中文名称 | 英文名称 |
复发性抑郁症,目前为其他或待分类的抑郁症 | Other or unspecifide depression |
有精神病性症状的抑郁 | Recurrent depressive disorder,current episode depressive with psychotic symptoms |
复发性抑郁症,目前为无精神病性症状的抑郁 | Recurrent disorder,current episode depressive without psychotic symptoms |
复发性抑郁症,目前为轻抑郁 | Recurrent depression,current episode mild depressive |
复发性抑郁症 | Recurrent depression |
有精神病性症状的抑郁症 | Depression with psychotic symptoms |
无精神病性症状的抑郁症 | Depression without psychotic symptoms |
抑郁发作 | Depressive episode |
双相障碍,目前为快速循环发作 | Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode fast cycling |
其他或待分类的双相障碍 | Other or unspecified bipolar disorders |
双相障碍,目前为混合性发作 | Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mixed |
双相障碍,目前为有精神病性症状的抑郁 | Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression with psychotic symptoms |
双相障碍,目前为无精神病性症状的抑郁 | Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode depression without psychotic symptoms |
双相障碍,目前为轻抑郁 | Bipolar disorder, currdnt episode mild depression |
双相障碍,目前为有精神病性症状的躁狂 | Bipolar disorder, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms |
双相障碍,目前为无精神病性症状的躁狂 | Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms |
双相障碍,目前为轻躁狂 | Bipolar disorder, current episode hypomanic |
其他或待分类的躁狂 | Other or unspecifided manic episode |
复发性躁狂症,目前为有精神病性症状的躁狂 | Recurrent mania, current episode manic with psychotic symptoms |
复发性躁狂症,目前为无精神病性症状的躁狂 | Recurrent mania, current episode manic without psychotic symptoms |
复发性躁狂 | Recurrent mania |
复发性躁狂症,目前为轻躁狂 | Recurent mania, current episode hypomanic |
有精神病性症状的躁狂症 | Mania with psychotic symptoms |
无精神病性症状的躁狂症 | Mania without psychotic symptoms |
躁狂发作 | Manic episode |
心境障碍(情感性精神障碍) | Mood disorders(Affective disorders) |
其他或待分类的精神病性障碍 | Other or unspecified psychotic disorders |
分裂情感性精神病,混合型 | Schizoaffective psychosis, mixed type |
分裂情感性精神病,抑郁型 | Schizoaffective psychosis, depressive type |
其他或待分类的急性短暂精神病 | Other or unspecified acute and transient psychosis |
分裂情感性精神病,躁狂型 | Schiaoaffective psychosis , manic type |
妄想阵发(急性妄想发作) | Delusional episodes |
旅途性精神病 | Travelling psychosis |
急性短暂性精神病 | Acute and transient psychosis |
分裂样精神病 | Schizophrenia-like psychosis |
精神分裂症衰退期 | Deteriorated schizophrenia |
慢性精神分裂症 | Chronic schizophrenia |
精神分裂症缓解期 | Remitted schizophrenia |
精神分裂症后抑郁 | Post-schizophrenic depression |
其他型或待分类的精神分裂症 | Other type or unspecified schizophrenia |
未定型分裂症 | Undifferentiated schizophrenia |
食物所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to foods |
其他或待分类的非成瘾物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other non-addictive substances, or unspecified |
重金属所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to heavy metals |
有机化合物所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to organic compound |
一氧化碳所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to carbon monoxide |
非成瘾药物所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to non-addictive drugs |
非成瘾物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to non-addictive substances |
病理性重现(闪回) | Flashbacks |
病理性中毒 | Pathological intoxication |
抑郁综合征 | Depressive syndrome |
躁狂综合征 | Manic syndrome |
妄想症 | Delusionosis |
