
健康强国 936 0








鼠疫地方性流行plague endemoepidemic
克山病Keshan disease
医学寄生虫学medical parasitology
山丘型流行区mountainous and hilly epidemic region
浅层高氟地下水地区area of shallow groundwater with high fluoride
鼠疫菌菌栓形成bacterial embolus formation of Yersinia pestis
克山病猝死sudden death of Keshan disease
四步诊断four-step diagnosis
血吸虫病潜伏期incubation period of schistosomiasis
砷中毒周围神经症状peripheral nervous symptoms of arsenicosis
碘缺乏病iodine deficiency disorder
克山病膳食预防prevention of Keshan disease by adequate diet
寄生虫感染期infective stage of parasite
易感标志susceptible marker
关节功能障碍治疗有效more effective to improve joint dysfunction
低分化型甲状腺癌poorly differentiated thyroid cancer
结肠增殖型血吸虫病colonic granulomatous proliferation of schistosomiasis
心肌酶myocardial enzyme
蚤类保存学说conservation adoptionism of fleas
大骨节病病区可变性variability of Kashin-Beck disease area
腕骨边缘硬化marginal sclerosis of carpal bone
患病率prevalence rate
内部质量控制internal quality control
质量控制quality control
外暴露标志external exposure marker
自由基free radical
继发疫源地secondary focus
易感人群susceptible population
主要宿主primary host
缺血性心肌病ischemic cardiomyopathy
二级预防secondary prevention
生物地球化学性疾病biogeochemical disease
原发疫源地primary focus
实验室质量控制quality control of laboratory
T-2毒素超常聚集over aggregation of T-2 toxin
克山病病区endemic area of Keshan disease
大骨节病静止病区silent endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease
骺线早期闭合early closure of epiphyseal line
大骨节病病区相对稳定性relatively stability of Kashin-Beck disease area
“三早一就地”原则principle for tri-early stage along with on-the-spot treatment
骺核歪斜deflection of epiphyseal nucleus
大骨节病三联征triad signs of Kashin-Beck disease
心电图异常率electrocardiographic abnormal rate
慢型克山病chronic Keshan disease
亚急型克山病subacute Keshan disease
软骨深层坏死chondronecrosis in deep zone of cartilage
克山病膳食单一学说unbalanced diet hypothesis for Keshan disease
暴露评估exposure assessment
鼠疫周期性periodicity of plague
窖水cellar water
感染潜能infection potential
智商intelligence quotient
三恩培养基Novy-McNeal-Nicolle medium
帕米尔高原长尾旱獭鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Marmota caudate in Pamirs
砷暴露史history of arsenic exposure
天山山地灰旱獭-长尾黄鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Marmota baibacina-Spermophilus undulats in   Tianshan Mountains
燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒病区endemic fluorosis area of coal-burning type
铁调节蛋白iron regulatory protein
降砷炉灶正确使用率correct usage rate of improved stoves for decreasing arsenic
硼氢化物还原比色法borohydride reduction colorimetric method
地方性砷中毒endemic arsenicosis
棘[细胞]层stratum spinosum
抗氧化治疗antioxidant therapy
琥珀酸脱氢酶succinate dehydrogenase
燃煤污染型地方性砷中毒coalburning type of endemic arsenicosis
Ⅱ级色素脱失depigmentation gradeⅡ
尿砷urinary arsenic
水砷water arsenic
总砷total arsenic
砷中毒中枢神经系统症状central nervous system symptoms of arsenicosis
砷代谢产物arsenic metabolites
驱砷治疗arsenic-discharging treatment
皮肤色素改变skin pigment alteration
原子荧光光谱法atomic fluorescence spectrometry
氟试剂分光光度法fluorine reagent spectrophotometry
谷胱甘肽硫转移酶glutathione S-transferase
重度地方性砷中毒severe endemic arsenicosis
方形黄鼠蚤蒙古亚种Citellophilus tesquorum mongolicus Jordan et Rothschild
方形黄鼠蚤七河亚种Citellophilus tesquorum altaicus Ioff
鼠疫宿主host of plague
喜马拉雅旱獭Marmota himalayana Hodgson
黄胸鼠Rattus flavipectus Milne-Edwards
大绒鼠Eothenomys miletus Thomas
体外寄生型external parasitism
室内游离蚤指数index of intraventricular free flea
鼠疫种群population of plague
总蚤指数total flea index
似升额蚤指名亚种Frontopsylla elatoides elatoides Wagner
鼠疫自然疫源地natural focus of plague
鼠疫疫源地plague focus
谢氏山蚤Oropsylla silantiewi Wagner
同形客蚤指名亚种Xenopsylla conformis conformis Wagner
布氏田鼠Microtus brandti Radde
滇西山地闽广沿海居民区黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Rattus flavipectus in Mountain Region of   Northwestern Yunnan and Costal Residential Areas of Fujian and Guangdong
体内寄生型internal parasitism
平碟杂交plate cross
鼠疫菌中世纪变种Yersinia pestis medievalis
鼠疫中毒性休克toxic shock of plague
扩散沉淀反应diffusion precipitation reaction
色素还原试验acridine alkaloid reduction test
鼠疫全身中毒症状systemic toxic symptoms of plague
色素形成能力pigment formation ability
经皮接种percutaneous bacterination
急性热病待查suspected acute-fever to be determined
尿素酶试验urease test
次要媒介secondary intermedium
栓塞存活潜能blocking-survival potential
色素沉着片段chromatosis fragment
鼠疫菌毒力Yersinia pestis virulence
不完全抗体incomplete antibody 
聚合酶链反应polymerase chain reaction
酶联免疫吸附试验enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
抗药性insecticide resistance
鼠疫菌粗糙型Yersinia pestis rough type
确诊鼠疫confirmed plague
心源性休克cardiogenic shock
先期钙化带再现reappearance of provisional calcification zone
大骨节病轻病区mild endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease 
亚冬眠疗法sub-hibernation therapy
骨端烟头征burning tip in cigarettelike on sub-articular surface of distal end of   phalanx
T-2毒素纯品refined toxin of T-2
甲状腺胶质thyroid colloid
腕骨边缘模糊marginal blurred of carpal bone
腕骨缺如absence of carpal bone
异地育人allopatry education for children
混合性甲状腺肿mixed goiter 
镰刀菌株培养提取过滤液extractive filtrate of Fusarium strain culture
滤泡状甲状腺癌follicular thyroid cancer
腕骨边缘缺损marginal defect of carpal bone
黏液水肿型克汀病myxoedematous cretinism
甲状腺囊肿thyroid cyst
改水improvement of water quality
地方性亚临床克汀病endemic subclinical cretinism
碘捕获trapping of iodine
掌指骨X射线病变治愈cure of X-ray lesions in metacarpal and phalanx
新生儿甲状腺肿neonatal goiter 
按容量比例概率抽样法proportionate to population size
