中文名称 | 英文名称 |
介入治疗 | interventional therapy |
马尾损伤 | injury of cauda equina |
坐标 | coordinate |
颅内静脉畸形 | intracranial venous malformation |
表皮样瘤 | epidermoidoma |
血管网状细胞瘤 | angioreticuloma |
神经鞘瘤 | schwannoma |
垂体腺癌 | pituitary carcinoma |
颅内先天性动脉瘤 | intracranial congenital aneurysm |
颅内夹层动脉瘤 | intracranial dissecting aneurysm |
非交通性脑积水 | noncommunicating hydrocephalus |
正常灌注压突破 | normal perfusion pressure break- through |
颅内寄生虫病 | intracranial parasitosis |
脑真菌性肉芽肿 | mycotic granuloma of brain |
脊髓疾病 | diseases of spinal cord |
脊髓受压 | compression of spinal cord |
脊髓梅毒瘤 | spinal cord syphiloma |
脊髓拴系综合征 | tethered cord syndrome |
颅狭[窄]症 | craniostenosis |
颅裂 | cranium bifidum |
锥体外系疾病及运动异常疾患 | diseases of extrapyramidal system and movement disorder |
翼点入路 | pterion approach |
经侧脑室三角区入路 | transtrigone lateral ventricle approach |
双额减压术 | bifrontal decompression |
脑室-腹腔分流术 | ventriculo-peritoneal shunt |
侧脑室造瘘术 | lateral ventriculostomy |
颅脑损伤手术 | operation of craniocerebral injury |
动脉内化疗 | intra-arterial chemotherapy |
血管内神经外科 | endovascular neurosurgery |
血管内支架 | endovascular stent |
颞浅-大脑中动脉吻合术 | superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis |
颈动脉植片修补术 | patch grafting of carotid artery |
胼胝体切开术 | corpus callosotomy |
扣带回切开术 | cingulotomy |
三叉神经眼枝撕脱术 | avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve |
显微[神经]血管减压术 | microsurgical [neuro-]vascular decompression |
椎管内肿瘤切除术 | excision of intraspinal tumor |
肋间神经阻滞术 | intercostal nerve block |
神经移位术 | nerve transposition |
丘脑腹外侧核毁损术 | ventrolateral thalamotomy |
立体定向放射外科 | stereotaxic radiosurgery |
激光手术 | laser surgery |
脑室-脑池分流术 | lateral ventriculo-cisterna magna shunt |
显微神经外科[学] | microneurosurgery |
小儿神经外科[学] | pediatric neurosurgery |
灼性神经痛 | causalgia |
植物状态 | vegetative state |
胶样囊肿 | colloid cyst |
颅内假性动脉瘤 | intracranial false aneurysm |
颈内动脉-后交通动脉动脉瘤 | internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery aneurysm |
髓内动静脉畸形 | intramedullary arteriovenous mal- formation |
外囊出血 | external capsule hemorrhage |
内囊出血 | internal capsule hemorrhage |
丘脑出血 | thalamic hemorrhage |
脑桥出血 | pontine hemorrhage |
静脉窦血栓形成 | thrombosis of venous sinus |
脑脓肿 | brain abscess |
脑蛛网膜炎 | arachnoiditis of brain |
脑结核瘤 | brain tuberculoma |
脊髓蛛网膜炎 | arachnoiditis of spinal cord |
脊髓挫伤 | contusion of spinal cord |
舟状头[畸形] | scaphocephaly |
脑[脊]膜膨出 | meningocele |
脑膜脑膨出 | meningoencephalocele |
脑穿通畸形 | porencephaly |
三叉神经痛 | trigeminal neuralgia |
前斜角肌综合征 | scalenus anticus syndrome |
脑萎缩 | brain atrophy |
颅骨环钻术 | trephination of skull |
颅骨成形术 | cranioplasty |
手术入路 | operative approach |
幕上入路 | supratentorial approach |
额部入路 | frontal approach |
颞下入路 | subtemporal approach |
终板入路 | lamina terminalis approach |
经侧裂入路 | transsylvian approach |
经胼胝体入路 | transcallosal approach |
经额叶侧脑室入路 | transfrontal lateral ventricle approach |
经口入路 | transoral approach |
额叶切除术 | frontal lobectomy |
腰椎蛛网膜下腔-腹腔分流术 | lumbar subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt |
脊髓空洞-蛛网膜下腔分流术 | syringo-subarachnoid shunt |
脑室造瘘术 | ventriculostomy |
第三脑室前部造瘘术 | anterior third ventriculostomy |
斯托基-斯卡夫第三脑室造瘘术 | Stookey-Scarff third ventriculostomy |
颅内肿瘤手术 | operation of intracranial tumor |
术前栓塞术 | preoperative embolization |
神经血管造影 | neuroangiography |
颈动脉内膜切除术 | carotid endarterectomy |
脑脓肿手术 | brain abscess operation |
脑脓肿抽吸术 | aspiration of brain abscess |
脑脓肿引流术 | drainage of brain abscess |
三叉神经半月节射频热凝固术 | radiofrequency thermocoagulation for gasserian ganglion |
脊髓前外侧束切断术 | anteriolateral cordotomy |
立体定向脊髓束切断术 | stereotaxic cordotomy |
神经切除术 | neurectomy |
