中文名称 | 英文名称 |
休克期 | shock stage |
康复期 | stage of recovery; stage of rehabilitation |
休克代偿期 | compensatory stage of shock |
示教办公室 | teaching office |
男值班室/女值班室 | duty room for man/ woman |
护士办公室 | nurse’s office |
手术室 | operation room |
医生办公室 | doctor’s office |
B超室 | B ultrasonic room |
护士值班室 | nurse’s duty room |
检查治疗室 | consulting & therapeutic room |
女更衣室 | female changing room |
伤科 | department of traumatology |
医学整形科 | department of plastic surgery |
出入院处 | out/in-patient department |
主任办公室 | director’s office |
收费挂号处 | registration & cashier office |
外科治疗室 | surgery therapeutic room |
男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所 | toilet for man/ toilet for woman/ handicapped used only |
门诊办公室 | outpatient office |
门诊护士办公室 | outpatient nurse’s office |
病区 | endemic area |
IV度烧伤 | Fourth degree burns |
一度烧伤初期局部治疗 | Initial local treatment of first degree burn |
III度烧伤 | Third degree burns |
浅II度烧伤 | Superficial Second Degree Burns |
I度烧伤 | first degree burns |
切痂术 | eschar excision |
深II度烧伤 | Deep Second Degree Burns |
切痂 | excision of eschar |
烧伤性挛缩 | burn contracture |
烧伤植皮 | grafting for burns |
烧伤深度估计 | assessment of depth of the burn wound |
烧伤体表面积 | Burned Surface Area |
烧伤面积估计 | estimation of burn area |
烧伤面积的单位 | UBS;units of burn surface |
烧伤监护病房 | BCU; burn care unit |
烧伤焦痂 | burn eschar |
烧伤急诊处理 | emergency management of burn |
烧伤后爪形手 | clawhand after burn |
烧伤后负氮平衡 | negative nitrogen balance after burn |
烧伤膏 | Burn cream |
烧伤敷料交换 | Burn dressing change |
烧伤高代谢 | burn hypermetabolism |
烧伤分类 | Classification of burn |
烧伤创面开放暴露疗法 | open method treatment of burn |
烧伤充血带 | burn congestion zone |
烧伤创面处理 | Management of burn wound |
烧伤病人饮食 | Burn patient diet |
烧伤病人家庭紧急处理法 | urgent treatment for burn patient in family |
烧伤病人 | Burn patient |
补液量计算公式 | fluid replacement formula |
环形烧伤 | circumferential burn |
体表面积 | body surface area |
伦德-布劳德表 | Lund-Browder chart |
蒸发失水 | evaporation water loss |
焦痂自溶 | autolysis of eschar |
烧伤灾难 | burn disaster |
针刺试验 | pin-prick test |
焦痂下细菌计数 | subeschar bacterial count |
烧伤指数 | burn index |
钢水烧伤 | burn by molten steel |
火焰烧伤 | flame burn |
闪光烧伤 | flash burn |
一度烧伤 | first degree burn |
轻度烧伤 | mild [degree] burn |
中度烧伤 | moderate [degree] burn |
深度烧伤 | deep burn |
[烧伤]半数致死面积 | LA50 |
液体丢失 | fluid loss |
烧伤性休克 | burn shock |
内环境稳定 | homeostasis |
高代谢 | hypermetabolism |
基础代谢率 | basal metabolic rate |
静息能量消耗 | rest energy expenditure |
应激性糖尿病 | stress diabetes |
氮平衡 | nitrogen balance |
正氮平衡 | positive nitrogen balance |
接触烧伤 | contact burn |
总体表面积 | total body surface area |
烧伤处理 | burn care |
伤员检别分类 | triage |
烧伤病人转送 | transportation of burn patient |
烧伤病人后送 | evacuation of burn patient |
拔毛试验 | hair-pulling test |
尿量 | urine volume |
钠排泄分数 | fractional excretion of sodium |
烧伤感染 | infection of burn |