定期移植法periodic transplantation
大骨节病骨骺型type of epiphysis of Kashin-Beck disease
掌指骨X射线病变治疗有效improvement of X-ray lesions in metacarpal and phalanx
滤泡上皮细胞基底膜basal membrane of follicular epithelial cell
大骨节病骨端型type of distal end of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
腕骨变形deformed carpal bone
先天性甲状腺功能减退症congenital hypothyroidism
水氟合格率qualified rate of water fluoride content
X射线氟骨症X-ray skeletal fluorosis
氟斑牙dental fluorosis
精神运动能力psychomotor ability
尿氟urinary fluoride
防治碘缺乏病日day of iodine deficiency disorders control
活性氧化铝吸附过滤法activated alumina absorption-filtration method
饮水型地方性氟中毒病区endemic fluorosis area of drinking water type
羟基磷灰石过滤法hydroxyapatite filtration method
霍洛维茨法Horowitz method
恒牙氟斑牙dental fluorosis in permanent teeth
非骨相慢性氟中毒non-skeletal phase of chronic fluorosis
氟斑牙指数dental fluorosis index
甲状旁腺激素parathyroid hormone
地方性氟骨症endemic skeletal fluorosis
氟骨症skeletal fluorosis
骨炭过滤法bone charcoal filtration method
假骨折线pseudofracture line
碘缺乏病高危人群high risk population of iodine deficiency disorders
骨周软组织钙化extraperiosteal calcification
乳牙氟斑牙dental fluorosis in primary teeth
三价砷trivalent arsenite
急性砷中毒acute arsenic poisoning
鼠类天敌natural enemy of mouse
铁饥饿状态iron-starvational state
鼠疫应急反应确认部门plague emergency confirmation department
鼠疫菌减毒活疫苗attenuated live vaccine of Yersinia pestis
鼠疫海关检疫customs quarantine control of plague
鼠疫应急工作原则principle of plague emergency work 
熏蒸灭鼠法fumigation deratization
生物灭鼠biological deratization
鼠疫疫情报告网report network of plague epidemic
警告色warning color
定点观察法fixed area observation
重大鼠疫疫情grave epidemic of plague
鼠疫疫情报告程序report procedure of plague epidemic
急性灭鼠药物acute raticide
灭鼠毒粉raticide powder
特别重大鼠疫疫情super critical epidemic of plague
寄生虫生活史life cycle of parasite 
异位寄生ectopic parasitism
食源性寄生虫病food-borne parasitosis
粪便直接涂片法fecal direct smear method
专性寄生虫obligatory parasite
人-犬共患型内脏利什曼病anthropozoonotic leishmaniasis
杜氏利什曼原虫Leishmania donovani Laveran & Mesnil
山丘型高山亚型流行区higher mountain subtype of mountainous and hilly epidemic region
间插血吸虫Schistosoma intercalatum Fisher
湖北钉螺指名亚种Oncomelania hupensis hupensis Gredler
皮肤利什曼病cutaneous leishmaniasis
人源型内脏利什曼病anthroponotic leishmaniasis
有螺地区snail habitats
胶工溃疡病Chiclero's ulcer
东半球皮肤利什曼病old world cutaneous leishmaniasis
淋巴结型利什曼病lymph gland visceral leishmaniasis
钉螺Oncomelania snail
湄公血吸虫病schistosomiasis mekongi
湖沼型洲垸亚型流行区islet with embankment subtype of swamp and lake epidemic region
埃及血吸虫Schistosoma haematobium Bilharz
脑型血吸虫病cerebral schistosomiasis
生物灭螺biological molluscicide
棘球蚴metacestode of echinococcus
实变型consolidated type
环卵沉淀[素]试验circumoval precipitin test
鼠疫疫情Ⅳ级预警fourth level of plague early-warning
钙化型calcified type
多房棘球蚴病echinococcosis multilocularis
改良加藤厚涂片法modified Kato's thick-smear technique
脑棘球蚴病brain echinococcosis
肺棘球蚴病pulmonary echinococcosis
保守疗法conservative treatment
布鲁氏菌病检疫quarantine of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌S19疫苗Brucella abortus S19 vaccine
布鲁氏菌104M疫苗Brucella abortus 104M vaccine
冻干布鲁氏菌活菌苗freeze-dryed Brucella vaccine
布鲁氏菌病传播因子transmissive factor of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌S2疫苗Brucella suis S2 vaccine
海洋哺乳动物布鲁氏菌marine mammal Brucella 
布鲁氏菌病疫区epidemic area of brucellosis
粗糙型布鲁氏菌rough Brucella
布鲁氏菌病疫情预测epidemic situation prediction of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌素试验brucellin test
布鲁氏菌强毒菌株high virulence Brucella strain
布鲁氏菌病疑似病例probable cases of brucellosis
抗球蛋白血清anti-globulin serum
噬菌体裂解试验phage typing test
布鲁氏菌病基本治愈basic cure of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌Rev.1疫苗Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 vaccine
布鲁氏菌病疫区检疫quarantine of epidemic area of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病再感染reinfection of brucellosis
光滑型布鲁氏菌smooth Brucella
氧化代谢试验oxidative metabolism test
疼痛pain and ache 
弥散性血管内凝血disseminate intravascular coagulation
鼠疫静息期quiescent stage of plague
慢性砷中毒chronic arsenic poisoning
动物区系调查fauna investigation
疫源地epidemic focus
灰旱獭Marmota baibacina Brandt
皮下接种subcutaneous bacterination 
毒力岛pathogenicity island
鼠疫防治管理信息系统information system of plague prevention and control
紧急性灭鼠urgent deratization
核糖体菌苗ribosomal vaccine
高温灭蚤hyperthermia depulization
物理灭蚤physical depulization
鼠疫应急反应终止plague emergency termination
灌鼠pour out the mouse
鼠疫疫区处理handling of plague affected areas 
最适生境optimum habitat
动物体外寄生媒介调查epizootic vector investigation
电鼠网power grids for mouse
国家级鼠疫监测点national area of plague surveillance
鼠疫监测点area of plague surveillance
灭鼠烟剂smoke agent of raticide
预防性灭鼠deratization for prevention 
常规裂解稀释度routine test dilution
机会性寄生虫病opportunistic parasitosis
机会性致病性寄生虫opportunistic parasite
终宿主definitive host
染料抑菌试验dye antibacterial test
寄生虫感染parasitic infection
医学节肢动物medical arthropod
获得性免疫acquired immunity
土源性寄生虫病soil-transmitted parasitosis
湖北钉螺滇川亚种Oncomelania hupensis robertsoni Bartsch
可溶性虫卵抗原soluble egg antigen
巴西利什曼原虫种团Leishmania braziliensis complex
土源性蠕虫soil-borne helminth
湖沼型湖汊亚型流行区fork-beach subtype of swamp and lake epidemic region
湖沼型洲滩亚型流行区islet subtype of swamp and lake epidemic region
诱骗效应decoy effect
恰氏利什曼原虫Leishmania chagasi Cunha & Chagas
内脏利什曼病visceral leishmaniasis
曼氏血吸虫Schistosoma mansoni Sambon
生物源性蠕虫bio-borne helminth
