrhythmogenic |
心动过速 | tachycardia |
心动过缓 | bradycardia |
慢快综合征 | brady-tachy arrhythmia syndrome |
游走节律点 | wandering pacemaker |
传导比例 | conduction ratio |
房室分离 | atrioventricular dissociation |
房室传导阻滞 | atrioventricular block |
莫氏Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞 | Mobitz type Ⅱ atrioventricular block |
束支传导阻滞 | bundle-branch block |
左束支传导阻滞 | left bundle-branch block |
无收缩 | asystole |
窦性心动过缓 | sinus bradycardia |
窦性心动过速 | sinus tachycardia |
病态窦房结综合征 | sick sinus syndrome |
二联律 | bigeminy |
QRS环 | QRS loop |
环运行 | inscription of loop |
QRS-T夹角 | QRS-T angle |
心室阶差 | ventricular gradient |
ST向量 | ST vector |
矢面 | sagittal plane |
早期后除极 | early after-depolarization |
起搏阈值 | pacing threshold |
阻抗 | impedance |
心室非同步起搏 | ventricular asynchronous pacing |
心肌[起搏]电极 | myocardial lead |
心内膜[起搏]电极 | endocardial lead |
磁频率 | magnet rate |
心音 | heart sound |
矫正型大动脉转位 | corrected transposition of great arteries |
导管前型主动脉缩窄 | coarctation of aorta |
无Q波心肌梗死 | non-Q-wave myocardial infarction |
心室间隔穿孔 | perforation of ventricular septum |
高血压脑病 | hypertensive encephalopathy |
肥厚型心肌病 | hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
梗阻性肥厚型心肌病 | obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
继发性心肌病 | secondary cardiomyopathy |
除极 | depolarization |
胸导联 | chest lead |
二尖瓣P波 | P-mitrale |
QRS向量 | QRS vector |
额面 | frontal plane |
电生理检查 | electrophysiologic study |
阵发快速 | burst |
希氏束电图 | His bundle electrogram |
窦室传导 | sinoventricular conduction |
房性心动过速 | atrial tachycardia |
交接区性心动过速 | junctional tachycardia |
心脏起搏 | cardiac pacing |
时间增益补偿 | time gain compensation |
压力阶差 | pressure gradient |
收缩期末压 | end-systolic pressure |
左心室收缩压 | left ventricular systolic pressure |
心室压 | ventricular pressure |
热稀释法 | thermodilution method |
换能器 | transducer |
主动脉瓣口面积 | aortic valve orifice area |
二尖瓣口面积 | mitral valve orifice area |
瓣口反流面积 | regurgitant valve orifice area |
反流血流量 | regurgitant blood flow |
反流分数 | regurgitant fraction |
血容量不足 | hypovolemia |
激光消融[术] | laser ablation |
对导管型主动脉缩窄 | coarctation of aorta |
最大作功能力 | maximal work capacity |
静脉曲张 | varicose vein |
超声诊断 | ultrasonic diagnosis |
舒张期末容积 | end-diastolic volume |
无动力 | akinesis |
经皮腔内肾动脉成形术 | percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty |
起搏 | pacing |
超声图 | ultrasonogram |
切面回声描记术 | tomoechography |
每搏量 | stroke volume |
每搏作功 | stroke work |
松弛性 | lusitropic |
第二心音逆分裂 | paradoxical splitting of second heart sound |
主动脉瓣第二音 | aortic second heart sound |
心脏冲动 | cardiac impulse |
心尖冲动 | apical impulse |
毛细血管搏动 | capillary pulsation |
颈静脉搏动 | jugular venous pulsation |
心脏杂音 | cardiac murmur |
收缩期前杂音 | presystolic murmur |
收缩早期杂音 | early systolic murmur |
喷射性杂音 | ejection murmur |
第二心音 | second heart sound |
第四心音 | fourth heart sound |
第二心音固定分裂 | fixed splitting of second heart sound |
动脉杂音 | arterial murmur |
心脏停搏 | cardiac arrest |
水冲脉 | water-hammer pulse |
主动脉弓离断 | interruption of aortic arch |
双主动脉弓 | double aortic arch |
单心房 | single atrium |
单心室 | single ventricle |
Q波心肌梗死 | Q-wave myocardial infarction |
心脏压塞 | cardiac tamponade |
高血压 | hypertension |
收缩期高血压 | systolic hypertension |