放射性烧伤 | radiation burn |
X线烧伤 | X-ray burn |
热辐射烧伤 | heat radiation burn |
微波烧伤 | microwave burn |
气枕床 | low air loss bed |
气垫床 | air fluidized bed |
烧伤敷料 | burn dressing |
β型转化生长因子 | transforming growth factor β |
补液疗法 | fluid replacement therapy |
伊文思公式 | Evans formula |
瘢痕松解植皮术 | lysis of cicatricial contracture and skin grafting |
皮肤替代品 | skin substitutes |
皮桨植皮术 | skin pulp grafting |
微粒植皮术 | granular skin grafting |
肥厚性瘢痕 | hypertrophic scar |
瘢痕疙瘩 | keloid |
瘢痕性脱发 | cicatricial alopecia |
马乔林溃疡 | Marjolin ulcer |
眉缺损 | defect of eyebrow |
肢缺损 | loss of limb |
关节钙化 | articular calcification |
肌[肉]萎缩 | myatrophy |
肌腱粘连 | adhesion of tendon |
氢氟酸烧伤 | hydrofluoric acid burn |
杰克逊植皮术 | Jackson skin grafting method |
弹力衣 | pressure garment |
球拍式牵引夹 | banjo traction splint |
烧伤面积 | burn surface area |
二度烧伤 | second degree burn |
深二度烧伤 | deep second degree burn |
三度烧伤 | third degree burn |
九分法 | rule of Nine |
新九分法 | modified rule of Nine |
烧伤创面愈合 | burn wound healing |
烧伤残余创面 | residual burn wound |
石炭酸烧伤 | phenol burn |
磷烧伤 | phosphorus burn |
芥子气烧伤 | mustard gas burn |
催泪弹烧伤 | tear gas burn |
电损伤 | electric injury |
瓦斯爆炸伤 | gas explosion burn |
哈伯德浴池 | Hubbard tank |
里斯取皮机 | Reese dermatome |
补液 | fluid replacement |
派克兰公式 | Parkland formula |
溶质性利尿 | solute diuresis |
包扎疗法 | occlusive dressing |
暴露疗法 | exposure method |
半暴露疗法 | semi-exposure method |
皮瓣 | skin flap |
局部皮瓣 | local skin flap |
远部皮瓣 | remote skin flap |
自体皮移植术 | autologous skin grafting |
局部旋转推进皮瓣移植术 | local advancement and rotation flap transplantation |
浸浴 | bathing |
哈里斯-本尼迪克特公式 | Harris-Benedict formula |
肠道喂养 | nutrition |
肠外营养 | parenteral nutrition |
弹性绷带 | elastic bandage |
烧伤脑病 | burn encephalopathy |
柯林溃疡 | Curling ulcer |
烧伤后肾上腺出血 | postburn adrenal hemorrhage |
肠源性感染 | enterogenic infection |
侵入性感染 | invasive infection |
外耳畸形 | deformity of external ear |
膝屈曲畸形 | flexion deformity of knee |
热压伤 | hot crush injury |
烧伤创面 | burn wound |
眼烧伤 | burn of eye |
心肌抑制因子 | myocardial depressant factor |
肠道细菌内毒素移位 | endotoxin translocation from intes- tine |
肠道营养 | enteral nutrition |
受[皮]区 | recipient site |
网状皮片 | mesh skin graft |
电弧烧伤 | electric arc burn |
热滚筒烧伤 | hot roller burn |
网状皮片取皮机 | mesh graft dermatome |
平衡盐溶液 | balanced salt solution |
乳酸盐林格溶液 | lactated Ringer solution |
葡萄糖胰岛素钾盐溶液 | glucose-insulin-potassium salt solu- tion |
抗铜绿假单胞菌高免疫球蛋白 | antipseudomonas aeruginosa hyper-immune globulin |
冰水疗法 | ice water treatment |
反向隔离 | reverse isolation |
大张皮移植术 | large sheet skin grafting |
职业疗法 | occupational therapy |
要素饮食 | elemental diet |
胃肠道外全面营养 | total parenteral nutrition |
腋挛缩 | axillary contracture |
掌指关节背屈畸形 | extension contracture of metacar- pophalangeal joint |
骨赘病 | osteophytosis |
烧伤病房 | burn ward |
上皮化 | epithelization |
创面菌群 | wound flora |