湖沼型垸内亚型流行区inner embankment subtype of swamp and lake epidemic region
肋壳钉螺Oncomelania snail with ribbed shell
热带利什曼原虫Leishmania tropica Wright
慢性血吸虫病chronic schistosomiasis
湖北钉螺丘陵亚种Oncomelania hupensis fausti Bartsch
尾蚴性皮炎cercarial dermatitis
湄公血吸虫Schistosoma mekongi Voge
间插血吸虫病schistosomiasis intercalata
湖北钉螺广西亚种Oncomelania hupensis guangxiensis Liu
自然疫源型内脏利什曼病euzoonotic leishmaniasis
吴氏白蛉Phlebotomus wui Xiong
日本血吸虫Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada
鼠疫疫情信息发布plague epidemic information release
长尾旱獭Marmota caudate Geoffroy
动物间流行保存学说conservation adoptionism of epidemic in animal
血吸虫病轻度流行区low epidemic areas of schistosomiasis
水网型流行区water network epidemic region
改水降氟工程water-improving project to decrease fluoride
鼠疫传播媒介transmission media of plague
[金黄色]葡萄球菌A蛋白staphylococcal protein A
棘球蚴囊肿震颤hydatid cyst tremor 
克汀病面容characteristic face of cretinism
混合型氟骨症mixed skeletal fluorosis
灭鼠毒水raticide liquid
食品氟food fluoride
双向扩散法bilateral diffusion method
西半球皮肤利什曼病new world cutaneous leishmaniasis
钙矛盾疾病calcium paradox disease
回收率recovery rate
三关现象tri-risk phenomenon
检测限limit of detection
地理信息系统geographical information system
家庭聚集性familial aggregation
病因链etiological chain
暴露剂量exposed dose
内暴露剂量标志internal exposed dose marker
超氧化物歧化酶superoxide dismutase
传染源source of infection 
扩张型心肌病dilated cardiomyopathy
医学地理评价medical geographical evaluation
健康教育health education
2,3-二氨基萘荧光光度法2,3-diaminonaphthalene flurometry
大骨节病干骺骨骺骨端型type of metaphysis-epiphysis-distal end of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
石棉样变amianthoid alteration
冬季型克山病winter type of Keshan disease
心胸比例cardiothoracic ratio
大骨节病干骺骨端型type of metaphysis-distal end of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
克山病硒缺乏学说selenium deficiency hypothesis for Keshan disease
家庭病床home sick-bed
透明层stratum lucidum
电化学法electrochemical method
鲍恩病Bowen disease
发砷hair arsenic
颗粒层stratum granulosum
离子色谱法ion chromatography
地方性砷中毒中等病区moderate endemic arsenicosis area
五价砷pentavalent arsenate
饮水理化除砷方法physicochemical method for removing arsenic from drinking water
离子选择电极法ion selective electrode method
改水降砷工程报废率scrapped rate of water-improving project to decrease arsenic
煤砷coal arsenic
砷钼蓝法arsenomolybdenum blue method
砷甲基转移酶arsenic methyltransferase
空气飞沫传播air and droplet transmission
某种蚤指数flea index of a method
兼性寄生型facultative parasitism
臭鼩鼱Suncus murinus Linnaeus
鼠疫物种多样性species diversity of plague
鼠疫敏感性sensitivity of plague
宽新蚤Neopsylla mana Wagner
温带臭虫Cimex lectularius Linnaeus
鼠疫次要宿主secondary host of plague
青藏高原喜马拉雅旱獭鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Marmota himalayana in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
人虱Pediculus humanus Linnaeus
腹窦纤蚤深广亚种Rhadinopsylla liventricosa Ioff et Tiflov
青海田鼠Microtus fuscus Büchner
鼠疫菌变异保存学说conservation adoptionism of Yersinia pestis variability
洞密度mouse hole density
方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种Citellophilus tesquorum sungaris Jordan
脑膜炎型鼠疫meningitic plague
肺鼠疫pneumonic plague
鼠疫菌古老变种Yersinia pestis antiqua
鼠疫菌致病性pathogenicity of Yersinia pestis
眼鼠疫ocular plague
休克肺shock lung
蚤拉胃培养法method of dissect flea stomach
继发性鼠疫淋巴结炎secondary lymphadenitis of plague
大骨节病生物地球化学学说biogeochemical hypothesis of Kashin-Beck disease
硫酸化不足deficiency in sulfation 
克山病诱因precipitating factors for Keshan disease
先期钙化带硬化sclerosis of provisional calcification zone
八字形骨骺splayed epiphysis
克山病病因cause of Keshan disease
甲状腺萎缩thyroid atrophy
平板划线法streak plate method
地方性克汀病endemic cretinism
硒水平selenium level
分化型甲状腺癌differentiated thyroid cancer
碘缺乏病病区endemic area of iodine deficiency disorder
胶性甲状腺肿colloid goiter
单端孢霉烯族毒素trichothecene toxin
酪氨酸碘化tyrosine iodization
甲状腺结节thyroid nodule
生长障碍线retarded epiphyseal line
釉质发育不全症enamel hypoplasia
碘致性甲状腺功能亢进症iodine-induced hyperthyroidism
合格碘盐食用率proportion of households using adequately iodized salt
关节退行性改变degenerative change of joint
碘盐合格率qualified rate of iodized salt 
地热高氟水地区area of geothermal water with high fluoride
碘缺乏病病情监测surveillance of iodine deficiency disorders prevalence
碘缺乏病高危地区high risk area of iodine deficiency disorders
新生儿甲状腺功能减退症筛查neonatal hypothyroidism screening
骨转换bone turnover
电凝集法electric coagulation method
低氟砖茶brick-tea with low fluoride
地方性氟中毒病区控制标准control criteria for endemic fluorosis areas
地方性氟中毒防治知识知晓率awareness rate of prevention and treatment knowledge on endemic fluorosis
尿碘中位数median urinary iodine concentration
碱性磷酸酶alkaline phosphatase
食品砷food arsenic
个人防护personal protection
鼠疫疫情Ⅲ级预警third level of plague early-warning
囊型棘球蚴病流行区epidemic area of cystic echinococcosis
直肠活组织检查rectal biopsy
细粒棘球蚴病echinococcosis granulosa
疫水infested water
子囊daughter cyst
各级别预警信息发布单位department of releasing plague early-warning information
角质层laminated layer
对象化疗selective chemotherapy
细粒棘球绦虫Echinococcus granulosus Batsch
皮内试验intrademal test
单囊型single cyst type
布鲁氏菌病市场检疫market quarantine of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌M5疫苗Brucella melitensis M5 vaccine
自然疫源性疾病natural focal disease
布鲁氏菌弱毒菌株low virulence Brucella strain
布鲁氏菌病暴发outbreak of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌抵抗力Brucella resistance
布鲁氏菌病亚代偿subcompensation of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病疫点epidemic focus of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌悬液Brucella suspension