神经切断术 | neurotomy |
神经植入术 | neurotization |
神经撕脱术 | avulsion of nerve |
老年神经外科[学] | geriatric neurosurgery |
脊索瘤 | chordoma |
生殖细胞瘤 | germinoma |
颅内转移瘤 | intracranial metastatic tumor |
神经上皮瘤 | neuroepithelioma |
星形细胞瘤 | astrocytoma |
星形母细胞瘤 | astroblastoma |
硬脊膜动静脉瘘 | spinal dural arteriovenous fistula |
血管构筑 | angioarchitecture |
空蝶鞍 | empty sella turcica |
颅内动脉瘤 | intracranial aneurysm |
颅内动脉硬化性动脉瘤 | intracranial arteriosclerotic aneurysm |
颅内感染性动脉瘤 | intracranial infected aneurysm |
颅脑损伤 | craniocerebral injury |
头皮挫伤 | scalp contusion |
颅内出血 | intracranial hemorrhage |
脑出血 | cerebral hemorrhage |
壳核出血 | putamen hemorrhage |
开放性颅骨骨折 | open fracture of skull |
闭合性颅骨骨折 | closed fracture of skull |
硬脑膜外血肿 | epidural hematoma |
对冲性损伤 | contrecoup injury |
开放性颅脑损伤 | open craniocerebral injury |
脑挫伤 | contusion of brain |
颅内感染 | intracranial infection |
硬脊膜外血肿 | spinal epidural hematoma |
硬脊膜下血肿 | spinal subdural hematoma |
神经损伤 | injury of nerve |
神经丛损伤 | injury of nerve plexus |
硬脊膜外脓肿 | spinal epidural abscess |
硬脊膜下脓肿 | spinal subdural abscess |
舌咽神经痛 | glossopharyngeal neuralgia |
膝状节神经痛 | geniculate neuralgia |
红斑性肢痛症 | erythromelalgia |
头皮切口 | incision of scalp |
血管内治疗 | endovascular treatment |
溶栓 | thrombolysis |
血管成形术 | angioplasty |
缺血性脑血管疾病手术 | operation for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases |
颅外-颅内动脉吻合术 | extra-intracranial artery anastomosis |
颞浅-小脑上动脉吻合术 | superficial temporal artery-superior cerebellar artery anastomosis |
枕-小脑后下动脉吻合术 | occipital artery-posterior inferior cerebellar artery anastomosis |
动脉旁路术 | arterial bypass |
脑脓肿切除术 | excision of brain abscess |
导水管扩张术 | dilatation of aqueduct |
颅内动脉瘤球囊栓塞术 | balloon embolization of intracranial aneurysm |
颅内动静脉畸形切除术 | excision of intracranial AVM |
颈动脉结扎术 | carotid artery ligation |
视神经管减压术 | decompression of optic canal |
三叉神经半月节甘油注射术 | glycerol injection of gasserian ganglion |
面神经吻合术 | facial nerve anastomosis |
面-舌下神经吻合术 | facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis |
面-副神经吻合术 | facial-accessory nerve anastomosis |
面肌抽搐射频热凝固术 | radiofrequency thermocoagulation for facial tic |
椎板切除术 | laminectomy |
椎管内脓肿清除术 | evacuation of intraspinal abscess |
脑[脊]膜膨出修补术 | repair of [spinal] meningocele |
交感神经手术 | operation on sympathetic nervous system |
星状神经节阻滞术 | stellate ganglion block |
颅骨牵引术 | skull traction |
神经松解术 | neurolysis |
骶前神经切断术 | presacral neurotomy |
立体定向手术 | stereotactic surgery |
立体定向仪 | stereotactic apparatus |
靶点 | target |
参考点 | reference point |
连合间线 | intercommissural line |
星状神经节切除术 | stellate ganglionectomy |
胸交感神经切除术 | thoracic sympathectomy |
动脉周围交感神经切除术 | periarterial sympathectomy |
颅骨海绵状血管瘤 | cavernous hemangioma of skull |
颅骨骨髓炎 | osteomyelitis of skull |
颅骨凹陷骨折 | depressed fracture of skull |
颅骨生长性骨折 | growing fracture of skull |
直线切口 | linear incision |
倒钩形切口 | reverse hook incision |
L形切口 | L-shaped incision |
颅骨切除术 | craniectomy |
顶部入路 | parietal approach |
顶枕入路 | parieto-occipital approach |
脑震荡 | concussion of brain |
[小脑]幕上下联合入路 | combined supratentorial-infraten- torial approach |
颅内动脉瘤孤立术 | trapping of intracranial aneurysm |
颅缝重建术 | reconstruction of cranial suture |
创伤后脑综合征 | post-traumatic brain syndrome |
科布综合征 | Cobb syndrome |
栓塞 | embolism |
先天性脑积水 | congenital hydrocephalus |
脑受压 | compression of brain |
脊髓休克 | spinal shock |
颅内毛细管扩张[症] | intracranial telangiestasia |
双干脊髓 | diplomyelia |
经小脑幕入路 | transtentorial approach |
脑面血管瘤病 | encephalofacial angiomatosis |
神经外科[学] | neurosurgery |
鞍结节脑膜瘤 | tuberculum sellae meningioma |
鞍上脑膜瘤 | suprasellar meningioma |
