中文名称 | 英文名称 |
急进肾小球肾衰竭 | Acute/rapidly progressive renal failure |
低白蛋白血症 | hypoalbuminemia |
钾 | Potassium |
钠 | Sodium |
尿素氮 | Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) |
血管紧张素受体阻制剂 | angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) |
终末肾 | End-stage renal disease (ESRD) |
慢性肾脏疾病 | Chronic kidney disease (CKD) |
组织蛋白尿 | histonuria |
脓尿 | pyuria |
失盐性肾炎 | salt-losing nephritis |
丝虫病肾病 | filariasis nephropathy |
药物性间质性肾炎 | drug-induced interstitial nephritis |
双肾双输尿管畸形 | birenal and biureteral deformity |
脱节性肾小管性酸中毒 | dislocation renal tubular acidosis |
急性非少尿型肾[功能]衰竭 | acute nonoliguric renal failure |
肾前性急性肾[功能]衰竭 | prerenal acute renal failure |
本周蛋白尿 | Bence Jones proteinuria |
肾小管性蛋白尿 | tubular proteinuria |
尿黑酸尿 | alkaptonuria |
肾真菌病 | renal fungous disease |
肾后性急性肾[功能]衰竭 | postrenal acute renal failure |
下肾单位肾病 | lower nephron nephrosis |
早期尿毒症 | early-stage uremia |
晚期尿毒症 | late-stage uremia |
尿毒症肺炎 | uremic pneumonia |
肾性尿崩症 | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
垂体性尿崩症 | pituitary diabetes insipidus |
抗维生素D佝偻病 | vitamin D resistant rickets |
先天性肾病综合征 | congenital nephrotic syndrome |
巴特综合征 | Bartter syndrome |
法布里病 | Fabry disease |
基-威综合征 | Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome |
指甲-髌骨综合征 | nail-patella syndrome |
家族性低磷[酸盐]血症 | familial hypophosphatemia |
肾腺瘤 | renal adenoma |
肾脂肪瘤 | renal lipoma |
肾母细胞瘤 | nephroblastoma |
膀胱癌 | bladder carcinoma |
肾血管外皮细胞瘤 | renal hemangiopericytoma |
肾盂上皮细胞癌 | renal pelvis epithelioma |
尿频 | frequent micturition |
肾错构瘤 | renal hamartoma |
肾纤维瘤 | renal fibroma |
卟啉尿 | porphyrinuria |
糖尿 | glucosuria |
蛋白尿 | proteinuria |
血红蛋白尿 | hemoglobinuria |
肌红蛋白尿 | myoglobinuria |
运动性蛋白尿 | post-exercise proteinuria |
体位性蛋白尿 | postural proteinuria |
间歇性蛋白尿 | intermittent proteinuria |
分泌型蛋白尿 | secretory proteinuria |
脂肪管型 | fatty cast |
泡沫细胞 | foam cell |
足细胞 | podocyte |
β2-微球蛋白 | β2-microglobulin |
黏蛋白 | mucoprotein |
T-H蛋白 | Tamm-Horsfall protein |
钠消耗 | sodium waste |
钠负荷试验 | sodium loading test |
肾小球通透性 | glomerular permeability |
造影剂肾病 | radiographic contrast nephropathy |
痛风肾病 | gouty nephropathy |
急性肾小球肾炎 | acute glomerulonephritis |
多瑙河地区流行性肾病 | Danubian epidemic nephropathy |
脂性肾病 | lipoid nephrosis |
低钾血症肾病 | hypokalemic nephrosis |
镇痛剂肾病 | analgesic nephropathy |
重金属中毒性肾病 | heavy metal nephropathy |
膜性肾病 | membranous nephropathy |
梗阻性肾病 | obstructive nephropathy |
肝病性肾病 | hepatic nephropathy |
抗惊厥药肾病 | anticonvulsants nephropathy |
原发性冷球蛋白血症肾病 | primary cryoglobulinemic nephropathy |
多动脉炎肾病 | polyarteritic nephropathy |
巨球蛋白血症肾病 | macroglobulinemic nephropathy |
乙型肝炎相关性肾小球肾炎 | hepatitis B associated glomerulonephritis |