布鲁氏菌补体结合试验抗原Brucella complement fixation test antigen
长期低热prolonged low grade fever
无害化处理innocent treatment
布鲁氏菌病治疗无效inefficacy of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病特异性抗原疗法specificantigen therapy of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病血清学监测serological surveillance of brucellosis
甲状腺肿大率total goiter rate 
不育囊infertile cyst
小林姬鼠Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus
自然界染疫动物infected animal
甲状腺容积thyroid volume 
呼伦贝尔高原蒙古旱獭鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Marmota sibirica in Hulun Beir Plateau
地方性砷中毒监测surveillance of endemic arsenicosis
改水降砷工程water-improving project to decrease arsenic
釉质缺损enamel defect
大骨节病干骺端X射线检出率X-ray detection rate of metaphysis of Kashin-Beck disease
碘盐iodized salt
逃拐children fled from Kashin-Beck disease area
附壁血栓mural thrombus
单宿主疫源地single host focus
无螺地区snail-free areas
食盐edible salt 
尿碘urinary iodine 
骺线局限性融合partly fusion in epiphyseal line
腕骨拥挤carpal bones narrowed
生发层germinal layer
大骨节病骨端X射线检出率X-ray detection rate of distal end of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
随机误差random error
慢性碘中毒chronic iodism
骨化核出现延迟delayed appearance of ossification nucleus
新旧病灶并存现象phenomenon of newly-late-newly lesions alternately existed in the same   affected site
原双蚤田野亚种Amphipsylla primaries mitis Jordan
饮水理化除氟方法physico-chemical method for removing fluoride from drinking water
急性循环衰竭acute circulatory failure
鼠洞内[干]蚤指数flea index of rat hole
软骨岛cartilage island
间接血凝试验indirect hemagglutination test
腹水型血吸虫病ascites typical schistosomiasis
大骨节病中等病区moderate endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease 
煤氟coal fluoride
陷窝性吸收lacunar absorption
退行性病变degenerative change
大众传播public communication
暴露标志exposure marker
危险因素risk factor
相对静止病区relatively silent endemic area
偶然宿主accidental host
一级预防primary prevention
自然疫源性natural focal characteristics
细胞坏死cell necrosis
三级预防tertiary prevention
自然疫源地natural focus
夏季型克山病summer type of Keshan disease
克山病诊断原则guidelines for Keshan disease diagnosis
大骨节病低硒学说low selenium hypothesis of Kashin-Beck disease
围血管现象perivascular phenomenon
水样变性hydropic degeneration
软骨细胞终末分化障碍chondrocyte terminal differentiation disorder
克山病综合预防prevention of Keshan disease by comprehensive measures
扁平骨骺flatted epiphysis
逃拐追踪follow-up investigation for children fled from Kashin-Beck disease area
大骨节病活跃病区active endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease
氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry
慢型克山病自我管理self-management of chronic Keshan disease
大骨节病粮食真菌毒素中毒学说hypothesis of cereal contamination by mycotoxin producing fungi for   KashinBeck disease
克山病肠道病毒感染学说enteroviral infection hypothesis for Keshan disease
克山病高危人群population at high risk of Keshan disease
临床Ⅰ度大骨节病degree Ⅰ of clinical stage of Kashin-Beck disease
心肌再生myocardial regeneration
急性心力衰竭acute congestive heart failure
骺核硬化sclerosis of epiphyseal nucleus
临床Ⅲ度大骨节病degree Ⅲ of clinical stage of Kashin-Beck disease
克山病复合病因学说multi-factoral etiological hypothesis for Keshan disease
T-2毒素T-2 toxin
关节功能障碍治疗无效ineffective treatment of joint dysfunction
乳头状甲状腺癌papillary thyroid cancer
甲状腺激素thyroid hormone
滤泡上皮细胞follicular epithelial cell
碘缺乏病重病区severe endemic area of iodine deficiency disorder
大骨节病硒预防prevention of Kashin-Beck disease through selenium
甲状腺B超法thyroid ultrasonography 
缺碘土壤iodine-deficient soil
察氏培养基Czapeks medium
碘缺乏病中等病区moderate endemic area of iodine deficiency disorder
大骨节病综合预防comprehensive prevention of Kashin-Beck disease
甲状腺结合球蛋白thyroxine binding globulin
T-2粗毒素crude toxin of T-2
甲状腺腺瘤thyroid adenoma
促甲状腺激素释放激素thyrotropin-releasing hormone
散发性甲状腺肿sporadic goiter
钠碘转运体sodium-iodide symporter
滤泡上皮细胞微绒毛microvilli of follicular epithelial cell
碘油iodized oil
改水降氟工程报废率scrapped rate of water-improving project to decrease fluoride
氟平衡fluorine balance
硬化型氟骨症sclerous skeletal fluorosis
碘化钾potassium iodide 
普遍食盐加碘universal salt iodization
双框征double casing sign
反渗透法reverse osmosis
燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒coalburning type of endemic fluorosis
非碘盐率non-iodized salt rate
氧化还原滴定法oxidation-reduction titration method
空气氟air fluoride
环状沉淀反应circularity precipitation reaction
鼠疫菌遗传变异heredity and deviance of Yersinia pestis
疑似鼠疫suspected plague
鼠疫菌代谢Yersinia pestis metabolism
鼠疫菌素受体基因pesticin receptor gene
革兰[氏]染色Gram staining
硝酸盐还原试验nitrate reduction test
耐药性resistance to drug 
营养突变nutritional mutation
哈夫金淋巴液Haffkine lymph
鼠疫网络直报internet reporting system of plague
家畜灭蚤domestic animal depulization
检诊screening system
鼠疫固定监测点fixed area of plague surveillance
鼠疫疫区plague affected area
较大鼠疫疫情serious epidemic of plague
粘鼠胶glue for mouse
鼠疫预防plague prevention
一般鼠疫疫情ordinary epidemic of plague
媒介区系调查vector flora investigation
生态灭鼠ecological deratization
鼠疫预防接种plague preventive vaccination
鼠疫疫源检索点area of foci retrieval of plague
鼠疫宿主动物活动节律host locomotor activity rhythm of plague
鼠疫疫鼠plague affected rat
转续宿主paratenic host
暂时性寄生虫temporary parasite
兼性寄生虫facultative parasite
圭亚那利什曼原虫种团Leishmania guyanensis complex
血吸虫病中度流行区medium epidemic areas of schistosomiasis
血吸虫病高度流行区heavily epidemic areas of schistosomiasis