幻觉症 | Hallucinosis |
意识障碍(如谵妄、昏迷) | Predominant disturbance of vonsciousness (e.g. delirium, coma) |
智能损害(痴呆) | Intellectual deficiency (dementia) |
残留性或迟发性精神障碍 | Residual and late-onset mental disorder |
精神病性障碍 | Psychotc disorders |
有害使用 | Harmful use |
依赖综合征(成瘾综合征) | Dependencd (addictive) syndrome |
其他或待分类的精神活性物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other psychoactive substances,or unspecifide |
挥发性溶剂所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of volative solvents |
烟草所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of tobacco |
致幻剂所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of hallucinogens |
兴奋剂所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of stimulants |
大麻类物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of cannabinoids |
镇静催眠药或抗焦虑药所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics |
阿片类物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of opioids |
酒精所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of alcohol |
精神活性物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to use of psychoactive substances |
精神活性物质所致精神障碍或非成瘾物质所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due psychoactive substances or non-addictive substances |
器质性神经症样综合征 | Organic neurosis-like syndrome |
器质性癔症样综合征 | Organic hysteria-like syndrome |
器质性情感障碍 | Organic mood disorders |
器质性精神病性症状 | Organic psychotic symptoms |
器质性意识障碍(如谵妄) | Organic consciousness disorders (e.g, delirium) |
器质性人格改变、习惯与冲动改变、性心理改变 | Organic personality change, habit and impulse change, psychosexual change |
器质性遗忘 | Organic amnesic syndrime |
器质性智能损害(痴呆) | Organic intellectual deficiency(dementia) |
围生期精神障碍 | Puerperal mental disorder |
其他或待分类器质性精神 | Organic mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecified |
以上未分类的其他躯体疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other diseases,or unspecifide |
物理因素所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to physical factors |
染色体异常所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to chromosomal abnormality |
系统性红斑狼疮所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) |
结缔组织疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue |
营养代谢疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease |
内分泌疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to endocrine disease |
内脏器官疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to visceral organdisease |
躯体感染所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to physical infection |
人类免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) |
癫痫所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to epilepsy |
以上未分类的其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other specifide diseases classifide dlsewhere |
脑瘤所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to brain tumor |
脑挫裂伤后综合征 | Mental disorders due to brain contusion |
脑外伤所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to brain damage |
多发性硬化所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to multiple sclerosis |
急性播散性脑脊髓炎和急性出血性白质脑炎所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to acute disseminateclencephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic leucoencephalitis |