临界性高血压 | borderline hypertension |
急进性高血压 | accelerated hypertension |
恶性高血压 | malignant hypertension |
急性心肌梗死 | acute myocardial infarction |
透壁性心肌梗死 | transmural myocardial infarction |
心肌炎 | myocarditis |
病毒性心肌炎 | viral myocarditis |
细菌性心肌炎 | bacterial myocarditis |
寄生虫性心肌炎 | parasitic myocarditis |
细菌性心内膜炎 | bacterial endocarditis |
心包积血 | hemopericardium |
心包肿瘤 | pericardial tumor |
心包囊肿 | pericardial cyst |
先天性心包缺损 | congenital pericardial defect |
阿-斯综合征 | Adams-Stokes syndrome |
运动员心脏 | athlete heart |
心脏功能 | cardiac function |
搏动 | pulsation |
血压 | blood pressure |
舒张压 | diastolic pressure |
脉压 | pulse pressure |
主动脉压 | aortic pressure |
心脏扩大 | cardiac dilatation |
心脏肥大 | cardiac hypertrophy |
游离壁 | free wall |
频率依赖性阻滞 | rate-dependent block |
融合波群 | fusion complex |
成对期前收缩 | couplets premature beat |
R在T上 | R-on-T |
R在P上 | R-on-P |
三联律 | trigeminy |
四联律 | quadrigeminy |
并行收缩 | parasystole |
夺获 | capture |
心房扑动 | atrial flutter |
动态心电图 | ambulatory electrocardiogram |
预激综合征 | preexcitation syndrome |
短P-R综合征 | short P-R syndrome |
负荷试验 | stress test |
握力负荷试验 | handgrip stress test |
靶心率 | target heart rate |
运动耐量 | exercise tolerance |
马斯特二级梯运动试验 | Master two-step exercise test |
传入阻滞 | entrance block |
詹姆斯束 | James tract |
马海姆纤维 | Mahaim fiber |
体表标测 | surface mapping |
心内膜标测 | endocardial mapping |
心外膜标测 | epicardial mapping |
变速 | ramp |
窦房结恢复时间 | sinus node recovery time |
窦房传导时间 | sinoatrial conduction time |
折返心律 | reciprocal rhythm |
小折返 | micro-reentry |
大折返 | macro-reentry |
房室结内折返性心动过速 | A-V nodal reentry tachycardia |
房室折返性心动过速 | A-V reentry tachycardia |
室上性心动过速 | supraventricular tachycardia |
室性心动过速 | ventricular tachycardia |
阵发性心动过速 | paroxysmal tachycardia |
非阵发性心动过速 | nonparoxysmal tachycardia |
起搏器 | pacemaker |
动作电位 | action potential |
上升支 | upstroke |
后除极 | after-depolarization |
房室顺序型起搏 | atrioventricular sequential pacing |
全自动双腔起搏 | fully automatic dual chamber pacing |
人工心脏起搏器 | artificial pacemaker |
脉冲发生器 | pulse generator |
固定频率起搏器 | fixed-rate pacemaker |
终止带 | termination zone |
诱发带 | initiation zone |
超速抑制 | overdrive suppression |
短阵快速起搏 | burst pacing |
短阵快速脉冲刺激 | burst stimulation |
递增起搏 | incremental pacing |
超声心动描记术 | echocardiography |
频率反应式起搏器 | rate responsive pacemaker |
抗心动过速起搏器 | anti-tachycardia pacemaker |
可程控起搏器 | programmable pacemaker |
切面显像 | cross-section imaging |
心内膜炎 | endocarditis |
血氧计 | oximeter |
超声切面显像[术] | ultrasonotomography |
隆隆样杂音 | rumbling murmur |
奥斯汀·弗林特杂音 | Austin Flint murmur |
格雷厄姆·斯蒂尔杂音 | Graham Steell murmur |
静脉哼鸣 | venous hum |
脉搏短绌 | pulse deficit |
静脉怒张 | venous engorgement |
血栓闭塞性脉管炎 | thromboangiitis obliterans |
静脉炎 | phlebitis |
大隐静脉瓣功能试验 | Brodie-Trendelenburg test |
韦金斯基效应 | Wedensky effect |
传出阻滞 | exit block |
晚电位 | late potential |
心房同步心室抑制型起搏 | atrial synchronous ventricular inhibited pacing |
心室同步型起搏器 | ventricular synchronized pacemaker |
按需型起搏器 | demand pacemaker |
心室按需型起搏器 | ventricular demand pacemaker |
收缩期末容积指数 | end-systolic volume index |
等容舒张期 | isovolumic relaxation phase |
舒张期末容积指数 | end-diastolic volume index |
周径纤维缩短率 | circumferential fiber shortening rate |