亚历山大白蛉Phlebotomus alexandri Sinton
黏膜皮肤利什曼病mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
沉螺池pool for snail sedimentation
降氟炉灶正确使用率correct usage rate of improved stoves for decreasing fluoride
皮质条纹征cortical string sign
Ⅲ级色素脱失depigmentation gradeⅢ
山前洪积-冲积平原proluvial-alluvial plain in front of mountains
角质层stratum corneum
砷斑法arsenic stain method
砷的亲巯性pro-sulfhydryl character of arsenic
血砷blood arsenic
三乙醇胺分光光度法triethanolamine spectrophotometry
Ⅰ级掌跖部皮肤角化hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles gradeⅠ
地方性砷中毒轻病区mild endemic arsenicosis area
弥漫性色素沉着diffuse pigmentation
汝斯汀瘟疫Justinian pestilence
降砷炉灶improved stoves for decreasing arsenic
无机砷inorganic arsenic
腺鼠疫发病部位morbid site of bubonic plague
Ⅰ级色素脱失depigmentation gradeⅠ
鼠密度rat density
鼠疫多宿主multiple host of plague
鼠疫感受性susceptibility of plague
斯氏家鼠Rattus rattus sladeni Anderson
鼠疫菌外在学说allochthonous adoptionism for Yersinia pestis
甘宁黄土高原阿拉善黄鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Spermophilus alaschanicus in Loess Platean of   Gansu and Ningxia Province
藏原羚Procapra picticaudata Hodgson
滇西山地齐氏姬鼠-大绒鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Apodemus chevrieri-Eothenomys miletus in Mountain   Region of Northwestern Yunnan Province
达乌尔黄鼠Spermophilus dauricus Brandt
阿拉善黄鼠Spermophilus alaschanicus Buchner
黄毛鼠Rattus losea Swinhoe
鼠疫种群数量population quantity of plague
鼠疫生态系统ecosystem of plague
鼠疫非生物地理因素abiotic pathogenic geographical factor
家猫Felis sivestris catus Schreber
齐氏姬鼠Apodemus apodemus chevrieri Milne-Edwards
锡林郭勒高原布氏田鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Microtus brandti in Xilingol Plateau
鼠疫易感性susceptibility to plague
鼠疫传播途径route of plague transmission
散发鼠疫sporadic plague
准噶尔盆地大沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Rhombomys opimus in Junggar Basin
媒介潜能vector potential
鼠疫菌血症plague bacteremia
性纤毛sex pili
放射免疫沉淀试验radio immunoprecipitation test
胶体金标记技术immunogold labeling technique
布鲁氏菌病运输检疫transportation quarantine of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌R因子血清Brucella monospecific antiserum R
布鲁氏菌病失代偿decompensation of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病传播途径transmissive route of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病慢性期chronic stage of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病疫区处理anti-epidemic measures in brucellosis focus
人间布鲁氏菌病brucellosis in humans
布鲁氏菌病监测病例surveillance cases of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病网络直报direct network report of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病急性期acute stage of brucellosis
泌尿生殖系统症状genito-urinary symptoms
间歇热intermittent fever
布鲁氏菌病病情好转improvement of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病近期疗效判定short-term efficacy measure of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病病原学监测etiology surveillance of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病隐性感染inapparent infection of brucellosis
骨关节损害articular injure
布鲁氏菌A因子血清Brucella monospecific antiserum A
软组织肿胀soft tissue swelling
布鲁氏菌病现场监测field surveillance of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病疫区封锁quarantining epidemic area of brucellosis
中华白蛉Phlebotomus chinensis Newstead
急性血吸虫病acute schistosomiasis
血吸虫卵肉芽肿schistosome egg granuloma
长期不规则发热long-term irregular fever
利什曼原虫Leishmania spp.
晚期血吸虫病advanced schistosomiasis
母胞蚴mother sporocyst
曼氏血吸虫病schistosomiasis mansoni
内囊破裂型endocyst ruptured type
棘球蚴病监测surveillance of echinococcosis
扩大化疗extended chemotherapy
血吸虫病流行控制prevalence control of schistosomiasis
棘球蚴囊hydatid cyst
棘球蚴液hydatid fluid
血吸虫病消除elimination of schistosomiasis
棘球蚴继发感染secondary infection of echinococcosis
内囊摘除术enucleation of endocyst
毛蚴孵化法miracidium hatching method
棘球蚴病控制control of echinococcosis
棘球蚴病预防prevention of echinococcosis
血吸虫病传播阻断transmission interruption of schistosomiasis
鼠疫预警级别level of plague earlywarning
鼠疫疫情Ⅰ级预警first level of plague early-warning 
生发囊brood capsule
软骨细胞分化障碍chondrocyte differentiation disorder
心力衰竭heart failure
骺核epiphyseal nucleus
锥形骨骺cone-shaped epiphysis
6分钟步行试验six minutes walk test
大骨节病骨关节型type of osteoarthropathy of Kashin-Beck disease
心肌凝固性坏死myocardial coagulative necrosis
大剂量维生素C疗法high dose of vitamin C therapy
大骨节病相对静止病区relatively silent endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease
象牙质变ivory-like alteration
颗粒变性granular degeneration
心脏重构cardiac remodeling
肌源性扩张myogenic dilatation
克山病真菌毒素中毒学说mycotoxin poisoning hypothesis for Keshan disease
大骨节病X射线检出率X-ray detection rate of Kashin-Beck disease
平滑性吸收flatted absorption
大骨节病干骺骨骺型type of metaphysis-epiphysis of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
潜在型克山病latent Keshan disease
心肌液化性坏死myocardial liquefactive necrosis
临床Ⅱ度大骨节病degree Ⅱ of clinical stage of Kashin-Beck disease
新发现克山病病例newly identified Keshan disease case
碘化酪氨酸偶联coupling of iodotyrosine
甲状腺触诊法thyroid palpation 
痉挛性瘫痪spastic paralysis
甲状腺滤泡thyroid follicle
结节性甲状腺肿nodular goiter 
亚临床性甲状腺功能减退症subclinical hypothyroidism
水源性高碘病区water-borne iodine excess area with goiter prevalence
冷冻干燥保藏法freeze-drying preservation
甲状腺先天异常thyroid congenital abnormality
甲状腺过氧化物酶thyroid peroxidase
甲状腺自身抗体thyroid autoimmune antibody
拟枝孢镰刀菌Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb.
散发性克汀病sporadic cretinism
关节功能障碍治疗显效most effective to improve joint dysfunction
T-2毒素检测方法detection methods of T-2 toxin 
增生性甲状腺肿hyperplastic goiter
自身免疫性甲状腺疾病autoimmune thyroid disease
水源性高碘地区water-borne iodine excess area
饮茶型地方性氟中毒brick-tea type of endemic fluorosis
软化型氟骨症malacic skeletal fluorosis
小型集中式供水small central water supply
混凝沉淀法coagulation-precipitation process
水碘water iodine 
湿混法spray mixing
碘致性甲状腺功能减退症iodine-induced hypothyroidism
集中式供水central water supply
临床氟骨症clinical skeletal fluorosis
碘盐覆盖率coverage rate of iodized salt
功能自主性结节autonomous nodule
偶然媒介casual intermedium
血凝抑制试验hemagglutination inhibition test
传播潜能transmission potential
鼠疫菌鉴别培养基differential medium of Yersinia pestis
腺鼠疫bubonic plague
鼠疫菌生态型Yersinia pestis ecotype
鼠疫菌敏感培养基sensitive medium of Yersinia pestis
魏森染色Wayson staining
鼠疫败血症plague ichoremia 
季节消长seasonal regression
鼠毒素Yersinia murine toxin
上转换发光技术up-converting phosphor technique
鼠疫单克隆抗体monoclonal antibody of plague
窝巢蚤指数flea index of nest
鼠疫菌质粒plasmid of Yersinia pestis
温和噬菌体temperate phage
低钙反应low-calcium response
媒介指数vector index
鼠疫菌回复突变reverse mutation of Yersinia pestis
肠鼠疫intestinal plague
慢性灭鼠药物chronic raticide
雌雄比female to male ratio
鼠疫个案调查case investigation of plague
鼠笼mouse cage
鼠疫疫情报告epidemic report of plague
灭蚤效果评价effect assessment of depulization
粘蚤纸粘捕sticky paper use catch fleas
鼠疫交通检疫traffic quarantine of plague
灭鼠措施deratization measure
查洞法method of investigating cave
子宫斑utertus plaque
封锁隔离blocking and insulate
繁殖生态学调查propagation ecology investigation
动物洞干媒介调查vector in hole investigation
鼠疫疫情分级plague epidemic classification
胎鼠数number of fetal rats
夹日法method of catch rats per day and one clamp
疫苗免疫vaccine immunity
抗锑病例antimony-resistant cases
长管白蛉Phlebotomus longiductus Parrot
山丘型平坝亚型流行区plateau subtype of mountainous and hilly epidemic region
黑热病后皮肤利什曼病post kalaazar dermal leishmaniasis
血吸虫病非流行区non-epidemic areas of schistosomiasis
何博礼现象Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon
医学蠕虫medical helminth
墨西哥利什曼原虫种团Leishmania mexicana complex
水氟water fluoride
吸碘率radio-iodine uptake 
Ⅱ级掌跖部皮肤角化hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles gradeⅡ
髙砷水点状散在分布punctiform diffuse distribution of wells with high arsenic water
冲积平原alluvial plain
中度地方性砷中毒moderate endemic arsenicosis
水浸-电极法water logged-electrode method
地方性砷中毒重病区severe endemic arsenicosis area
砷中毒循环系统症状circulating system symptoms of arsenicosis
Ⅲ级掌跖部皮肤角化hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles gradeⅢ
乌脚病blackfoot disease
三氧化二砷arsenic trioxide
砷甲基化arsenic methylation
轻度地方性砷中毒mild endemic arsenicosis
砷中毒消化系统症状digestive system symptoms of arsenicosis
巯基hydrosulfide group
砷化氢发生法hydrogen arsenide generating method
燃煤污染型地方性砷中毒病区endemic arsenicosis area of coal-burning type
饮水型地方性砷中毒drinking water type of endemic arsenicosis
砷化氢arsenic hydride
斑点状色素沉着dotted pigmentation
大沙鼠Rhombomys opimus Lichtenstein
动物鼠疫流行病学epidemiology of rodent plague
松辽平原达乌尔黄鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Spermophilus dauricus in Songliao Plain
鼠疫传播主要途径major way of plague transmission
鼠疫暴发流行fulminating plague epidemic
宿主体外寄生蚤指数index of parasitic fleas for host
棕形额蚤Frontopsylla spadix Jordan et Rothschild
家栖啮齿动物rodent domesticus
蒙古旱獭Marmota sibirica Radde
长尾黄鼠Spermophilus undulates Pallas
鼠疫主要宿主main reservoir host of plague
不等单蚤Monopsyllus anisus Rothschild
低地狭臀蚤Stenischia humilis Xie et Gong
接触传播contact spread
斧形盖蚤Callopsylla dolabris Jordan et Rothschild
鼠疫单宿主single host of plague
菌栓bacterial embolus
野栖啮齿动物campestral rodent
内蒙古高原长爪沙鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Meriones unguiculatus in Inner Mongolian Plateau
蚤指数flea index
直接接触传播direct contact spread
特新蚤指名亚种Neopsylla specialis specialis Jordan
主要媒介major intermedium
鼠疫菌外膜蛋白Yersinia pestis outer membrane protein
烈性噬菌体virulent phage
鼠疫菌基础培养基basal medium of Yersinia pestis
定量培养法quantitative culture method
免疫荧光技术immunofluorescence technique
鼠疫耶尔森菌Yersinia pestis Lehmann & Neumann
碘过量iodine excess
碘缺乏iodine deficiency 
基质金属蛋白酶matrix metalloproteinase
反式三碘甲腺原氨酸reverse triiodothyronine
反向间接血凝试验reverse indirect hemagglutination test
利什曼素皮内试验leishmanin intracutaneous test
巢穴染蚤率nest rate of infected with fleas
釉质着色enamel coloration
鼠疫流行plague epidemic
游离甲状腺素free thyroxine
毒饵灭鼠法poisoned bait deratization
大林姬鼠Apodemus speciosus Thomas
大骨节病Kashin-Beck disease
多宿主疫源地multi-host focus
光壳钉螺Oncomelania snail with smooth shell
黏液样变mucoid degeneration
化学灭螺chemical molluscicide
急性碘中毒acute iodism
皮肤三联征skin triad
原虫感染protozoal infection
慢型急性发作acute attack from chronic Keshan disease
干混法dry mixing
感染性钉螺infected Oncomelania snail
换粮change of grain
克山病并发症complication of Keshan disease
克山病检诊率rate of people examined for Keshan disease
哨鼠sentinel mice
内源性硫代谢障碍impaired endogenous sulfur metabolism
医学地理学medical geography
健康促进health promotion
自给自产生活方式self-supply lifestyle
人际传播interpersonal communication
活性氧reactive oxygen species
标准物质standard substance
标准曲线standard curve
人群易感性herd susceptibility
主动监测initiative surveillance
靶器官target organ
传播途径path of transmission
哨点监测sentinel surveillance
活跃病区active endemic area
暴露人群exposed population
灶状分布focal distribution
复发病例recurrent cases
山丘型丘陵亚型流行区hilly subtype of mountainous and hilly epidemic region
硕大利什曼原虫Leishmania major Yakimov & Schockev
湖沼型流行区swamp and lake epidemic region
棘球绦虫Echinococcus spp.