脑炎后综合征 | Postencephalitic syndrome |
克—雅病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease |
颅内感染所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to intracranial infection |
急性病毒性脑炎所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis |
肝豆状核变性所致精神障碍 | (Wilson’Disease)Mental disorders due to hepatolenticular degeneration(Wilson is disease) |
帕金森病所致精神障碍 | (Parkinson)[Mental disorders due to Parkinson is disease |
享廷顿病所致精神障碍 | (Huntington)Mental disorders due to Huntington is disease |
匹克病所致精神障碍 | (Pick)Mental disorders due to Pick is diseasf |
脑变性病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to brain degeneration |
其他脑部疾病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other braindiseases |
其他或待分类血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to other vascular disease, or unspecified |
皮层和皮层下血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to mixedcortical subcortical vascular disease |
皮层下血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to subcortical vascular disease |
皮层性血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to cortical vascular disease |
急性脑血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to vascular disease of acute onset |
脑血管病所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to vascular disease |
其他或待分类的阿尔茨海默病 | Mental disorders due to other type of Alzheimer is disease, or unspecified |
阿尔茨海默病,非典型或混合型 | Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease, atypical ro mixed type |
阿尔茨海默病,老年型 | Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with alte onset |
阿尔茨海默病,老年前期型 | Mental disorders due to Alzheimer is disease with early onset |
逻辑倒错性思维 | paralogic thinking |
神经阻滞剂恶性综合征 | neuroleptic malignant syndrome |
心理社会因素 | psychosocial factor |
刑事责任能力 | criminal responsibility |
妄想 | delusion |
精神运动性兴奋 | psychomotor excitement |
意向倒错 | parabulia |
精神分裂症样精神病 | schizophreniform psychosis |
工娱疗法 | occupation recreational therapy |
厌恶疗法 | aversive therapy |
精神卫生 | mental health |
生物精神病学 | biological psychiatry |
精神病理学 | psychopathology |
民事行为能力 | civil capability |
无责任能力 | irresponsibility |
无行为能力 | incapability |
精神动力学 | psychodynamics |
应激 | stress |
思维松散 | looseness of thinking |
思维破裂 | splitting of thought |
语词新作 | neologism |
语词杂拌 | word salad |
言语重复 | palilalia |
妄想性知觉 | delusional perception |
原发性妄想 | primary delusion |
读心症 | mind-reading |
酒精滥用 | alcohol abuse |
反应性精神障碍 | reactive disorder |
反应性抑郁[症] | reactive depression |
反应性木僵 | reactive stupor |
适应性障碍 | adjustment disorder |
反应性意识错乱 | reactive confusion |
监禁性精神病 | prison psychosis |
癔症性遗忘 | hysterical amnesia |
癔症性瘫痪 | hysterical paralysis |
神游症 | fugue |
睡行症 | sleep walking |
恐怖症 | phobia |
单纯恐怖症 | simple phobia |
失眠[症] | insomnia |
露阴癖 | exhibitionism |
兽奸 | bestiality |
鸡奸 | pederasty |
评定量表 | rating scale |
多轴诊断系统 | multiaxial system |
简明精神病评定量表 | brief psychiatric rating scale |
研究用诊断标准 | research diagnostic criterion |
错觉 | illusion |
体象障碍 | body-image disturbance |
随境转移 | distractibility |
继发性妄想 | secondary delusion |
释义性妄想 | delusion of interpretation |
被害妄想 | delusion of persecution |
夸大妄想 | delusion of grandeur |
嫉妒妄想 | delusion of jealousy |