局灶性肾小球肾炎 | focal glomerulonephritis |
局灶性坏死性肾小球肾炎 | focal necrotic glomerulonephritis |
局灶性节段性肾小球肾炎 | focal segmental glomerulonephritis |
局灶性增生性肾小球肾炎 | focal proliferative glomerulonephritis |
弥漫增生性肾小球肾炎 | diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis |
新月体肾小球肾炎 | crescentic glomerulonephritis |
肾炎 | nephritis |
肾小球肾炎 | glomerulonephritis |
感染性间质性肾炎 | septic interstitial nephritis |
特发性局灶性肾小球肾炎 | idiopathic focal glomerulonephritis |
肾阿米巴病 | renal amebiasis |
肾血吸虫病 | renal schistosomiasis |
疟疾肾病 | malarial nephropathy |
钩端螺旋体肾病 | leptospiral nephropathy |
间质性肾炎 | interstitial nephritis |
急性间质性肾炎 | acute interstitial nephritis |
慢性间质性肾炎 | chronic interstitial nephritis |
尿道综合征 | urethral syndrome |
肝性肾小管性酸中毒 | hepatic renal tubular acidosis |
肾平滑肌肉瘤 | renal leiomyosarcoma |
肾腺癌 | renal adenocarcinoma |
尿路刺激征 | urinary irritation symptoms |
肾绞痛 | renal colic |
少尿 | oliguria |
溢出性蛋白尿 | overflow proteinuria |
选择性蛋白尿 | selective proteinuria |
肾小球性蛋白尿 | glomerular proteinuria |
颗粒管型 | granular cast |
红细胞管型 | red cell cast |
白细胞管型 | white cell cast |
透明管型 | hyaline cast |
C3致肾炎因子 | C3 nephritic factor |
红细胞生成素 | erythropoietin |
高草酸尿 | hyperoxaluria |
肌酐清除率 | creatinine clearance rate |
内生肌酐清除率 | endogenous creatinine clearance rate |
菊粉清除率 | inulin clearance rate |
尿素清除率 | urea clearance rate |
小管转运 | tubular transport |
肾超声检查[术] | renal ultrasonography |
放射性核素肾图 | radionucleiorenogram |
蟠管型透析器 | coil dialyser |
下尿路感染 | lower urinary tract infection |
肾盂肾病 | pyelonephrosis |
尿毒症脑病 | uremic encephalopathy |
尿毒症周围神经病变 | uremic peripheral neuropathy |
先天性肾性失盐综合征 | congenital renal salt-losing syndrome |
肺出血-肾炎综合征 | Goodpasture syndrome |
肾素瘤 | reninoma |
肾血管瘤 | renal hemangioma |
念珠菌尿 | candiduria |
二羧基氨基酸尿 | dicarboxylic aminoaciduria |
蜡样管型 | waxy cast |
利钠因子 | natriuretic factor |
肾扫描 | renal scan |
分钟间隔连续静脉肾盂造影[术] | minute-sequence intravenous pyelography |
肾穿刺活检 | renal needle biopsy |
中空纤维型透析器 | hollow fiber dialyser |
无尿 | anuria |
逆行肾盂造影[术] | retrograde pyelography |
功能性蛋白尿 | functional proteinuria |
间歇性腹膜透析 | intermittent peritoneal dialysis |
利尼亚克-范科尼综合征 | Lignac-Fanconi syndrome |
IV型肾小管性酸中毒 | type IV renal tubular acidosis |
分流性肾炎 | shunt nephritis |
梅毒性肾炎 | syphilitic nephritis |
IgA肾病 | IgA nephropathy |
肾病 | nephrosis |
足突型肾病 | foot process nephrosis |
抗肾小球基膜型肾小球肾炎 | anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis |
免疫复合物肾小球肾炎 | immune complex glomerulonephritis |
马杉肾炎 | Masugi nephritis |
肾肥大 | renal hypertrophy |
肾下垂 | nephroptosis |
肾动脉硬化症 | renal arteriosclerosis |
肾动脉粥样硬化症 | renal arterial atherosclerosis |
肾静脉血栓形成 | renal venous thrombosis |
氮质血症 | azotemia |
中毒性肾损害 | nephrotoxicity |
尿毒症性甲状旁腺功能亢进 | uremic hyperparathyroidism |