氙-131扫描 | xenon-131 scanning |
骨烧伤 | burn of bone |
硝酸烧伤 | nitric acid burn |
铬酸烧伤 | chromic acid burn |
碱烧伤 | alkali burn |
苛性碱烧伤 | caustic alkali burn |
氢氧化钠烧伤 | sodium hydroxide burn |
氨水烧伤 | aqueous ammonia burn |
电接触烧伤 | electric contact burn |
高压电损伤 | high voltage electrical injury |
电烧伤 | electric burn |
颈部烧伤 | burn of neck region |
沥青烧伤 | bitumen burn |
成纤维细胞生长因子 | fibroblast growth factor |
血小板源性生长因子 | platelet-derived growth factor |
取皮术 | harvesting of skin grafts |
供[皮]区 | donor site |
布鲁克公式 | Brooke formula |
冬眠合剂 | lytic cocktail |
表皮生长因子 | epidermal growth factor |
邮票状皮片 | stamp skin graft |
岛状皮瓣 | island skin flap |
网状植皮术 | mesh grafting |
皮库 | skin bank |
蓝色皮片 | blue graft |
白色皮片排斥 | white graft rejection |
白色皮片 | white graft |
水疗法 | hydrotherapy |
播散性真菌感染 | disseminated fungal infection |
烧伤后病毒感染 | postburn virus infection |
病细胞综合征 | sick cell syndrome |
电解质紊乱 | electrolyte disturbance |
酸碱平衡失调 | acid-base imbalance |
Z成形术 | Z-plasty |
碳氧血红蛋白 | carboxyhemoglobin |
胶原酶 | collagenase |
真皮胶原 | dermal collagen |
萎缩性瘢痕 | atrophic scar |
肘屈曲前旋畸形 | flexion pronation deformity of elbow |
腕部瘢痕挛缩 | scar contracture of wrist |
手掌瘢痕挛缩 | scar contracture of palm |
假蹼形成 | interdigital web formation |
瘢痕形成 | cicatrization |
重度烧伤 | severe [degree] burn |
血管烧伤 | burn of blood vessel |
手烧伤 | burn of hand |
会阴部烧伤 | burn of perineal region |
掌指关节半脱位 | subluxation of metacarpo-pha- langeal joint |
层流 | laminar flow |
耳廓缺损 | defect of auricle |
等离子体刀 | plasma scalpel |
刃厚皮片 | razor-thin graft |
薄皮瓣移植术 | transplantation of thin skin flap |
轴型皮瓣 | axial skin flap |
颅骨死骨摘除术 | cranial sequestrectomy |
白色皮片缺血 | white graft ischemia |
局部抗菌治疗 | topical antibacterial therapy |
闪电烧伤 | lightning burn |
浅二度烧伤 | superficial second degree burn |
化学性吸入损伤 | chemical inhalation injury |
中国九分法 | Chinese rule of Nine |
烧伤深度 | depth of burn |
代谢反应 | metabolic response |
创面活组织检查术 | wound biopsy |
关节烧伤 | burn of joint |
口腔烧伤 | burn of oral cavity |
颅骨烧伤 | burn of cranium |
神经烧伤 | burn of nerve |
肌腱烧伤 | burn of tendon |
内脏烧伤 | visceral burn |
面部烧伤 | burn of face |
烧伤毒素 | burn toxin |
水疱 | blister |
焦痂 | eschar |
表皮细胞 | epidermic cell |
烟雾吸入损伤 | smoke inhalation injury |
化学烧伤 | chemical burn |
酸烧伤 | acid burn |
盐酸烧伤 | hydrochloric acid burn |
硫酸烧伤 | sulfuric acid burn |
烧伤合并中毒 | burn combined with poisoning |
烧伤并发症 | complication of burn |
激光刀 | laser scalpel |
红外线热像仪 | infra-red thermograph |
取皮机 | dermatome |
鼓式取皮机 | drum dermatome |
凝固汽油烧伤 | napalm burn |
汽油烧伤 | petrol burn |
缺血性坏死 | ischemic necrosis |
尸体皮 | cadaver skin |
冷冻干燥皮 | lyophilized skin |
皮肤保存 | skin preservation |
玻璃化 | vitrification |
纤维连接蛋白 | fibronectin |
绿珠蛋白尿 | verdoglobinuria |
多器官功能障碍综合征 | multiple organ dysfunction syndrome |
眼眦部瘢痕畸形 | scar deformity of canthus |
鼻翼缺损 | defect of nasal ala |
鼻孔狭窄 | stricture of nostril |
外耳道狭窄 | stricture of external auditory mea- tus |
瘢痕组织 | scar tissue |
肠道细菌移位 | bacterial translocation from intestine |
瘢痕 | scar |
烧伤学 | burns |
热伤 | thermal injury |
烧伤 | burn |
烫伤 | scald |
热穿通伤 | heat perforating wound |
烧伤中心 | burn center |
石灰烧伤 | lime burn |
水泥烧伤 | cement burn |
吸入性损伤 | inhalation injury |
呼吸道烧伤 | respiratory tract burn |
蒸汽吸入损伤 | steam inhalation injury |
辊轴刀 | Humby knife |
胶体溶液 | colloid solution |
晶体溶液 | crystalloid solution |
燃烧弹烧伤 | incendiary bomb burn |
冷疗法 | cold therapy |
清创术 | de&1&bridement |
焦痂切开术 | escharotomy |
削痂术 | tangential excision of eschar |
剥痂术 | denudation of eschar |
焦痂切除术 | escharectomy |
脱焦痂 | separation of eschar |
植皮术 | skin grafting |
筛状皮片 | sieve skin graft |
[游离]皮片 | free skin graft |
中厚皮片 | split-thickness skin graft |
全厚皮片 | full-thickness skin graft |
筋膜瓣 | fascial flap |
旋转皮瓣 | rotated skin flap |
游离皮瓣 | free skin flap |
肌皮瓣 | musculo-cutaneous flap |
迁移皮瓣 | jump skin flap |
带蒂皮瓣 | pedicle skin flap |
生物敷料 | biological dressing |
焦痂下抗生素灌注治疗 | subeschar antibiotic infusion thera- py |
局部抗真菌治疗 | topical antifungal therapy |
浸浴疗法 | immersion therapy |
免疫疗法 | immuno-therapy |
压迫疗法 | pressure therapy |
热卡摄取量 | calorie intake |
柯雷里公式 | Curreri formula |
烧伤创面脓毒症 | burn wound sepsis |
坏死斑 | ecthyma gangrenosa |
非酮症高渗高糖性昏迷 | nonketogenic hyperosmolar hyper- glycemic coma |
气管支气管缩窄 | stricture of trachea and bronchi |
呼吸道出血 | hemorrhage from respiratory tract |
肠系膜上动脉综合征 | superior mesenteric artery syndrome |
小耳畸形 | microtia |
唇外翻 | cheilectropion |
毁容 | disfigurement of face |
颏胸粘连 | mento-sternal adhesion |
跟腱挛缩 | contracture of Achilles tendon |
瘢痕挛缩 | cicatricial contracture |
槌状趾畸形 | mallet toe deformity |
手恶性水肿 | malignant edema of hand |
会阴粘连 | perineal adhesion |
拇指内收畸形 | adduction deformity of thumb |
钮孔状畸形 | boutonnie&2&re deformity |
槌状指畸形 | mallet finger deformity |
烧伤后假性糖尿病 | pseudodiabetes of burn |
负氮平衡 | negative nitrogen balance |
次氯酸钠烧伤 | sodium hypochlorite burn |
化学烧伤全身中毒 | intoxication after chemical burn |
低压电损伤 | low voltage electrical injury |
煤焦油烧伤 | coal tar burn |
烧伤合并脊髓损伤 | burn combined with spinal injury |
翻身床 | Stryker frame |
酶溶痂术 | enzymatic de&1&bridement |
人工皮 | artificial skin |
冷冻保存 | cryopreservation |
全身炎症反应综合征 | systemic inflammatory response syndrome |
化脓性血栓性静脉炎 | suppurative thrombophlebitis |
烧伤后精神紊乱 | postburn psychological disturbance |
增生性瘢痕 | hyperplastic scar |
烧伤瘢痕恶性变 | malignant degeneration of burn scar |
耳垂缺损 | defect of ear lobe |
小口畸形 | microstomia |
指关节屈曲畸形 | flexion deformity of interdigital joint |
腹股沟部瘢痕挛缩 | scar contracture of inguinal region |
烧伤面积手掌估算法 | palm method for estimation of burn surface area |
高张盐溶液 | hypertonic saline solution |
自异体皮混合移植术 | intermingled transplantation of auto and allogeneic skin |
湿敷 | wet compress |