心室图 | ventriculogram |
肺动脉压 | pulmonary artery pressure |
经皮腔内血管成形术 | percutaneous transluminal angio- plasty |
经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术 | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
经皮腔内周围动脉成形术 | percutaneous peripheral artery angioplasty |
经皮腔内球囊主动脉瓣成形术 | percutaneous transluminal balloon aortic valvuloplasty |
期前收缩 | extrasystole |
第三心音 | third heart sound |
肺动脉瓣第二音 | pulmonary second heart sound |
肺动脉瓣二叶瓣 | bicuspid pulmonary valve |
三尖瓣狭窄 | tricuspid stenosis |
先天性心脏病 | congenital heart disease |
假性动脉干 | pseudotruncus arteriosus |
冠状动脉瘘 | coronary artery fistula |
特发性肺动脉干扩张 | idiopathic dilatation of pulmonary trunk |
房间隔缺损 | atrial septal defect |
嵴上型室间隔缺损 | supracristal ventricular septal defect |
先天性室间隔瘤 | congenital aneurysm of ventricular septum |
肺源性心脏病 | cor pulmonale |
心肌衰竭 | myocardial failure |
心脏性猝死 | sudden cardiac death |
化脓性心包炎 | suppurative pericarditis |
左前分支阻滞 | left anterior hemiblock |
单向阻滞 | unidirectional block |
双向阻滞 | bidirectional block |
间位 | interposition |
碎裂电位 | fragmented potential |
[跨]膜电位 | transmembrane potential |
固有心率 | inherent heart rate |
环行运动 | circus movement |
起搏电极 | pacing electrode |
心室[起搏]电极 | ventricular lead |
滞后 | hysteresis |
心脏超声造影[术] | contrast echocardiography |
收缩期前向活动 | systolic anterior motion |
染料稀释曲线法 | dye dilution curve method |
低心排血量综合征 | low cardiac output syndrome |
低血容量性休克 | hypovolemic shock |
经皮腔内球囊瓣膜成形术 | percutaneous transluminal balloon valvuloplasty |
经皮腔内球囊扩张静脉狭窄 | percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation of venous stenosis |
消融 | ablation |
心率 | heart rate |
心源性哮喘 | cardiac asthma |
心源性水肿 | cardiac edema |
库斯莫尔征 | Kussmaul sign |
间歇脉 | intermittent pulse |
心脏瓣膜疾病 | valvular heart diseases |
二尖瓣狭窄 | mitral stenosis |
二尖瓣闭锁 | mitral atresia |
收缩期喀喇音 | systolic click |
收缩期喷射喀喇音 | systolic ejection click |
收缩期前奔马律 | presystolic gallop |
冠状动脉异常起源 | anomalous origin of coronary artery |
原发性肺动脉高压 | primary pulmonary hypertension |
风湿性[全]心炎 | rheumatic carditis |
冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 | coronary atherosclerotic heart disease |
左侧心力衰竭 | left-sided heart failure |
右侧心力衰竭 | right-sided heart failure |
心源性休克 | cardiogenic shock |
心包积气 | pneumopericardium |
颈动脉窦综合征 | carotid sinus syndrome |
心血管梅毒 | cardiovascular syphilis |
主动脉夹层 | dissection of aorta |
马方综合征 | Marfan syndrome |
雷诺病 | Raynaud disease |
双极导联 | bipolar lead |
单极导联 | unipolar lead |
监测导联 | monitoring lead |
向量导联 | vector lead |
肺性P波 | P-pulmonale |
QRS波群 | QRS complex |
类本位屈折 | intrinsicoid deflection |
窦性心律不齐 | sinus arrhythmia |
心电图 | electrocardiogram |
极化 | polarization |
复极 | repolarization |
心房分离 | atrial dissociation |
干扰 | interference |
右束支传导阻滞 | right bundle-branch block |
分支阻滞 | fascicular block |
左后分支阻滞 | left posterior hemiblock |
间隔分支阻滞 | septal fascicular block |
韦金斯基现象 | Wedensky phenomenon |
韦金斯基易化作用 | Wedensky facilitation |
阿什曼现象 | Ashman phenomenon |
起搏方式 | mode of cardiac pacing |
经胸起搏 | transthoracic pacing |
经静脉起搏 | transvenous pacing |
同步起搏 | synchronous pacing |
心房非同步起搏 | atrial asynchronous pacing |
心房[起搏]电极 | atrial lead |