肾盂积水 | hydronephrosis |
肾性骨营养不良症 | renal osteodystrophy |
肝性肾小球硬化 | hepatic glomerulosclerosis |
肾脏感染性疾病 | renal infectious diseases |
糖尿病肾乳头坏死 | diabetic renal papillary necrosis |
坏死性肾乳头炎 | necrotic renal papillitis |
尿毒症结肠炎 | uremic colitis |
尿毒症心包炎 | uremic pericarditis |
尿毒症心肌病 | uremic myocardiopathy |
多囊肾 | polycystic kidney |
孤立性肾囊肿 | solitary renal cyst |
安德森-法布里综合征 | Anderson-Fabry syndrome |
利德尔综合征 | Liddle syndrome |
乳碱综合征 | milk-alkali syndrome |
低盐综合征 | low salt syndrome |
范科尼综合征 | Fanconi syndrome |
肾性水肿 | renal edema |
苯[丙]酮尿症 | phenyl ketonuria |
肾囊性病 | renal cystic disease |
肾纤维样肉瘤 | renal fibroid sarcoma |
夜尿 | nocturia |
非选择性蛋白尿 | non-selective proteinuria |
毛细血管通透性增强因子 | capillary permeability increasing factor |
N-乙酰-β-葡萄糖苷酶 | N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase |
尿渗透压 | osmotic pressure of urine |
肾图 | nephrogram |
血液滤过 | hemofiltration |
血液透析 | hemodialysis |
序贯透析 | sequential dialysis |
单纯超滤 | isolated ultrafiltration |
腹膜透析 | peritoneal dialysis |
低蛋白饮食 | low protein diet |
环孢霉素A肾病 | cyclosporine A nephropathy |
氨基糖苷肾病 | aminoglycoside nephropathy |
高钙血症肾病 | hypercalcemic nephropathy |
高磷[酸盐]血症肾病 | hyperphosphatemic nephropathy |
反流性肾病 | reflux nephropathy |
高尿酸血症肾病 | hyperuricemic nephropathy |
小管间质性肾病 | tubular-interstitial nephropathy |
糖尿病肾病 | diabetic nephropathy |
移植肾病 | transplant nephropathy |
锂肾病 | lithium nephropathy |
遗传性肾小球肾炎 | hereditary glomerulonephritis |
局灶性硬化性肾小球肾炎 | focal sclerotic glomerulonephritis |
膜性肾小球肾炎 | membranous glomerulonephritis |
驼峰样电子致密沉积物 | hump-like electron dense deposits |
钉突样改变 | spikes projecting |
马蹄形肾 | horseshoe kidney |
肾代偿性肥大 | renal compensatory hypertrophy |
肾血管疾病 | renal vascular diseases |
肾动脉血栓形成 | renal arterial thrombosis |
血栓性血小板减少性肾损害 | renal damage in thrombotic thrombocytopenia |
肾病性水肿 | nephrotic edema |
肾性糖尿 | renal glucosuria |
直立性蛋白尿 | orthostatic proteinuria |
肾炎综合征 | nephritic syndrome |
氨基甘氨酸尿 | aminoglycinuria |
梗阻性尿路病 | obstructive uropathy |
肾结石 | renal calculus |
肾性佝偻病 | renal rickets |
泌尿生殖系血吸虫病 | genito-urinary schistosomiasis |
尿路念珠菌病 | urinary moniliasis |
细菌性间质性肾炎 | bacterial interstitial nephritis |
尿路感染 | urinary tract infection |
尿毒症 | uremia |
上尿路感染 | upper urinary tract infection |
肾盂肾炎 | pyelonephritis |
寄生虫肾病 | parasitic nephropathy |
肾周血肿 | perirenal hematoma |
肾盂肾盏扩张 | pyelocaliectasis |
肾盏扩张 | caliectasis |
肾性侏儒综合征 | renal dwarfism syndrome |
肾性生长停滞综合征 | renal growth failure syndrome |
肾性幼稚症 | renal infantilism |
肾盂腺癌 | pyelo-adenocarcinoma |
肾盂癌 | pyelo-carcinoma |
尿潴留 | urine retention |
排尿困难 | dysuria |
多尿 | polyuria |
透析失衡综合征 | dialysis disequilibrium syndrome |
肾炎性水肿 | nephritic edema |