人畜同步化疗synchronous chemotherapy of man and domestic animal
鼠疫疫情Ⅱ级预警second level of plague early-warning 
多房棘球绦虫Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart
血行转移hematogenous metastasis
植物灭螺plant molluscicide
浸润型infiltrated type
血吸虫病传播控制transmission control of schistosomiasis
骨棘球蚴病skeleton echinococcosis
肝棘球蚴病hepatic echinococcosis
多子囊型multiple daughter cyst type 
血吸虫病控制control of schistosomiasis
肝囊型棘球蚴病hepatic cystic echinococcosis
血吸虫病消灭eradication of schistosomiasis
布鲁氏菌病疫苗接种反应vaccination reaction of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病病史追溯review of medical record of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌单价特异性抗血清凝集试验Brucella monospecific antiserum agglutination test
布鲁氏菌病疫情核实verifying brucellosis epidemic situation
布鲁氏菌病易感人群susceptible population of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病受威胁区threatening area of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病代偿compensation of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病流行病学侦察epidemiological reconnaissance of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌免疫力Brucella immunity
布鲁氏菌病残余期remnant stage of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病传染源infectious source of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病监测brucellosis surveillance
布鲁氏菌病治愈cure of brucellosis
弛张热remittent fever
不规则热irregular fever
波状热undulant fever
动物布鲁氏菌病brucellosis in animals
布鲁氏菌病远期疗效判定long-term efficacy measure of brucellosis
混合型克汀病mix-type cretinism
效应标志effective marker
饥饿状态hungry status
巨脾型血吸虫病advanced megalosplenia schistosomiasis 
盐碘salt iodine 
软骨组织cartilaginous tissue
甲状腺癌thyroid cancer
慢型克山病分级classification for chronic Keshan disease
Ⅲ级色素沉着pigmentation grade Ⅲ
非碘盐non-iodized salt
封闭或半封闭生活环境isolated or semi-isolated living environment
碘缺乏病轻病区mild endemic area of iodine deficiency disorder
碘过敏iodine allergy
医学原虫medical protozoa
血吸虫病开放前期prepatent period of schistosomiasis
土壤保存学说soil conservation adoptionism
地方性甲状腺肿endemic goiter
肝-颈静脉回流征hepatojugular reflux sign
生物有效剂量标志biologically effective dose marker
期间患病率period prevalence rate
地方病endemic disease
疾病监测disease surveillance
医学地理调查medical geographical survey
细胞外基质extracellular matrix
氧化应激oxidative stress
低硒地带low-selenium zone
线性范围linear range
脂质过氧化物lipid peroxide
内暴露标志internal exposure marker
系统误差systematic error
静止病区silent endemic area
外部质量控制external quality control
病因cause of disease
暴发点outbreak site
时点患病率point prevalence rate
暴露因素exposed factor
次要宿主secondary host
被动监测passive surveillance
流行特征epidemiological characteristic
血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂angiotensinⅡreceptor blocker
克山病硒预防prevention of Keshan disease through selenium supplementation
新发克山病病例new Keshan disease case
大骨节病病情严重程度指数Kashin-Beck disease severity index
慢性心力衰竭chronic heart failure
克山病高发病年higher incidence year of Keshan disease
心肌炎症反应myocardial inflammation reaction
软骨损害cartilage damage
急型克山病acute Keshan disease
血管活性药vasoactive drug
克山病临床分型clinical types of Keshan disease
大骨节病重病区severe endemic area of Kashin-Beck disease 
骨骺碎裂fragmented epiphysis
克山病心脏病理cardiac pathology of Keshan disease
左室射血分数left ventricular ejection fraction
大骨节病病情活跃程度指数Kashin-Beck disease activity index
新旧病灶共存coexistence of fresh and old foci
骨化核再现reappearance of ossification nucleus
先期钙化带不整irregular of provisional calcification zone
孙囊granddaughter cyst
鼠疫预测plague prediction
改水降砷工程正常运转率normal operation rate of water-improving project to decrease arsenic
游离三碘甲腺原氨酸free triiodothyronine
两性霉素Bamphotericin B
印鼠客蚤Xenopsylla cheopis Rothschild
大型集中式供水large central water supply
大骨节病发病年龄特征age characteristics of Kashin-Beck disease onset
迪安法Dean method
日本血吸虫病schistosomiasis japonica
人间鼠疫监测human plague surveillance
鼠洞灭蚤rat hole depulization
化学灭蚤chemical depulization
巢穴媒介调查vector in nest investigation
路线观察法route observation
栖息地选择habitat selection
器械灭鼠deratization with equipment
灭鼠效果测定effect determination of deratization
动物鼠疫监测rodent plague surveillance
鼠疫流动监测点flowing area of plague surveillance
笼[夹]法method of catch rats per day and one trap
伴随免疫concomitant immunity
储存宿主reservoir host
永久性寄生虫permanent parasite
中间宿主intermediate host
偶然寄生虫accidental parasite
血吸虫病易感地带high transmission potential areas of schistosomiasis
动物血吸虫病animal schistosomiasis
埃塞俄比亚利什曼原虫Leishmania aethiopica Bray
侏儒型血吸虫病schistosomiasis dwarf
葡萄糖酸锑钠sodium stibogluconate
肺型血吸虫病pulmonary schistosomiasis
物理灭螺physical molluscicide
稻田性皮炎paddy-field dermatitis 
蠕虫感染helminth infection
埃及血吸虫病schistosomiasis haematobia
子胞蚴daughter sporocyst
湖北钉螺Oncomelania hupensis Gredler
湖北钉螺福建亚种Oncomelania hupensis tangi Bartsch
异位血吸虫病ectopic schistosomiasis
婴儿利什曼原虫Leishmania infantum Noicolle
生态灭螺ecological molluscicide
棘球蚴囊肿破裂echinococcus cystis break
肝泡型棘球蚴病hepatic alveolar echinococcosis
根治疗法radical treatment
病灶液化空洞型colliquative and cavitary type
棘球蚴呼吸征breath sign of pulmonary cystic echinococcosis
泡型棘球蚴病流行区epidemic area of alveolar echinococcosis
疫水测定determination of infested water
囊型病灶cystic lesion type
棘球蚴砂hydatid sand
指趾甲砷fingernail toenail arsenic
有机砷organic arsenic
高温燃烧水解-电极法high temperature combustion hydrolysis-electrode method
原子吸收光谱法atomic absorption spectrometry
饮水型地方性砷中毒病区endemic arsenicosis area of drinking water type
银盐法silver diethyl-dithiocarbamate method
高砷地区high arsenic area
加热-酸浸-电极法heating-pickling-electrode method
基底[细胞]层stratum basale
空气砷air arsenic
Ⅱ级色素沉着pigmentation grade Ⅱ
Ⅰ级色素沉着pigmentation gradeⅠ
掌跖皮肤角化hyperkeratosis on the palms and soles
水砷合格率qualified rate of water arsenic content
洞干染蚤率hole rate of infected with fleas
鼠疫传播次要途径secondary way of plague transmission
长爪沙鼠Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards
染蚤率rate of infected with fleas
家犬Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus
褐家鼠Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout
秃病蚤蒙冀亚种Nosopsyllus laeviceps kuzenkovi Jagubiants
鼠疫流行病学plague epidemiology
方叶栉眼蚤Ctenophthalmus quadratus Liu et Wu
人蚤Pulex irritans Linnaeus
鼠疫季节性seasonality of plague
鼠疫偶然宿主accidental host of plague
继发鼠疫secondary plague
鼠疫菌保存学说conservation adoptionism of Yersinia pestis
群落演替community succession
高原鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson
青藏高原青海田鼠鼠疫自然疫源地plague natural focus of Microtus fuscus in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
疫源地结构focus structure
鼠疫菌内在学说immanent adoptionism for Yersinia pestis
光亮额蚤Frontopsylla luculenta Jordan et Rothschild
扁桃体鼠疫tonsillar plague
鼠疫菌平滑型Yersinia pestis smooth type
半乳糖类脂抗原galactose lipoid antigen
媒介效能vector effectiveness
鼠疫菌选择敏感培养基optional sensitive medium of Yersinia pestis
鼠疫菌最小致死量minimum lethal dose of Yersinia pestis
抗血清平板法antiserum plate method
鲎试验limulus amebocyte lysate assay
栓塞潜能blocking potential
滤膜杂交membrane cross
鼠疫菌毒力决定子virulent determinant of Yersinia pestis 
急性鼠疫淋巴结炎acute lymphadenitis of plague 
腹腔内接种intra-abdominal bacterination
鼠疫菌东方变种Yersinia pestis orientalis
皮肤鼠疫cutaneous plague
鼠疫菌半数致死量median lethal dose of Yersinia pestis
流行病学线索epidemiological clues
排除鼠疫excluded plague
鼠疫F1抗原fraction 1 antigen of Yersinia pestis
硫化氢形成试验hydrogen sulfide production test
鼠疫疫情报告原则plague report principle
鼠疫疫点plague affected spot
大骨节病饮水有机物中毒学说hypothesis of high organic material level in the drinking water for   Kashin-Beck disease
多发性心肌坏死灶multifocal myocardial necrosis
血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
弥漫性甲状腺肿diffuse goiter 
骨端distal end of phalanx
神经型克汀病neurological cretinism
大骨节病干骺型type of metaphysis of phalanx of Kashin-Beck disease
囊样变cystoid change
高碘性甲状腺肿iodine excess goiter
骨化核缺如absence of ossification nucleus
三线镰刀菌Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Sacc.
接种环inoculating loop
外环境碘缺乏environmental iodine deficiency
滤泡旁细胞parafollicular cell
掌指骨X射线病变治疗无效ineffective treatment of X-ray lesions in metacarpal and phalanx
甲状腺自主调节thyroid autoregulation
改水降氟工程正常运转率normal operation rate of water-improving project to decrease fluoride
电渗析法electrodialysis method
碘缺乏病高危地区监测surveillance of high risk area of iodine deficiency disorders
白垩样改变chalky white
精神运动测验psychomotor test
碘盐监测surveillance of iodized salt
骨盐bone mineral
砖茶氟brick-tea fluoride
降氟炉灶improved stoves for decreasing fluoride
参比电极reference electrode
饮水型地方性氟中毒drinking water type of endemic fluorosis
精神发育迟滞metal retardation
地方性氟中毒监测surveillance for endemic fluorosis
食盐加碘salt iodization 
深层高氟地下水地区area of deep groundwater with high fluoride
碘酸钾potassium iodate
饮茶型地方性氟中毒病区endemic fluorosis area of brick-tea type
富氟岩矿高氟地区high-fluoride area with fluoride-rich mineral
地方性氟中毒endemic fluorosis
鼠疫潜伏期incubation period of plague
萃取法extraction method
黑死病black death
冲湖积平原alluvial lacustrine plain
泡球蚴metacestode of echinococcus multilocularis
全民化疗mass chemotherapy
棘球蚴病流行区epidemic area of echinococcosis
布鲁氏菌病确诊病例confirmed cases of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病隔离brucellosis isolation
布鲁氏菌病海关检疫custom quarantine of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病预防接种vaccination of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病潜伏期incubation period of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌病凝集试验抗原Brucella agglutination test antigen
布鲁氏菌病职业人群occupational population of brucellosis
布鲁氏菌过敏反应Brucella anaphylaxis
布鲁氏菌RB51疫苗Brucella abortus RB51 vaccine
布鲁氏菌凝集原性Brucella agglutination
布鲁氏菌化学苗Brucella chemical vaccine
布鲁氏菌M因子血清Brucella monospecific antiserum M
布鲁氏菌病人间疫情监测surveillance of human brucellosis epidemic situation
布鲁氏菌病亚急性期subacute stage of brucellosis
肝脾肿大hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
淋巴结肿大lymph node tumefaction

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