心外膜[起搏]电极 | epicardial lead |
多功能程控 | multiprogrammability |
脉冲宽度 | pulse width |
脉冲幅度 | pulse amplitude |
M型超声心动描记术 | M-mode echocardiography |
实时频谱分析 | real time spectral analysis |
相控阵 | phased array |
近程增益 | near-area gain |
冻结显示 | freeze-frame |
射血分数 | ejection fraction |
心肌工作能力 | myocardial performance |
心肌氧耗量 | myocardial oxygen consumption |
顺应性 | compliance |
血流动力学 | hemodynamics |
肺动脉楔压 | pulmonary wedge pressure |
心血管造影[术] | angiocardiography |
主动脉缩窄 | coarctation of aorta |
原发性高血压 | essential hypertension |
中毒性心肌炎 | toxic myocarditis |
心功能不全 | cardiac insufficiency |
窦房结功能障碍 | sinus node dysfunction |
文氏型房室传导阻滞 | Wenckebach atrioventricular block |
(二尖瓣前叶)收缩期前向运动 | Systolic anterior motion(SAM) |
细迟脉 | Pulsus tardus |
分支室纤维 | Fasciculoventricular fibers |
血管减压反应 | Vasodepressor response |
房希氏束 | Atriohisian tracts |
结-室纤维 | Nodoventricular fibers |
心室晚电位 | Late ventricular potential |
房室旁路 | Accessory atrioventricular pathways |
心钠素 | Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) |
甲族乙型溶血性链球菌 | Hemolytic streptococcus |
脑干死亡 | Brainstem death |
咳嗽复律 | Cough-version |
捶击复律 | Thumpversion |
置入型心律转复除颤器 | Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) |
新鲜血栓吸引术 | Angiojet rheolytic thrombectomy |
直立倾斜试验 | Upright tilt-table testing |
双心室起搏 | biventricular pacing |
双灶起搏 | bifocal pacing |
多部位心脏起搏 | Multisite cardiac pacing |
双心房起搏 | Biatrial pacing |
经皮血管内切吸导管 | Transluminal Extraction catheter (TEC) |
人工心脏起搏 | Artificial cardiac pacing |
经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术 | Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation |
经皮穿刺腔内冠状动脉成形术 | Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) |
经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术 | Percutaneous transluminal septial myocardial ablation,(PTSMA) |
经皮穿刺球囊肺动脉瓣成形术 | Percutaneous balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty(PBPV) |
心导管消融 | Catheter ablation |
经皮穿刺球囊二尖瓣成形术 | Percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty(PBMV) |
高频旋磨术 | High frequency rotational atherectomy |
定向旋切术 | Directional coronary atherectomy |
心血管病介入性治疗 | interventional therapy for cardiovascular diseases |
超声消融术 | Ultrasound angioplasty |
重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂 | recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ,rt-PA |
氯贝丁酯 | Clofibrate |
还原酶抑制剂 | HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors HMG-CoA |
胺碘酮 | Amiodarone |
普罗帕酮 | Propafenone |
α1受体阻滞剂 | Alpha blockers |
硝酸甘油 | Nitroglycerin |
钙通道阻滞剂 | Calcium channel blocker(CCB) |
肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂 | Beta adrenergic receptor blocker |
肾上腺素能受体兴奋剂 | adrenergic receptor stimulant |
醛固酮拮抗剂 | Aldosterone antagonist |
洋地黄制剂 | digitalis preparation |
保钾利尿剂 | potassium-sparing diuretics |
正性肌力药 | inotropic agent |
袢利尿剂 | loop diuretic |
噻嗪类利尿剂 | thiazide diuretic |
梅毒性心血管病 | Syphlitic cardiovascular disease |
雷诺综合征 | Raynaud syndrome |
心肌损伤后综合征 | Postpericardiostomy syndrome |
多发性大动脉炎 | Primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches |
闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化 | Peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration |
急性心包炎 | Acute pericarditis |
右室心肌病 | Right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
致心律失常型右室心肌病 | Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy(ARVC) |
心肌桥 | Myocardial bridging |
地方性心肌病 | Endemic cardiomyopathy (ECD) |
心肌疾病 | Cardiomyopathies |
围生期心肌病 | Peripartum cardiomyopathy |
药物性心肌病 | Drug-induced cardiomyopathy |
酒精性心肌病 | Alcoholic cardiomyopathy |
限制性心肌病 | Restrictive cardiomyopathy(RCM) |
非对称性室间隔肥厚 | Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (ASH) |
肥厚性心肌病 | Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) |
特异性心肌病 | Specific cardiomyopathy |
亚急性感染性心内膜炎 | Subacute Infective endocarditis |
急性感染性心内膜炎 | Acute infective endocarditics(AIE) |
静脉药瘾者心内膜炎 | Endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers |
无症状型冠心病(隐性冠心病) | Latent coronary heart disease |
自体瓣膜心内膜炎 | Native valve endocarditis |
心脏室壁瘤 | Cardiac aneurysm |
冠状动脉性心脏病 | Coronary heart disease |
慢性主动脉瓣关闭不全 | Chronic aortic insufficiency |
马凡氏综合征 | Marfan’s syndrom |
慢性二尖瓣关闭不全 | Chronic mitral insufficiency |
急性二尖瓣关闭不全 | Acute mitral insufficiency |
主动脉弓综合征 | Aortic arch syndrome |
主动脉瓣疾病 | Aortic valve disease |
乳头肌功能失调或断裂 | Dysfunction or rupture of papillary muscle |
三尖瓣下移畸形 | Ebstein’s anomaly |
三尖瓣疾病 | Tricuspid valve disease |
二尖瓣疾病 | Mitral valve disease |
肺动脉瓣疾病 | Pulmonic valve disease |
多瓣膜疾病 | Multivalve heart disease |
完全性大血管错位 | Complete transposition of the great vessels |
部分性肺静脉畸形引流 | Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage |
孤立性右位心 | Isolated dextrocardia |
单纯肺动脉扩张 | Idiopathic dilatation of the pulmonary artery |
单纯肺动脉口狭窄 | Isolated pulmonic stenosis |
单纯收缩期高血压 | Isolated systolic hypertension |
白大衣性高血压 | “White coat” hypertension |
高血压危症 | Hypertensive emergencies |
无脉性电活动 | Pulseless electrical activity (PEA) |
高血压急症 | Hypertensive urgencyes |
三分支阻滞 | Trifascicular block |
双分支阻滞 | Bifascicular block |
左后分支传导阻滞 | Left posterior fascicular block |
左前分支传导阻滞 | Left anterior fascicular block |
室内传导阻滞 | Intraventricular block |
阿-斯综合征 | Adame-Strokes syndrom |
文氏阻滞 | Wenckebach block |
尖端扭转 | Torsades de pointes |
预激综合征(WPW综合征) | Preexcitation syndrome(Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) |
房室返性心动过速 | Atrioventricular Reentrant Tachycardia(AVNRT) |
非阵发性房室交界区性心动过速 | Nonparoxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia |
房室交界区性心律 | AV junctional rhythm |
房室交界区性逸搏 | AV junctional escape beats |
房室交界区性期前收缩 | Premature atrioventricular junctional beats |
多源性房性心动过速 | Multifocal atrial tachycardia |
伴有房室阻滞的阵发性房性心动过速 | Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with AV block |
紊乱性房性心动过速 | Chaotic atrial tachycardia |
折返性房性心动过速 | Reentrant atrial tachycardia |
房性期前收缩 | Atrial premature beats |
自律性房性心动过速 | Automatic atrial tachycardia |
心动过缓-心动过速综合征 | Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome |
心功能障碍 | Cardiac dysfunction |
病(态)窦(房结)综合征 | Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) |
舒张功能不全性心力衰竭 | Diastolic insufficiency heart failure |
收缩功能不全性心力衰竭 | Systolic insufficiency heart failure |
难治性心力衰竭 | Intractable heart failure |