淋巴尿 | lymphuria |
脂肪尿 | lipiduria |
血红蛋白管型 | hemoglobin cast |
上皮细胞管型 | epithelial cell cast |
肾衰管型 | renal failure cast |
尿液分析 | urinalysis |
抗体包裹细菌 | antibody coated bacteria |
肾盂扩张 | pyelectasis |
镰状细胞贫血肾病 | kidney disease in sickle cell anemia |
急进性肾小球肾炎 | rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
慢性肾小球肾炎 | chronic glomerulonephritis |
隐匿型肾小球肾炎 | latent glomerulonephritis |
毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎 | endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
毛细血管外增生性肾小球肾炎 | extracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
毛细血管外肾小球肾炎 | extracapillary glomerulonephritis |
膜增生性肾小球肾炎 | membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis |
内皮系膜性肾小球肾炎 | endothelio-mesangial glomerulonephritis |
系膜毛细血管性肾小球肾炎 | mesangial capillary glomerulone-phritis |
急性感染后肾小球肾炎 | acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis |
海曼肾炎 | Heymann nephritis |
家族性肾炎 | familial nephritis |
遗传性慢性进行性肾炎 | hereditary progressive chronic nephritis |
肾病综合征 | nephrotic syndrome |
原发性单株高丙球蛋白血症肾病 | primary monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemic nephropathy |
肾小球病 | glomerulopathy |
急性链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎 | acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis |
系膜增生性肾小球肾炎 | mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
低补体血性肾小球肾炎 | hypocomplementemic glomerulonephritis |
小叶性肾小球肾炎 | lobular glomerulonephritis |
遗传性免疫性肾炎 | hereditary immuno-nephritis |
病毒感染后肾炎 | postviral infectious nephritis |
肾周围脓肿 | perinephric abscess |
家族性良性血尿 | benign familial hematuria |
家族性抗维生素D佝偻病 | familial vitamin D-resistant rickets |
假性醛固酮增多症 | pseudohyperaldosteronism |
奥尔波特综合征 | Alport syndrome |
眼脑肾综合征 | oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome |
多尿期 | diuresis stage |
肾性高血压 | renal hypertension |
尿细胞学 | urinary cytology |
球浆体 | spheroplast |
肾血流动力学 | renal hemodynamics |
肾血管杂音 | renovascular bruit |
肾小球滤过率 | glomerular filtration rate |
氯化铵负荷试验 | ammonium chloride loading test |
肾性骨软化症 | renal osteomalacia |
肾性骨硬化症 | renal osteosclerosis |
肾包虫病 | renal hydatid disease |
尿痛 | pain in urination |
反射性无尿 | reflex anuria |
纯水清除率 | solute-free water clearance rate |
分侧肾功能试验 | split-renal function test |
血液净化 | blood purification |
连续动静脉血液滤过 | continuous arterio-venous hemofiltration |
持续不卧床腹膜透析 | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
酮酸疗法 | keto-acid therapy |
铝相关性肾性骨营养不良 | aluminum associated renal osteodystrophy |
微小病变型肾病 | minimal change nephrosis |
先天性肾囊性疾病 | congenital renal cystic diseases |
红细胞生成素原 | erythropoietinogen |
狼疮肾炎 | lupus nephritis |
肾活检 | renal biopsy |
钠排泄分数 | fractional excretion of sodium |
肾衰指数 | renal failure index |