大脑凸面脑膜瘤 | cerebral convexity meningioma |
小脑幕脑膜瘤 | tentorial meningioma |
横窦脑膜瘤 | transverse sinus meningioma |
[神经]胶质瘤 | glioma |
脑室内脑膜瘤 | intraventricular meningioma |
[多形性]胶质母细胞瘤 | glioblastoma [multiforme] |
室管膜母细胞瘤 | ependymoblastoma |
脉络丛乳头状瘤 | papilloma of choroid plexus |
松果体细胞瘤 | pinealocytoma |
松果体母细胞瘤 | pinealoblastoma |
畸胎瘤 | teratoma |
错构瘤 | hamartoma |
少突神经胶质瘤 | oligodendroglioma |
颅内创伤性动脉瘤 | intracranial traumatic aneurysm |
大脑中动脉瘤 | middle cerebral artery aneurysm |
基底动脉瘤 | basilar artery aneurysm |
颅内血管畸形 | intracranial vascular malformation |
颅内动静脉畸形 | intracranial arteriovenous malfor- mation |
颅内海绵状血管瘤 | intracranial cavernous hemangio-ma |
生长激素腺瘤 | growth hormone adenoma |
促肾上腺皮质激素腺瘤 | adrenocorticotropic hormone adenoma |
中脑出血 | midbrain hemorrhage |
小脑出血 | cerebellar hemorrhage |
皮质下出血 | subcortical hemorrhage |
脑室内出血 | intraventricular hemorrhage |
蛛网膜下腔出血 | subarachnoid hemorrhage |
脑梗死 | cerebral infarction |
急性脑肿胀 | acute brain swelling |
颅内异物 | intracranial foreign body |
脊髓脓肿 | spinal cord abscess |
脊髓出血 | hematomyelia |
脊髓结核瘤 | spinal cord tuberculoma |
脊髓真菌性肉芽肿 | mycotic granuloma of spinal cord |
脊膜瘤 | spinal meningioma |
脊膜脊髓膨出 | meningomyelocele |
颅脑先天性畸形 | congenital deformity of cranium and brain |
交通性脑积水 | communicating hydrocephalus |
正常压力脑积水 | normal pressure hydrocephalus |
脑寄虫病 | cerebral parasitosis |
脊髓震荡 | concussion of spinal cord |
弧形切口 | curved incision |
冠状切口 | coronal incision |
马蹄形切口 | horseshoe incision |
钩形切口 | hook incision |
尖头[畸形] | acrocephaly |
T形切口 | T-shaped incision |
颅骨手术 | skull operation |
颅骨钻孔术 | burr holes of skull |
额颞入路 | frontotemporal approach |
额顶入路 | frontoparietal approach |
额下入路 | subfrontal approach |
枕下入路 | suboccipital approach |
弓形切口 | crossbow incision |
三叉形切口 | tripod incision |
梭形切口 | fusiform incision |
S形切口 | S-shaped incision |
乙状窦前入路 | presigmoid approach |
前颞叶切除术 | anterior temporal lobectomy |
颞下窝入路 | infratemporal approach |
光动力学疗法 | photodynamic therapy |
脑血管疾病手术 | operation for cerebrovascular diseases |
颅内动脉瘤手术 | operation for intracranial aneurysm |
三叉神经射频热凝固术 | radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal nerve |
周围神经手术 | operation on peripheral nerve |
功能性神经外科[学] | functional neurosurgery |
精神外科[学] | psychosurgery |
大脑大静脉动脉瘤样畸形 | aneurysmal malformation of vein of Galen |
颈内动脉海绵窦瘘 | carotid-cavernous fistula |
硬脑膜动静脉瘘 | dural arteriovenous fistula |
大脑半球皮质切除术 | cerebral hemicorticectomy |
颅内动脉瘤包裹术 | wrapping of intracranial aneurysm |
脊神经后根切断术 | spinal posterior rhizotomy |
椎旁神经节阻滞术 | paravertebral nerve [ganglion]block |
大脑前动脉-前交通动脉动脉瘤 | anterior cerebral artery-anterior communicating artery aneurysm |
无脑[畸形] | anencephaly |
颅内血肿清除术 | evacuation of intracranial hema- toma |
视[神经]盘水肿 | papilledema |
神经痛 | neuralgia |
眶内脑膜瘤 | intra-orbital meningioma |
颅中窝脑膜瘤 | meningioma of middle cranial fossa |
中间清醒期 | lucid interval |
去大脑强直 | decerebrate rigidity |
去[大脑]皮质状态 | decortical state |
盗血现象 | steal phenomenon |
极性胶质母细胞瘤 | spongioblastoma polare |
催乳素瘤 | prolactinoma |
脑干损伤 | brain stem injury |
颅骨线形骨折 | linear fracture of skull |
颅骨粉碎骨折 | comminuted fracture of skull |
颅底骨折 | fracture of skull base |
脊髓裂伤 | laceration of spinal cord |
脑瘢痕 | brain cicatrix |
大脑性瘫痪 | cerebral palsy |
克吕弗-布西综合征 | Klu&4&ver-Bucy syndrome |
小脑扁桃体下疝畸形 | Arnold-Chiari malformation |
丹迪-沃克综合征 | Dandy-Walker syndrome |
颅脑手术 | craniocerebral operations |
积水性无脑畸形 | hydranencephaly |
导水管狭窄 | aqueduct stenosis |
颞部入路 | temporal approach |
枕部入路 | occipital approach |
经颧颞入路 | transzygomatic temporal approach |
乙状窦后入路 | retrosigmoid approach |
经内听道入路 | transmeatal approach |
经迷路入路 | translabyrinthine approach |
经眶入路 | transorbital approach |
经口鼻蝶窦入路 | transoro-naso-sphenoidal approach |
经蝶窦入路 | transsphenoidal approach |
经鼻入路 | transnasal approach |
脑立体定向活检 | stereotactic biopsy of brain |
脑活检 | biopsy of brain |
透明隔开窗术 | fenestration of septum pellucidum |
头皮血肿抽吸术 | aspiration of hematoma of scalp |
颅骨凹陷骨折整复术 | elevation of depressed fracture of skull |
开放性脑创伤清创术 | de&1&bridement of open wound of brain |
脑内异物摘除术 | removal of foreign body in brain |
前囟穿刺术 | puncture of anterior fontanelle |
颅内动脉瘤夹闭术 | clipping of intracranial aneurysm |
脑室-心房分流术 | ventriculo-atrial shunt |
脑室-静脉分流术 | ventriculo-venous shunt |
脑室-静脉窦分流术 | ventriculo-sinus shunt |
供血动脉夹闭术 | clipping of feeding artery |
垂体切除术 | hypophysectomy |
颅神经手术 | operation for cranial nerve |
神经缝合术 | neurorrhaphy |
神经吻合术 | nerve anastomosis |
硬脑膜下水瘤 | subdural hydroma |
弥散性轴索损伤 | diffuse axonal injury |
米亚尔-居布勒综合征 | Millard-Gubler syndrome |
[小脑]幕下-小脑上入路 | subtentorial-supracerebellar ap- proach |
经筛蝶窦入路 | transethmoid sphenoidal approach |
脑叶切除术 | lobectomy of brain |
颅内动脉瘤结扎术 | ligation of intracranial aneurysm |
去大脑状态 | decerebrate state |
顽固性疼痛 | intractable pain |
颅内压增高 | increased intracranial pressure |
蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤 | sphenoid ridge meningioma |
海绵窦脑膜瘤 | meningioma of cavernous sinus |
小脑脑桥角脑膜瘤 | meningioma of cerebello-pontine angle |
枕[骨]大孔脑膜瘤 | meningioma of foramen magnum |
颅颈交界处脑膜瘤 | meningioma of craniocervical junc- tion |
室管膜[细胞]瘤 | ependymoma |
高血压脑出血 | hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage |
延髓出血 | medulla oblongata hemorrhage |
[脑]卒中 | [cerebral] apoplexy |
头皮裂伤 | scalp laceration |
经大脑半球间入路 | transinterhemispheric approach |
乳突后入路 | retromastoid approach |
库欣现象 | Cushing phenomenon |
耳后淤血斑 | Battle sign |
脑[脊]膜瘤 | meningioma |
嗅沟脑膜瘤 | olfactory groove meningioma |
大脑镰脑膜瘤 | cerebral falx meningioma |
矢状窦旁脑膜瘤 | parasagittal meningioma |
三角区脑膜瘤 | trigonal meningioma |
髓母细胞瘤 | medulloblastoma |
先天性肿瘤 | congenital tumor |
皮样囊肿 | dermoid cyst |
神经纤维瘤 | neurofibroma |
神经纤维瘤病 | neurofibromatosis |
神经纤维肉瘤 | neurofibrosarcoma |
垂体腺瘤 | pituitary adenoma |
岩骨斜坡脑膜瘤 | petroclival meningioma |
髓周动静脉瘘 | perimedullary arteriovenous fistula |
烟雾病 | moyamoya disease |
头皮撕脱伤 | scalp avulsion |
头皮血肿 | scalp hematoma |
颅骨缺损 | defect of skull |
颅骨骨瘤 | osteoma of skull |
颅骨纤维性结构不良 | fibrous dysplasia of skull |
颅骨嗜酸细胞肉芽肿 | eosinophilic granuloma of skull |
硬脑膜下血肿 | subdural hematoma |
开颅术 | craniotomy |
脑裂伤 | laceration of brain |
脑梅毒瘤 | brain syphiloma |
梗阻性脑积水 | obstructive hydrocephalus |
枕叶切除术 | occipital lobectomy |
大脑半球切除术 | cerebral hemispherectomy |
脑减压术 | decompression of brain |
颞下减压术 | subtemporal decompression |
枕下减压术 | suboccipital decompression |
远外侧入路 | far lateral approach |
[小脑]幕下入路 | infratentorial approach |
颈动脉血栓切除术 | carotid thrombectomy |
三叉神经感觉根切断术 | sensory rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve |
椎间孔扩大术 | intervertebral foramenotomy |
脊髓前连合切断术 | anterior commissurotomy of spinal cord |
导向系统 | guidance system |
模拟框架 | phantom frame |
杏仁核毁损术 | amygdalotomy |
电凝[固]术 | electrocoagulation |
神经束切断术 | tractotomy |
电刺激术 | electrostimulation |
直线加速器放射外科 | linear accelerator radiosurgery |
间质内照射 | interstitial irradiation |
颅骨骨折 | fracture of skull |
颅咽管瘤 | craniopharyngioma |
脑内血肿 | intracerebral hematoma |
完全性遗忘 | global amnesia |
言语困难 | dyslalia |
经皮质运动性失语[症] | transcortical motor aphasia |
截瘫 | paraplegia |
前庭眼反射 | vestibulo-ocular reflex |
运动不能性缄默[症] | akinetic mutism |
髌阵挛 | patellar clonus |
兰德里瘫痪 | Landry paralysis |
多发性硬化 | multiple sclerosis |
脑桥中央髓鞘溶解 | central pontine myelinolysis |
拉福拉病 | Lafora disease |
门克斯病 | Menkes disease |
亨廷顿病 | Huntington disease |
幻影棘慢复合波 | phantom spike and slow wave complex |
光惊厥反应 | photo convulsive response |
运动单位动作电位 | motor unit action potential |
跨阈步态 | steppage gait |
杰克逊综合征 | Jackson syndrome |
法齐奥-隆德综合征 | Fazio-Londe syndrome |
脊髓电图学 | electromyelography |
针电极 | needle electrode |
远端潜伏期 | distal latency |
听觉诱发电位 | auditory evoked potential |
布朗-塞卡尔综合征 | Brown-Se&1&quard syndrome |
完全性[脑]卒中 | complete stroke |
M波 | M-wave |
丛集性头痛 | cluster headache |
橄榄体脑桥小脑萎缩 | olivopontocerebellar atrophy |
单纤维肌电图学 | single fiber electromyography |
错读[症] | paralexia |
德热里纳-克隆普克综合征 | Dejerine-Klumpke syndrome |
昏迷 | coma |
脑死亡 | brain death |
遗忘[症] | amnesia |
痴呆 | dementia |
凝视瘫痪 | gaze paralysis |
触觉缺失 | thigmanesthesia |
温度觉过敏 | thermohyperesthesia |
温度觉减退 | thermohypesthesia |
冷觉缺失 | arrhigosis |
轻截瘫 | paraparesis |
双侧瘫痪 | diplegia |
张力过高 | hypertonia |
张力失常 | dystonia |
张力缺失 | atonia |
反射亢进 | hyperreflexia |
反射减弱 | hyporeflexia |
巴宾斯基征 | Babinski sign |
别赫捷列夫征 | Bechterew sign |
比弗征 | Beevor sign |
奎肯施泰特试验 | Queckenstedt test |
运动徐缓 | bradykinesia |
运动过度 | hyperkinesia |
阵挛 | clonus |
踝阵挛 | ankle clonus |
跌倒发作 | drop attack |
站立行走不能 | astasia abasia |
痉挛性共济失调步态 | spastic ataxic gait |
痉挛步态 | spastic gait |
慌张步态 | festination |
协同动作障碍 | dyssynergia |
自动症 | automatism |
联带运动 | synkinesia |
协调性联带运动 | coordination synkinesia |
动作失调 | incoordination |
共济失调 | ataxia |
假[性]共济失调 | pseudoataxia |
静止性震颤 | static tremor |
点头痉挛 | nodding spasm |
坐骨神经痛 | sciatica |
丘脑综合征 | thalamic syndrome |
下丘脑综合征 | hypothalamic syndrome |
布伦斯综合征 | Bruns syndrome |
吉兰-巴雷综合征 | Guillain-Barre&1& syndrome |
科克-德布雷-塞梅莱涅综合征 | Kocher-Debre&1&-Semelaigne&1& syndrome |
脑出血 | cerebral hemorrhage |
脑缺血 | cerebral ischemia |
脑血栓形成 | cerebral thrombosis |
颅内静脉血栓形成 | intracranial venous thrombosis |
脑栓塞 | cerebral embolism |
非典型失神发作 | atypical absence seizure |
强直阵挛发作 | tonic clonic seizure |
肌阵挛发作 | myoclonic seizure |
紧张性头痛 | tension headache |
心因性头痛 | psychogenic headache |
偏头痛 | migraine |
脑脊髓炎 | encephalomyelitis |
感染后脑脊髓炎 | postinfectious encephalomyelitis |
亚急性硬化性全脑炎 | subacute sclerosing panencephalitis |
库鲁病 | Kuru disease |
脑[脊]膜炎 | meningitis |
莫拉雷脑[脊]膜炎 | Mollaret meningitis |
脊髓病 | myelopathy |
克拉伯病 | Krabbe disease |
帕金森病 | Parkinson disease |
佩利措伊斯-梅茨巴赫病 | Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease |
皮克病 | Pick disease |
雷夫叙姆病 | Refsum disease |
赛特贝格病 | Seitelberger disease |
希尔德病 | Schilder disease |
丹吉尔病 | Tangier disease |
单神经炎 | mononeuritis |
多神经炎 | polyneuritis |
神经根炎 | radiculitis |
多神经根炎 | polyradiculitis |
凯松病 | Caisson disease |
德热里纳-索塔斯病 | Dejerine-Sottas disease |
亨特病 | Hunt disease |
莱伯病 | Leber disease |
博恩霍尔姆病 | Bornholm disease |
线状体肌病 | nemaline myopathy |
肌管性肌病 | myotubular myopathy |
中央轴空病 | central core disease |
重症肌无力 | myasthenia gravis |
周期性瘫痪 | periodic paralysis |
肌强直 | myotonia |
副肌强直 | paramyotonia |
假性肌强直 | pseudomyotonia |
萎缩性肌强直 | myotonia atrophica |
神经性肌强直 | neuromyotonia |
进行性脊髓性肌萎缩 | progressive spinal muscular atrophy |
肌萎缩侧索硬化 | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
原发性侧索硬化 | primary lateral sclerosis |
库格尔贝格-韦兰德病 | Kugelberg-Welander disease |
额骨内板增生症 | hyperostosis frontalis interna |
克利佩尔-费尔病 | Klippel-Feil disease |
脑电图学 | electroencephalography |
脑电图 | electroencephalogram |
脑皮层电图学 | electrocorticography |
深部脑电图学 | depth electroencephalography |
一过性波 | transient wave |
棘波 | spike wave |
爆发抑制 | burst suppression |
光肌阵挛反应 | photo myoclonic response |
光阵发反应 | photo paroxysm response |
神经电图学 | electroneurography |
肌电图学 | electromyography |
肌电图 | electromyogram |
F波 | F-wave |
神经病学 | neurology |
言语徐缓 | bradylalia |
失读[症] | alexia |
诵读困难 | dyslexia |
镜像书写 | mirror writing |
失乐感[症] | amusia |
运用障碍 | dyspraxia |
失用[症] | apraxia |
运动性失用[症] | motor apraxia |
淡漠性痴呆 | apathetic dementia |
激越性痴呆 | dementia agitata |
核上性眼肌瘫痪 | supranuclear ophthalmoplegia |
核间性眼肌瘫痪 | internuclear ophthalmoplegia |
眼震 | nystagmus |
松弛性偏瘫 | flaccid hemiplegia |
戈登征 | Gordon sign |
霍夫曼征 | Hoffmann sign |
诺特纳格尔征 | Nothnagel sign |
掌颏反射 | palmomental reflex |
头眼反射 | oculocephalogyric reflex |
龙贝格征 | Romberg sign |
轮替动作不能 | adiadochokinesia |
捻丸样震颤 | pill rolling tremor |
扑翼样震颤 | asterixis |
痉挛 | spasm |
肌阵挛 | myoclonus |
投掷症 | ballism |
假[性]手足徐动症 | pseudoathetosis |
深眠状态 | parasomnia |
多汗 | hyperhidrosis |
少汗 | hypohidrosis |
失禁 | incontinence |
尿失禁 | urinary incontinence |
大便失禁 | fecal incontinence |
布鲁津斯基征 | Brudzinski sign |
腕管综合征 | carpal tunnel syndrome |
肘管综合征 | cubital tunnel syndrome |
下肢不宁综合征 | restless leg syndrome |
延髓前交叉综合征 | anterior cross bulbar syndrome |
韦尼克综合征 | Wernicke syndrome |
贝内迪克特综合征 | Benedikt syndrome |
米亚尔-居布勒综合征 | Millard-Gubler syndrome |
诺特纳格尔综合征 | Nothnagel syndrome |
福格特综合征 | Vogt syndrome |
雷蒙·塞斯唐综合征 | Raymond Cestan syndrome |
赖利-戴综合征 | Riley-Day syndrome |
福维尔综合征 | Foville syndrome |
格斯特曼综合征 | Gerstmann syndrome |
巴宾斯基-纳若特综合征 | Babinski-Nageotte syndrome |
贝利-库欣综合征 | Bailey-Cushing syndrome |
巴林特综合征 | Balint syndrome |
强直发作 | tonic seizure |
起立不能发作 | astatic seizure |
失张力发作 | atonic seizure |
简单部分发作 | simple partial seizure |
复杂部分发作 | complex partial seizure |
发作性睡病 | narcolepsy |
假性脑[脊]膜炎 | meningism |
室管膜炎 | ependymitis |
蛛网膜炎 | arachnoiditis |
进行性多灶性白质脑病 | progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
间脑病 | diencephalosis |
脊髓炎 | myelitis |
脊膜脊髓炎 | meningomyelitis |
韦尼克脑病 | Wernicke encephalopathy |
韦尼克病 | Wernicke disease |
利氏病 | Leigh disease |
勒夫特病 | Luft disease |
麦卡德尔病 | McArdle disease |
亚历山大病 | Alexander disease |
大脑性瘫痪 | cerebral palsy |
遗传性小脑共济失调 | hereditary cerebellar ataxia |
弗里德赖希共济失调 | Friedreich ataxia |
神经病 | neuropathy |
僵人综合征 | stiff man syndrome |
鼻咽电极 | nasopharyngeal electrode |
节律 | rhythm |
β波 | β-wave |
μ节律 | μ-rhythm |
背景活动 | background activity |
运动神经传导速度 | motor nerve conduction velocity |
感觉定位不能 | allochesthesia |
奥本海姆征 | Oppenheim sign |
性欲亢进 | hypersexuality |
偏侧肥大 | hemihypertrophy |
凯尔尼格征 | Kernig sign |
耳颞综合征 | auriculo-temporal syndrome |
跗管综合征 | tarsal tunnel syndrome |
进行性[脑]卒中 | progressive stroke |
观念运动性失用[症] | ideokinetic apraxia |
无动性发作 | akinetic seizure |
交替性瘫痪 | alternate hemiplegia |
莫罗反射 | Moro reflex |
闭锁综合征 | locked-in syndrome |
小发作 | petit mal |
阵挛发作 | clonic seizure |
部分发作 | partial seizure |
咳嗽晕厥 | cough syncope |
头痛 | headache |
终板噪声 | end plate noise |
肌强直电位 | myotonic potential |
帕里诺综合征 | Parinaud syndrome |
埃迪综合征 | Adie syndrome |
阿佩尔综合征 | Apert syndrome |
克洛德综合征 | Claude syndrome |
排尿晕厥 | micturition syncope |
深部脑电图 | depth electroencephalogram |
丘脑电图 | electrothalamogram |
同轴针电极 | coaxial needle electrode |
多导电极 | multilead electrode |
假[性]延髓性麻痹 | pseudobulbar paralysis |
疫苗接种后脑脊髓炎 | postvaccinal encephalomyelitis |
脑膜脑炎 | meningoencephalitis |
脑病 | encephalopathy |
横贯性脊髓炎 | transverse myelitis |
巴洛病 | Balo disease |
多神经病 | polyneuropathy |
夏科-马里-图思病 | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
神经肌炎 | neuromyositis |
大锥状颗粒肌病 | megaconial myopathy |
肉[毒]碱缺乏病 | carnitine deficiency |
先天性肌强直 | congenital myotonia |
软骨营养不良性肌强直 | chondrodystrophic myotonia |
韦德尼希-霍夫曼病 | Werdnig-Hoffmann disease |
脑皮层电图 | electrocorticogram |
抽搐 | tic |
肌炎 | myositis |
先兆 | aura |
旋转性发作 | adversive seizure |
延髓空洞症 | syringobulbia |
书写困难 | dysgraphia |
观念性失用[症] | ideational apraxia |
核性眼肌瘫痪 | nuclear ophthalmoplegia |
同向偏斜 | conjugate deviation |
头晕 | dizziness |
构音困难 | dysarthria |
桑塔沃里病 | Santavuori disease |
顺行性遗忘 | anterograde amnesia |
逆行性遗忘 | retrograde amnesia |
失语韵[症] | aprosody |
错语[症] | paraphasia |
失算[症] | acalculia |
面容失认[症] | prosopagnosia |
自身部位失认[症] | autotopagnosia |
重量失认[症] | baragnosis |
位置失认[症] | atopognosia |
空间定位障碍 | planotopokinesia |
辨距困难 | dysmetria |
味觉倒错 | parageusia |
痛觉过度 | hyperpathia |
偏侧感觉缺失 | hemianesthesia |
幻感觉 | phantom sensation |
幻肢 | phantom limb |
神经痛 | neuralgia |
肌痛 | myalgia |
痉挛性偏瘫 | spastic hemiplegia |
四肢瘫痪 | quadriplegia |
交叉性瘫痪 | crossed paralysis |
肌无力 | myasthenia |
假[性]肥大 | pseudohypertrophy |
肌萎缩 | amyotrophy |
肌张力缺失 | amyotonia |
肌张力障碍 | dysmyotonia |
反射消失 | areflexia |
强直反射 | tonic reflex |
锥体束征 | pyramidal sign |
查多克征 | Chaddock sign |
模仿性联带运动 | imitative synkinesia |
扭转性肌张力障碍 | torsion dysmyotonia |
肌纤维颤搐 | myokymia |
震颤 | tremor |
软腭阵挛 | palatal myoclonus |
舞蹈症 | chorea |
偏侧舞蹈症 | hemichorea |
舞蹈徐动症 | choreoathetosis |
颈静脉孔综合征 | jugular foramen syndrome |
托洛萨-亨特综合征 | Tolosa-Hunt syndrome |
胸出口综合征 | thoracic outlet syndrome |
斯特奇-韦伯综合征 | Sturge-Weber syndrome |
塔皮亚综合征 | Tapia syndrome |
托德瘫痪 | Todd paralysis |
迪谢内-埃尔布综合征 | Duchenne-Erb syndrome |
可逆性脑缺血发作 | reversible ischemic attack |
亚急性联合硬化 | subacute combined sclerosis |
脊髓空洞症 | syringomyelia |
脱髓鞘 | demyelination |
视神经脊髓炎 | optical neuromyelitis |
异染性脑白质营养不良 | metachromatic leukodystrophy |
库夫斯病 | Kufs disease |
比-扬病 | Bielschowsky-Jansky disease |
约瑟夫病 | Joseph disease |
神经炎 | neuritis |
θ波 | θ-wave |
棘慢复合波 | spike and slow wave complex |
尖慢复合波 | sharp and slow wave complex |
多棘慢复合波 | multiple spike and slow wave complex |
三相波 | triphasic wave |
高度节律失调 | hypsarrhythmia |
终板电位 | end plate potential |
脑干听觉诱发电位 | brainstem auditory evoked potential |
视觉诱发电位 | visual evoked potential |
闪光视觉诱发电位 | flash visual evoked potential |
脊髓诱发电位 | spinal evoked potential |
认知性事件相关电位 | cognitive event related potential |
事件相关电位 | event related potential |
痛性感觉缺失 | anesthesia dolorosa |
温度觉缺失 | thermanesthesia |
立体觉缺失 | stereoanesthesia |
瘫痪 | paralysis |
偏瘫 | hemiplegia |
韦尼克-科尔萨科夫综合征 | Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome |
加桑综合征 | Garcin syndrome |
脑炎 | encephalitis |
蝶骨电极 | sphenoidal electrode |
α波 | α-wave |
δ波 | δ-wave |
尖波 | sharp wave |
损伤电位 | injury potential |
偏瘫步态 | hemiplegic gait |
科莱-西卡尔综合征 | Collet-Sicard syndrome |
运动单位电位 | motor unit potential |
肌束震颤 | fasciculation |
肌肥大 | muscular hypertrophy |
张力过低 | hypotonia |
钟摆样反射 | pendular reflex |
巴雷锥体束征 | Barre&1& pyramidal sign |
共济失调步态 | ataxic gait |
联合运动 | associated movement |
痉挛性联带运动 | spastic synkinesia |
轮替动作困难 | dysdiadochokinesia |
痉挛性斜颈 | spasmodic torticollis |
动作性震颤 | kinetic tremor |
痉挛状态 | spasticity |
瓦伦贝格综合征 | Wallenberg syndrome |
德热里纳-鲁西综合征 | Dejerine-Roussy syndrome |
丹迪-沃克综合征 | Dandy-Walker syndrome |
阿诺德-基亚里畸形 | Arnold-Chiari malformation |
阿尔斯特伦-海尔格伦综合征 | Alstrom-Hallgren syndrome |
安东综合征 | Anton syndrome |
卡恩斯-塞尔综合征 | Kearns-Sayre syndrome |
失语[症] | aphasia |
运动性失语[症] | motor aphasia |
失写[症] | agraphia |
旋眼痉挛 | oculogyric spasm |
辐辏痉挛 | convergence spasm |
反向偏斜 | skew deviation |
眼球浮动 | ocular bobbing |
面肌抽搐 | facial tic |
偏侧面肌痉挛 | hemifacial spasm |
痛觉缺失 | analgesia |
痛觉减退 | hypalgesia |
痛觉过敏 | hyperalgesia |
振动觉缺失 | pallanesthesia |
定位觉缺失 | topoanesthesia |
运动不能 | akinesia |
运动障碍 | dyskinesia |
运动减少 | hypokinesia |
酒醉步态 | drunken gait |
协同动作不能 | asynergia |
腕足痉挛 | carpopedal spasm |
牙关紧闭 | trismus |
强直 | rigidity |
痛性痉挛 | cramp |
眼动危象 | oculogyric crisis |
喉危象 | laryngeal crisis |
莱尔米特征 | Lhermitte sign |
施密特综合征 | Schmidt syndrome |
艾萨克综合征 | Isaac syndrome |
兰伯特-伊顿综合征 | Lambert-Eaton syndrome |
霍纳综合征 | Horner syndrome |
阿韦利斯综合征 | Avellis syndrome |
[脑]卒中 | stroke |
短暂性脑缺血发作 | transient ischemic attack |
惊厥 | convulsion |
大发作 | grand mal |
全身发作 | generalized seizure |
失神发作 | absence seizure |
白质脑炎 | leukoencephalitis |
急性播散性脑脊髓炎 | acute disseminated encephalomyelitis |
克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布病 | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease |
肾上腺脑白质营养不良 | adrenoleukodystrophy |
宾斯旺格病 | Binswanger disease |
哈勒沃登-施帕茨病 | Hallervorden-Spatz disease |
多肌炎 | polymyositis |
骨化性肌炎 | myositis ossificans |
肌病 | myopathy |
进行性肌营养不良 | progressive muscular dystrophy |
贝克肌营养不良 | Becker muscular dystrophy |
线粒体肌病 | mitochondrial myopathy |
先天性肌张力缺失 | congenital amyotonia |
去神经电位 | denervation potential |
正尖波 | positive sharp wave |
肌纤维震颤 | fibrillation |
巨大运动单位动作电位 | giant motor unit action potential |
新生运动单位动作电位 | nascent motor unit action potential |
颤抖 | jitter |
迟发反应 | late response |
H反射 | H reflex |
嗜睡 | lethargy |
感觉性失语[症] | sensory aphasia |
经皮质感觉性失语[症] | transcortical sensory aphasia |
命名性失语[症] | nominal aphasia |
杂乱性失语[症] | jargon aphasia |
结构性失用[症] | constructional apraxia |
失认[症] | agnosia |
听觉失认[症] | auditory agnosia |
视空间觉失认[症] | visual-spatial agnosia |
味觉缺失 | ageusia |
味觉减退 | hypogeusia |
味觉障碍 | dysgeusia |
构音不全 | anarthria |
延髓性麻痹 | bulbar paralysis |
感觉迟钝 | dysesthesia |
感觉缺失 | anesthesia |
感觉减退 | hypesthesia |
感觉异常 | paraesthesia |
皮肤书写觉缺失 | graphanesthesia |
松弛性瘫痪 | flaccid paralysis |
痉挛性瘫痪 | spastic paralysis |
麻痹 | palsy |
轻瘫 | paresis |
单瘫 | monoplegia |
轻偏瘫 | hemiparesis |
罗索利莫征 | Rossolimo sign |
旋前征 | pronation sign |
眼轮匝肌征 | orbicularis sign |
莱里征 | Leri sign |
迈耶征 | Mayer sign |
特发性震颤 | essential tremor |
意向性震颤 | intentional tremor |
单肢投掷症 | monoballismus |
畸形性肌张力障碍 | dystonia musculorum deformans |
手足徐动症 | athetosis |
偏侧萎缩 | hemiatrophy |
植物状态 | vegetative state |
去皮质强直 | decorticate rigidity |
颈强直 | cervical rigidity |
拉塞格征 | Lase&2&gue sign |
麦克尤恩征 | MacEwen sign |
构音困难手笨拙综合征 | dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome |
马里内斯科-舍格伦综合征 | Marinesco-Sjo&4&gren syndrome |
盗血现象 | steal phenomenon |
反盗血现象 | reverse steal phenomenon |
锁骨下动脉盗血综合征 | subclavian steal syndrome |
巨细胞动脉炎 | giant cell arteritis |
脑软化 | cerebral malacia |
猝倒[症] | cataplexy |
坏死性脊髓炎 | necrotic myelitis |
上升性脊髓炎 | ascending myelitis |
阿尔珀斯病 | Alpers disease |
触觉失认[症] | tactile agnosia |
病感失认[症] | anosognosia |
齿轮样强直 | cogwheel rigidity |
多肌阵挛 | polymyoclonus |
偏侧投掷症 | hemiballismus |
睡眠过度 | hypersomnia |
脑梗死 | cerebral infarction |
椎基底动脉供血不足 | vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency |
过度灌注综合征 | luxury perfusion syndrome |
感觉定侧不能 | allochiria |
韦伯综合征 | Weber syndrome |
迪谢内肌营养不良 | Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
递减反应 | decrement response |
感觉神经传导速度 | sensory nerve conduction velocity |
躯体感觉诱发电位 | somatosensory evoked potential |
伴随负电位 | contingent negative variation |
托洛萨-亨特综合征,又称“痛性眼肌麻痹” | tolosa hunt syndrome |
[脑]卒中 | stroke, apoplexy |
希尔德病,又称“弥漫性硬化” | schilder disease:(diffuse sclerosis) |
麻痹,瘫痪 | palsy, paralysis |
假[性]延髓性麻痹 | pseudobulbar paralysis, pseudobulbar palsy |
线状体肌病,又称“棒状体肌病” | nemaline myopathy, rod myopathy |
门克斯病又称:“钢发综合征” | menkes disease(steely hair syndrome) |
巴洛病,又称“同心圆性硬化” | balo disease(concentric sclerosis) |