钟情妄想 | delusion of being loved |
被窃妄想 | delusion of being stolen |
虚无妄想 | nihilistic delusion |
被动体验 | passive experience |
被影响体验 | experience of being influenced |
刻板言语 | stereotypy of speech |
持续言语 | perseveration |
功能性幻觉 | functional hallucination |
情感迟钝 | emotional blunting |
情绪不稳 | emotional lability |
情感高涨 | elation |
情感倒错 | parathymia |
情感不协调 | incongruity of affect |
模仿言语 | echolalia |
模仿动作 | echopraxia |
似曾相识 | de&1&ja&2& vu |
识旧如新 | jamais vu |
秽语症 | coprolalia |
谵妄 | delirium |
震颤性谵妄 | delirium tremens |
朦胧状态 | twilight state |
意识混浊 | clouding of consciousness |
人格解体 | depersonalization |
衰退 | deterioration |
脑血管性痴呆 | cerebral vascular dementia |
阿尔茨海默病 | Alzheimer disease |
药物滥用 | drug abuse |
酒精中毒 | alcoholism |
躯体依赖 | physical dependence |
病理性醉酒 | pathological drunkenness |
戒瘾 | abstinence |
精神分裂症 | schizophrenia |
单纯型精神分裂症 | simple schizophrenia |
急性抑郁[症] | acute depression |
慢性抑郁[症] | chronic depression |
抑郁性木僵[症] | depressive stupor |
单相抑郁[症] | unipolar depression |
焦虑性神经症 | anxiety neurosis |
人格障碍 | personality disorder |
冲动型人格障碍 | impulsive personality disorder |
表演型人格障碍 | histrionic personality disorder |
偏执型人格障碍 | paranoid personality disorder |
分裂样人格障碍 | schizoid personality disorder |
适应不良性行为 | maladaptive behavior |
神经质 | nervousness |
气质 | temperament |
性变态 | paraphilia |
恋物癖 | fetishism |
窥阴癖 | voyeurism |
受虐癖 | masochism |
施虐癖 | sadism |
汉密尔顿焦虑量表 | Hamilton anxiety scale |
电休克治疗 | electric shock therapy |
无抽搐性电休克治疗 | nonconvulsive ECT |
精神药物 | psychotropic drug |
精神药理学 | psychopharmacology |
抗精神病药 | antipsychotics |
抗抑郁药 | antidepressants |
睡眠剥夺 | sleep deprivation |
暗示疗法 | suggestive treatment |
麻醉分析 | narcotic analysis |
催眠术 | hypnosis |
发热疗法 | fever therapy |
强迫性核对 | compulsive checking |
被控制感 | feeling of being controlled |
矛盾意向 | ambivalence |
情感爆发 | raptus |
老年前期精神病 | presenile psychosis |
神经性厌食 | anorexia nervosa |
意联 | punning |
情感脆弱 | emotional fragility |
异食癖 | pica |
情感淡漠 | apathy |
假性痴呆 | pseudodementia |
甘瑟综合征 | Ganser syndrome |
疑病性神经症 | hypochondrical neurosis |
摩擦癖 | frotteurism |
心理生理性障碍 | psychophysiological disorder |
精神现状检查 | present state examination |
临床总体印象量表 | clinical global impression scale |
住院病人护士观察量表 | nurse observation scale for inpatient evaluation |
生活事件量表 | life event scale |
胰岛素休克治疗 | insulin shock therapy |
骤进暴露疗法 | flooding therapy |
激越性抑郁[症] | agitated depression |
隐匿性抑郁[症] | masked depression |
社区精神卫生 | community mental health |
老年精神病学 | psychogeriatrics |
限定责任能力 | delimited responsibility |
应激源 | stressor |
轻性精神病 | minor psychosis |
幻听 | auditory hallucination |
附体 | possession |
麻痹性痴呆 | general paresis of insane |
轻躁狂 | hypomania |
神经衰弱综合征 | neurasthenic syndrome |
缩阳症 | koro |
司法精神病学鉴定 | forensic psychiatrics expertise |
静坐不能 | akathisia |
多发性脑梗死性痴呆 | multi-infarct dementia |
抑郁状态 | depressive state |
社会精神病学 | social psychiatry |
精神检查 | interview |
精神状态 | mental status |
精神障碍 | mental disorder |
精神病 | psychosis |
幻视 | visual hallucination |
幻味 | gustatory hallucination |
幻嗅 | olfactory hallucination |
内感性幻觉 | enteroceptive hallucination |
假性幻觉 | pseudohallucination |
内脏性幻觉 | visceral hallucination |
思维不连贯 | incoherence of thought |
思维贫乏 | poverty of thought |
思维中断 | thought blocking |
思维黏滞 | viscosity of thinking |
思维插入 | thought insertion |
物理影响妄想 | delusion of physical influence |
强迫性计数 | compulsive counting |
强迫性怀疑 | obsessive doubts |
强迫性恐怖 | obsessive phobias |
病理性激情 | pathological affect |
易激惹 | irritability |
违拗症 | negativism |
监禁反应 | imprisonment reaction |
灾难反应 | catastrophic reaction |
广场恐怖症 | agoraphobia |
强迫状态 | obsessive state |
神经衰弱 | neurasthenia |
恋童癖 | paedophilia |
恋尸癖 | necrophilia |
品行障碍 | conduct disorder |
抽动秽语综合征 | Gilles de la Tourette syndrome |
白痴 | idiocy |
精神残疾 | mental handicap |
总体评定量表 | global assessment scale |
疾病严重程度量表 | severity of illness scale |
住院病人多相精神病量表 | inpatient multidimensional psychiatric scale |
汉密尔顿抑郁量表 | Hamilton depressive scale |
纽卡斯尔抑郁诊断量表 | Newcastle diagnostic scale for depression |
认知疗法 | cognitive therapy |
行为疗法 | behavior therapy |
生物反馈治疗 | biofeedback therapy |
思维被夺 | thought withdrawal |
音联 | clang association |
思维云集 | pressure of thought |
妄想心境 | delusional mood |
牵连观念 | idea of reference |
特殊意义妄想 | delusion of special significance |
罪恶妄想 | delusion of sin |
贫穷妄想 | delusion of poverty |
强迫性穷思竭虑 | obsessive rumination |
心境恶劣障碍 | dysthymic disorder |
被动服从 | passive obedience |
刻板动作 | stereotyped act |
秽亵行为 | copropraxia |
药物依赖 | drug dependence |
科萨科夫综合征 | Korsakoff syndrome |
紧张型精神分裂症 | catatonic schizophrenia |
精神病学 | psychiatry |
跨文化精神病学 | cross-culture psychiatry |
社区精神病学 | community psychiatry |
联络精神病学 | liaison psychiatry |
行为科学 | behavioral science |
儿童精神病学 | child psychiatry |
司法精神病学 | forensic psychiatry |
心身医学 | psychosomatic medicine |
重性精神病 | major psychosis |
象征性思维 | symbolic thinking |
思维奔逸 | flight of thought |
紧张性兴奋 | catatonic excitement |
紧张性木僵 | catatonic stupor |
冲动行为 | impulsive behavior |
精神运动性抑制 | psychomotor inhibition |
装相 | mannerism |
意识错乱 | confusion |
现实解体 | derealization |
定向障碍 | disorientation |
定向力 | orientation |
虚构 | confabulation |
记忆倒错 | paramnesia |
童样痴呆 | puerilism |
普遍性适应综合征 | general adaptation syndrome |
致死性紧张症 | lethal catatonia |
梦魇 | nightmare |
症状性精神病 | symptomatic psychosis |
中毒性精神病 | toxic psychosis |
器质性脑病综合征 | organic brain syndrome |
精神依赖 | psychological dependence |
分裂情感性精神病 | schizoaffective psychosis |
情感障碍 | affective disorder |
快速循环型情感障碍 | rapid cycling affective disorder |
躁狂抑郁症 | manic-depressive illness |
躁狂症 | mania |
急性躁狂 | acute mania |
双相情感障碍 | bipolar affective disorder |
偏执状态 | paranoid state |
偏执狂 | paranoia |
感应性精神病 | induced psychosis |
二联性精神病 | folie a&2& deux |
周期性精神病 | periodic psychosis |
环性精神病 | cycloid psychosis |
产褥期精神病 | puerperal psychosis |
强迫性神经症 | obsessive-compulsive neurosis |
广泛性焦虑症 | generalized anxiety |
癔症 | hysteria |
分离型癔症 | dissociative hysteria |
转换性障碍 | conversive disorder |
社交恐怖症 | social phobia |
异装癖 | transvestism |
易性癖 | transsexualism |
幻觉 | hallucination |
幻触 | tactile hallucination |
思维播散 | thought broadcasting |
内向性思维 | autistic thinking |
病理性赘述 | circumstantiality |
诡辩性思维 | sophistic thinking |
影响妄想 | delusion of influence |
发明妄想 | delusion of invention |
变兽妄想 | lycanthropy |
超价观念 | over valued idea |
强迫观念 | obsessive idea |
强迫性回忆 | obsessive reminiscence |
强迫性清洁 | compulsive cleaning |
强迫性仪式动作 | compulsive ritual |
强迫性对立观念 | obsessive contradictory idea |
欣快 | euphoria |
病理性心境恶劣 | dysphoria |
被动性违拗 | passive negativism |
蜡样屈曲 | waxy flexibility |
僵住 | catalepsy |
强迫行为 | compulsion |
强迫动作 | compulsive act |
自知力 | insight |
康-克综合征 | Kandinsky-Cle&1&rambault syndrome |
替身综合征 | Capgras syndrome |
迟发性运动障碍 | tardive dyskinesia |
偏执型精神分裂症 | paranoid schizophrenia |
青春型精神分裂症 | hebephrenic schizophrenia |
残留型精神分裂症 | residual schizophrenia |
潜隐型精神分裂症 | latent schizophrenia |
晚发性精神分裂症 | late schizophrenia |
谵妄性躁狂 | delirious mania |
慢性躁狂 | chronic mania |
忧郁症 | melancholia |
抑郁[症] | depression |
轻性抑郁[症] | mild depression |
老年期精神病 | senile psychosis |
边缘状态 | borderline state |
神经性贪食 | bulimia nervosa |
神经症 | neurosis |
抑郁性神经症 | depressive neurosis |
偷窃狂 | kleptomania |
漫游症 | dromomania |
诈病 | malingering |
婴儿痴呆 | infantile dementia |
婴儿孤独症 | infantile autism |
低能 | feeblemindedness |
痴愚 | imbecility |
抑郁自评量表 | self-rating depressive scale |
躁狂状态评定量表 | manic state rating scale |
锥体外系副作用评定量表 | rating scale for extrapyramidal side-effects |
社会再适应 | social readjustment |
心身健康调查表 | psychosomatic inventory |
韦氏成人智力量表 | Wechsler adult intelligence scale |
韦氏儿童智力量表 | Wechsler intelligence scale for children |
脑震荡后综合征 | postconcussional syndrome |
抗焦虑药 | antianxiety drugs |
致幻剂 | hallucinogen |
抗躁狂药 | antimanic drugs |
环境疗法 | milieu therapy |
梦样状态 | oneiroid state |
双重人格 | dual personality |
重性抑郁[症] | major depression |
焦虑性抑郁[症] | anxious depression |
偏执性精神障碍 | paranoid disorder |
反应性偏执状态 | reactive paranoid state |
医源性精神障碍 | iatrogenic mental disorder |
主动性违拗 | active negativism |
思维化声 | audible thought |
惊恐发作 | panic attack |
[躁郁]环性气质 | cyclothymia |
强迫型人格障碍 | obsessive-compulsive personality disorder |
循环型人格障碍 | cyclothymic personality disorder |
反社会型人格障碍 | antisocial personality disorder |
同性恋 | homosexuality |
嫁接性精神分裂症 | pfropf schizophrenia |
精神发育迟缓 | mental retardation |
自杀未遂 | suicidal attempt |
明肖森综合征 | Mu&4&nchausen syndrome |
愚鲁 | moron |
待分类的其他精神障碍 | Other mental disorders, unspecified |
其他或待分类的心理卫生情况 | Other or unspecified mental health conditions |
自伤 | Deliberate sdle-harm |
病理性半醒状态 | Pathological semi-awakening state |
准自杀 | Parasuicide |
自杀死亡 | Complete suicide |
无精神病 | Without psychosis |
其他心理卫生情况 | Other psychological nonpsychotic disorder |
待分类的非精神病性精神障碍 | Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder |
待分类的精神病性障碍 | Unspecifide nonpsychotic disorder |
其他精神障碍和心理卫生情况 | Other mental disorders and psychological health conditions |
其他或待分类的童年和少年期精神障碍 | Other or unspecifide mental disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence |
刻板性运动障碍 | Stereotyped movement disorders |
婴幼儿和童年异食障碍 | Pica of infancy and childhood |
婴幼儿和童年喂食障碍 | Feeding disorder of infancy and childhood |
非器质性遗粪症 | Nonorganic encopresis |
非器质性遗尿症 | Nonorganic enuresis |
其他童年和少年期行为障碍 | Other behavioral disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence |
其他或待分类的抽动障碍 | Other or unspecified tic disorders |
发声与多种运动联合抽动障碍,Tourette综合征 | Toruette s syndrome |
短暂性抽动障碍(抽动症) | Transient tic disorder |
慢性运动或发声抽动障碍 | Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder |
抽动障碍 | Tic disorders |
其他或待分类的儿童社会功能障碍 | Other or unspecified cildhood disorders of social functioning |
儿童反应性依恋障碍 | Reactive attachment disorde of childhood |
儿童社会功能障碍 | Disorders of social functioing wigh onset specific to childhood and adolescence |
儿童广泛焦虑症 | General anxiety with onset specific to childhood |
其他或侍分类的童年情绪障碍 | Other or unspecified childhood emotional disorders |
儿童社交恐惧症 | Social anxiety disorder of childhood |
儿童分离性焦虑症 | Separation anxiety disorder of childhood |
儿童恐惧症(儿童恐怖症) | Phobic anxiety disorder of childhood |
特发于童年的情绪障碍 | Emotional disorders with onset specifie to childhood |
品行与情绪混合障碍 | Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions |
其他或待分类的品行障碍 | Other or unspecified conduct disorders |
反社会性品行障碍 | dissocial conduct disorder |
其他或待分类的多动障碍 | Other or unspecified hyperkinetic disorders |
多动症合并品行障碍 | Hyperkinetic conduct disorder |
注意缺陷与多动障碍(儿童多动症) | Attention dificit and hyperactivity disorder |
多动障碍 | Hyperkinetic disorders |
童年和少年期的多动障碍、品行障碍和情绪障碍 | Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood a |
其他或待分类的广泛性发育障碍 | Ogher or unspecified pervasive developmental disorders |
童年瓦解性精神障碍(Heller综合征) | Childhood disintegrative disorder(Heller is syndrome ) |
不典型孤独症 | Atypical autism |
儿童孤独症 | Childhood autism |
广泛性发育障碍 | Pervasive developmental disorders |
混合性特定发育障碍 | Mixed specified developmental disorders |
特定运动技能发育障碍 | Specific developmental disorder of motor skills |
其他或待分类的特定学习技能发育障碍 | Other or unspecified developmental disorders of scholastic skills |
混合性学习技能障碍 | Mixed disorder of scholastic skills |
特定计算技能障碍 | Specific disorder of arithmetical skills |
特定拼写障碍 | Specific spelling disorder |
特定阅读障碍 | Specific reading disorder |
特定学校技能发育障碍 | Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills |
其他或待分类的言语和语言发育障碍 | Other or unspecified developmental disorders of speech and language |
伴发癫痫的获得性失语(Landau-Kleffner综合征) | Acquired aphasia with epilepsy(Landau-Kleffner syndrome) |
感受性语言障碍 | Receptive language disorder |
特定言语构音障碍 | Specific speech articulation disorder |
言语和语言发育障碍 | Developmental disorders of speech and language |
其他或待分类的行为障碍 | Other or unspecifide behavioural impaiment |
显著的行为障碍,需要加以关注或治疗 | Significant impairment of behaviour requiring attention or treatment |
其他或待分类的精神发育迟滞 | Other or unspecified mental retardation |
无或轻微的行为障碍 | No or minimal impairment of behaviour |
极重度精神发育迟滞 | Profound mental retardation |
重度精神发育迟滞 | Severe mental retardation |
轻度精神发育迟滞 | Mild mental retardation |
中度精神发育迟滞 | Moderate mental retardation |
其他或待分类的性指向障碍 | Other or unspecified sexual indirection disorders |
性指向障碍 | Sexual orientation disorders |
其他或待分类的性偏好障碍 | Other or unspecified disorders of sexual preference |
混合型性偏好障碍 | Mixed disorders of sexual perference |
性施虐与性受虐症 | Sadomasochism |
异装症 | Fetishistic transvestism |
性偏好障碍 | Disorders of sexual preference |
其他或待分类的性身份障碍 | Other or unspecified gender identity disorders |
性身份障碍 | Gerder identity disorders |
性心理障碍(性变态) | Psychosexual disorders |
其他或未特定的习惯和冲动障碍 | Other or unspecified habit snd impulse disorders |
病理性偷窃 | Pathological stealing |
病理性纵火 | Pathological fire-setting |
习惯与冲动控制障碍 | Habit and impulse disorders |
其他或待分类的人格障碍 | Other or unspecified personality disorder |
焦虑性人格障碍 | Anxious personality disorder |
强迫性人格障碍 | Anankastic personality disorder |
表演性(癔症性)人格障碍 | Histrionic (hysterical )personality disorder |
反社会性人格障碍 | Dissocial personality disorder |
人格障碍、习惯和冲动控制障碍、性心理障碍 | Personality disorders, Habit and impulse disorders, Psychosexual disorders |
其他或待分类性功能障碍 | Other or unspecified sexual dysfunction |
阴道痉挛 | Vaginismus |
性交疼痛 | Dyspareunia |
性乐高潮障碍 | Orgasmic dysfunction |
冷阴 | Failure of femalegenital response |
非器质性性功能障碍 | Nonorganic sexual dysfunction |
其他或待分类非器质性睡眠障碍 | Other or unspecified nonorganic sleep disorders |
睡眠—觉醒节律障碍 | Disorder of the sleep-wake schedule |
非器质性睡眠障碍 | Nonorganic sleep disorders |
其他或待分类非器质性进食障碍 | Other or unspecified nonorganic eating disorder |
神经性呕吐 | Psychogenia nervosa |
心理因素相关生理障碍 | Physiological disorders related to psychological factords |
其他或待分类的神经症 | Other or unspecified neruosis |
其他或待分类躯体形式障碍 | Other or unspecified somatoform disorders |
持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍 | Persistent somatoform pain disorder |
泌尿生殖系统功能紊乱 | Genitourinary system dysfunction |
呼吸系统功能紊乱 | Respiratory sstem dysfunction |
低位胃肠道功能紊乱 | Lower gastrointestinal tract dysfunction |
高位胃肠道功能紊乱 | Upper gastrointestinal tract dysfunction |
心血管系统功能紊乱 | Heart and cardiovascular system dysfunction |
躯体形式植物神经紊乱 | Somatoform autonomic dysfunction |
未分化躯体形式障碍 | Undifferentiated somatoform disorders |
特定的恐惧症 | Specific phobias |
躯体形式障碍 | Somatoform disorders |
其他或待分类的与文化相关的精神障碍 | Other or unspecified mental disorders related to culture |
巫术所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to qitchcraft |
气功所致精神障碍 | Mental disorders due to qigong |
与文化相关的精神障碍 | Mental disorders related to culture |
其他或待分类的应激相关障碍 | Other or unspecified stress-related disorders |
心境和品行混合性障碍为主的适应障碍 | Adjustment disorders with mixed disturbance of emotionsand conduct |
混合性焦虑抑郁反应 | Mixed anxiety and depressive reaction |
品行障碍为主的适应障碍 | Adjustment disorders with predominant disturbance of conduct |
其他恶劣情绪为主的适应障碍 | Adjustment disorders with disturbance of other emotions |
长期抑郁反应 | Prolonged depressive reaction |
中期抑郁反应 | Subprolonged depressive reaction |
短期抑郁反应 | Brief depressive reaction |
急性应激性精神病(急性反应性精神病) | Acute stress psychosis(acute reactive psychosis) |
见于童年和青少年的短暂的癔症性障碍 | Transient hysterical disorders occurring in childhood and adolescence |
其他或待分类癔症 | Other or unspecified hysteria |
混合性癔症躯体—精神障碍 | Mixed hysterical somatic-psychological disorders |
癔症性感觉障碍 | Hysterical sensory disorders |
癔症性抽搐发作 | Hysterical convulsions |
癔症性运动障碍 | Hysterical motor disorders |
癔症性躯体障碍 | Hysterical somatic disorders |
癔症性木僵 | Hysterical stupor |
癔症性附体障碍 | Hysterical possession disorders |
癔症性精神病 | Hysterical psychosis |
癔症性身份识别障碍 | Hysterical identity disorder |
癔症性漫游 | Hysterical fugue |
癔症性精神障碍 | Hysterical psychological disorders |
癔症、应激相关障碍、神经症 | Hysteria ,Stress-related disorders,Neurosis |
缓解期 | In remission |
慢性 | Chronic |
伴躯体症状 | With somatic symptoms |
意识障碍(如谵妄) | Disturbance of consciousness (e.g.delirium) |
其他或待分类的心境障碍 | Other or unspecified mood disorders |
其他或待分类的持续性心境障碍 | Other or unspecifide persistent mood disorders |
持续性心境障碍 | Persistent mood disorder |