管球反馈系统 | tubuloglomerular feedback system |
管球失衡 | glomerulotubular imbalance |
成肾组织 | nephrogenic tissue |
肾小球清除率 | glomerular clearance rate |
透析液 | dialysate |
透析器 | dialyser |
平板型透析器 | Kiil dialyser |
动静脉内瘘 | internal arteriovenous fistula |
动静脉外瘘 | external arteriovenous fistula |
血液透析滤过 | hemodiafiltration |
血浆置换 | plasmapheresis |
血液灌流 | hemoperfusion |
低流量血液透析 | low flow hemodialysis |
肠道透析 | intestinal dialysis |
非透析治疗 | nondialytic treatment |
必需氨基酸疗法 | essential amino-acid therapy |
肾血管造影[术] | renal angiography |
透析 | dialysis |
肾脏病学 | nephrology |
巴尔干肾病 | Balkan nephropathy |
失盐性肾病 | salt-losing nephropathy |
晶体性肾病 | crystalline nephropathy |
磺胺药肾病 | sulphonamide nephropathy |
有机溶剂肾病 | organic solvent nephropathy |
变应性间质性肾炎 | allergic interstitial nephritis |
放射性肾炎 | radiation nephritis |
血清性肾炎 | serum sickness nephritis |
过敏性紫癜肾炎 | Henoch-Scho&4&nlein purpura nephritis |
肾梗死 | renal infarction |
恶性肾硬化 | malignant nephrosclerosis |
良性肾硬化 | benign nephrosclerosis |
肾小球滤过膜 | glomerular filtration membrane |
淤血肾 | cyanotic kidney |
肾盂-小管反流 | pyelotubular reflux |
膀胱-输尿管反流 | vesico-ureteric reflux |
肾盂-肾反流 | pyelorenal backflow |
小动脉性肾硬化症 | arteriolar nephrosclerosis |
高氯血症酸中毒 | hyperchloremic acidosis |
特发性尿钙增多症 | idiopathic hypercalcinuria |
肾淀粉样变性 | renal amyloidosis |
肾钙沉着症 | nephrocalcinosis |
肾小球基膜 | glomerular basement membrane |
肾萎缩 | renal atrophy |
终末期固缩肾 | end-stage-contracted kidney |
游走肾 | floating kidney |
复发性肾盂肾炎 | recurrent pyelonephritis |
再感染肾盂肾炎 | reinfectious pyelonephritis |
肾周围炎 | perinephritis |
近端肾小管性酸中毒 | proximal renal tubular acidosis |
远端肾小管性酸中毒 | distal renal tubular acidosis |
混合型肾小管性酸中毒 | mixed renal tubular acidosis |
急性少尿型肾[功能]衰竭 | acute oliguric renal failure |
肾[功能]衰竭 | renal failure |
急性肾小管坏死 | acute tubular necrosis |
急性肾乳头坏死 | acute renal papillary necrosis |
肾小管性酸中毒 | renal tubular acidosis |
尿性囊肿 | urinoma |
尿急 | urgent micturition |
腰痛 | lumbodynia |
轻链蛋白尿 | light-chain proteinuria |
管型尿 | cylinderuria |
血尿 | hematuria |
肾血管性高血压 | renal vascular hypertension |
肾素依赖性高血压 | renin-dependent hypertension |
容量依赖性高血压 | volume-dependent hypertension |
致肾炎菌株 | nephritogenic strains |
抗利尿激素 | antidiuretic hormone |
肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统 | renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system |
血管舒缓素-激肽系统 | kallikrein-kinin system |
菌尿 | bacteriuria |
胱氨酸尿 | cystinuria |
肾性氨基酸尿 | renal aminoaciduria |
滤过分数 | filtration fraction |
滤过钠排泄分数 | fractional excretion of filtrated sodium |
瓦氏巨球蛋白血症肾病 | renal disease in Waldenstro&4&m macroglobulinemia |
透析性骨病 | dialytic osteopathy |
连续循环腹膜透析 | continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis |